Sometimes the solution is right in front of you.

bouncing back

sometimes the solution is right in front

of you

hi my name is i’ve always been

passionate about computers

about any geeky stuff and music as you

can see

my education i can study computer

science at university in paris and then

i went to boston college to learn

about marketing and then as it wasn’t


i went to law school doing audio visual

law and finished my studies at hcc paris

let me get back in time in year 2000 by


these are did not exist smartphone did

not exist

spotify didn’t exist youtube did not

exist and internet

well it was about the beginning by the

time i was working for warner music

and i was one of the first employees

doing digital music

and i worked with a great deal of

artists like madonna

the eagles you may not know about them

right and

may you may know this one i want to tell

you about my failures

and there were three big failures in my

career the first one was about mobile

phone ringtones

so in year 2004 this was a smartphone

it wasn’t very smart as you can see and

by the time

i started forewarner music to sell


and as an example this is a track from

madonna called

american pie and as you can hear in the

background this was the actual track

now i want you to listen to the what the

ringtone was

see very very different

at the same time this was a huge market

four billion dollars market the price of

a ringtone was

three times the price of an actual track

a single

i knew this market by heart i knew the


i knew the content i was a lawyer and a

tech guy

and i did not create my ringtone company

no i did stay

where i was at warning music this was my

first fail

then i went to streaming i moved from

moana music

to orange and by the time these are did

not exist tiktok did not exist

instagram did not exist smartphone did

not exist i

remember the iphone was 2007. youtube

did exist by the time though

i created a subsidiary of orange called


we were doing music streaming at the

time and

it was a great success in 2010

i sold wormy for the account of orange

to deezer

i’m sure you’re pretty familiar with

these are and these are

wormy but oh i just got a handshake

another failure so time for a break in

my career and my life

in short i worked in the music industry

i saw the digital revolution

i understood the innovations but hell

why did i miss so i went into analysis

and introspection how education

so went back as i told you studying at

hcc paris for an mba

i just needed to put my ids

right back in order then

i created my own startup so

the startup was called relive real life

was a software that could let

any artists record and sell the audio of

a show right at the end of a concert

it was great many artists did trust us

likes of vienna i’m sure you know

viennese amir

or kerenan they loved the concept we did

tons of tests with them

and i created this concept with a friend

i built it from ground up

even the technology and artists loved us


unfortunately record companies well they

stay record companies

so another failure that’s failure number


and now as i learned about the failures

went back to orange and took

the director position of a project by

the time that was called libon

libon is an operator within the operator

within orange it’s actually an operator

in the app

that is targeted to all the displaced

people around the world

and at orange i led lebon

because i led the project before it was

called wormy

i saw an opportunity this opportunity

was to buy out libon

i bought libon and now libon is

independent and i’m the ceo

and i saw this opportunity because i

missed the opportunity with the


i raised 2 million euros by the time to

create the company

and i raised it because i tried a lot to

raise the money

with relive and failed

today libon is a global mobile voice


hundreds of thousands of customers in

130 country

we have a great team of 35 people and a

great valuation

so i did

made mistakes and failure

is pretty okay only if you learn for

your mistakes

only if you learn from your mistakes and

i will end

this talk but by a quote from

a very well-known man steve jobs who


you cannot connect the dots looking

forward you can only connect them

looking backwards merci