The After Effect of Music



okay we all grew up

with music

we heard it in school

we listened to our parents old cassette


right does anyone here still know what

cassette tapes are

on the screen i think yeah

music we heard it in on

radio and old stereo

of our relatives right

and we heard our families belt out songs

on karaoke machines at every family


right as for me

i was like any other person who heard

the tune

while walking to school

it didn’t really matter it was

something from the background

all i could hear were collection of


period until

one day i heard my mom strumming


does anyone know or familiar with

okay maybe i can sing it with you or to


so this one





you know when something just


it all suddenly makes sense

and everything seems like it’s been put

into places before you right

for the first time

instead of just hearing music

i listened

as i continued to hear my mom’s playing

all i could think was how sweet

it was to listen

on one’s emotion or pureness

and drawness of one’s emotions

translated through music

right she began to sing

and as she sang

um that’s when i

understand why people cry

when a specific lyric is being sung

or a song right how it

enters through every crevice

and depth of one’s soul

right i knew that on

i wanted to sing

i wanted my voice to be like a caress

and a warm embrace

i wanted to hold on to that feeling

again and again this how my mom

brought me to that state when she sang

that song

there is no denying that music

has a strong influence to our

soul mind and body

right for many including myself

the after effect of music

brings you to the opposite end of the


for example after your class in the


you put your earphones on right

as you leave while waiting to

a jeep or a bus to arrive you’ve already

listened to a couple of songs

and then you decide to

shuffle the playlist and then boom

never mind of a song like you

someone like he plays adele

right or any specific song that could

really cut your hearts out

right we’ll listen to music

um we listen to music to satisfy

our soul at the moment

we’ve most felt it

right be it for the reason of heartaches

or be it

for the reason of happiness

right it’s amazing how music works

it brings you the surface

emotions that weren’t there to begin


right it’s also mind-blowing

how music can be a song of

heartaches the one and

a warm embrace to another

right one more

one more remarkable aspect about music

is that

it can be timeless to any individual

before i began um writing songs

or before i began singing i was


to music existed before or

existed from previous generation

to where i was born in

music doesn’t fade out

it evolves and stays to this day

right just

as picture hold on to a

memory of a moment

hold on to emotion of a moment

right this statement

i will use only because of how true it


if you’re looking for forever music

was one of them

i was probably 12 years old when i

started to write songs

does anyone here know

carol banawa


in my earliest memory these are the

artists i listened to

although growing up

i distinctly remember hearing

the carpenters and i could say to this

day that they are one of my biggest


if not the biggest but then

i was still young and unaware of my own


i wanted to make songs like theirs

and sing exactly like karen carpenters

right that was

that’s simple for me

um the point here is how much

impact music can be on a person

how it became a

medium for calming the senses

how it awakens emotions

and talent that were once

dormant right

music obviously was the avenue

to bring my dreams to life

what follows is the the after effect at

least for me

right as i mentioned earlier

um the world of music opened up to me

when i first heard my mom sing

but it’s been with me from the time

immemorial of my

existence it’s like

in my mother’s womb deep

in slumber with no care

or knowledge of what the world

offered outside came the knocking

of her voice as as she

sing or as she sang of

event events

experiences and

senses i had yet to discover

i didn’t know where nor how

but then i’m sure my being

felt the love reaching out its

hand for me told

simply by hearing the touch

of the foreign sound soon to be revealed

once i have been received by this world

as a baby is first

introduced to sound we cause and cries

and eventually learn to speak

just how music or evolution of sound

of music to me

through time music evolved

from noises translated itself

to me in melodies and words

um ultimately introducing itself to me

as emotion

and self-experiences

this was my uh this was my real

god our real um god story in music

these was the seed planted

in my being

i solely followed

the compass placed inside

that led that led me to this art form

you think that after that encounter with


it could just come naturally right

music surprising surprisingly

brings me to a desolate place

right a desolate place

but it was exactly what i needed

to grow as an artist

in the midst of desert i was planted

with no root or with no water

nothing oddly enough

that’s where the flow of the artistic


came to be

this to learn how to strive

in the most unexpected places

this gave me strength to persevere

and continue in this call

to begin solely in

my crash as i continue

on the creative process of my songs

i’ve come to the understanding that

by simply observing

by simply observing for

my surrounding was all i needed

to translate my message through music

you don’t need a terrible situation for

you to write

the greatest romantic tragedy in history

so you can connect to the audience or

you can connect your listener

so yeah sometimes

we need drama in life sometimes

we create an alternate reality in our


to imagine feel and experience

certain scenario

to match the emotion in a song or in

your art

one more remind one more reminder

or uh you should remember this

something that comes from you

is already in itself a masterpiece

out of the overflowing of the heart

comes forth you

so what is the after effect of music

to me or to me

what just came out of my my mouth


is what music has done to my life

i was given this um opportunity because

of music

this was one of its after effect

may you you you

found your after effect and music too

but it doesn’t just end there even

beyond music if you’re called

to something aside from this art form

may you found or may you find

you’re after after effect in that area


last thing last thing

you need to be open to the world

and notice the small details in life


that’s where i found

mine thank you