The Rare Tune on the Banks of Tungabhadra


hello everyone i am ankurdinger from


and i am here to tell you about this

very unique and lesser known instrument

called the mouth heart join me on this

journey of exploring this crazy


and which sound intrigued me 10 years

ago on the bank of riverton padra

i was strolling on the bank of riverton

badr on a fine evening when i heard this

very mysteriously mellow

yet a dark sound the moment i heard that

sound hundreds of questions started

popping in my head

what was the sound where was it coming

from what was the instrument and where

can i get it

so a friend of mine from ahmedabad

nirmala he told me that

similar instrument was found in and

around rajasthan and it was called a


that was it that was the mouth heart and

my twist with the sound began there

i started exploring internet for all the

content which is available regarding the

mouth heart

and i stumbled across this festival

called world mouth heart festival of


which happens in goa and it’s my home

and i didn’t even know about it

that festival enabled me to meet lot of

renowned math artists and musicians

across the globe

i jammed with like-minded musicians from

russia berlin

nepal sri lanka europe hungary and goa

and lot of people around in india as


when i learned about this instrument it

was quite unknown especially in my


where nobody had heard the sound of this

so i introduced this instrument to them

and now almost everybody is familiar

with the melody of this sound

i would like to mention one particular

person who is behind

knowledge for me his name is neptune


he is the person who travels across the

globe collects the mouth hubs and sells

it in goa

he has a harp stall which is at saturday

night market

and it’s flooded with lot of hubs across

the world i frequently visit this stall

so here i have with me four different

kinds of hearts

this particular one is from rajasthan

it’s called mochang

and it’s made by mr bhupendra let’s see

how it sounds











so that’s how it sounds and you can

actually go ahead and explore the sound

mode by just using a simple technique

called a double tapping technique let’s

see how it sounds








so yeah that’s how it sounds

i have another harp here which comes all

the way from nepal

and it’s made by mr gorkharam this heart

has a high frequency sounds and it’s

mostly used for melodious plays

let’s see how it sounds are you

are i am






so that’s how it sounds

here i have another heart which comes

from republic of yakutiya

it’s in siberia and this particular one

is made by mr

ivan christopher this is a very

traditional half and it has traditional

ways of playing it

i’ll be showing you both the ways

traditional as well as the normal way

which i prefer to play


















so that’s a traditional play of playing


let’s see the normal way









so the last half which i have here is

made by mr lazarin and it’s from russia

let’s see how it sounds




thank you