The Ausome Balloon Creator



i’m eddie and i’m going to start making

balloon hulk

the past year has certainly been a

challenging time for many

being outside of our regular comfort

zone it is easy to be anxious and


as a balloon artist with autism eddie

uses his

art pieces to connect with others he

doesn’t speak much but balloons help him

bond with people

and start conversations last summer

eddie used his skills to create

different essential workers

like health care workers and mail

carriers to say thank you

talk about eddie’s simple deed blew up

all of a sudden he was getting a lot of

media attention from local and national

news stations

everyone wanted to interview the balloon

artist that was thanking essential

workers in a very unique way

eddie’s story took off because what he

was doing

connected people in united communities

through a shared feeling of joy

eddie was asked during interviews what

do you like about making balloon art for


eddie just answered i like making people


balloon art brings people joy and his

balloon creations

have helped bring people together with a



all the little birds on jaybird street



the biggest





nice job good job


all day long


rock and rock




all the little birds on jay street



the big wings

really gonna run








he rocks in the treetops all day long



it’s done ready

what is it essential worker postman

okay good job buddy



love to hear the robin go tweet



the big



all day long



he rocks in the treetops all day long


all the little bears on zebra street





the robin good tweed


the big wings


a pretty little raven that’s the birdman


all day

on long street


he rocks in the









all the little birds
