The round table of song



welcome to the round table of song

a musical vision of unity


we live in a world full of both

great beauty and

deep suffering


my intention today

is to create a vision of a more peaceful

world for you

if only for a moment

music speaks in powerful and mysterious



it speaks to our hearts and fills in the


where words and intellect fall short

it is the universal language connecting


beyond nationalities and differences


music is a healing force

on the planet


as i play stringed instruments today

from around the world


i will share five keys

to human connection be in the now

see beyond words illuminate every day

see beyond differences ignite your



i invite you to envision a gathering

i invite you to envision the world

coming together today

the round table of song


as i play the spanish guitar

come settle into the now

soften your breath


good things come in life when we settle

enough to see them

calm your mind

calm your heart


slow your thoughts to a restful pace


be in the now


welcome and envision the people of


joining us at the round table of song







the mystical sound of the ood from the

middle east


the ood the grandfather of the guitar


why does the wonder of a night sky full

of stars

seem so familiar to us


it’s an experience beyond words that

reminds us

to take off the layerings

of our daily culture coat

and reconnect with our deeper being

remember your true nature

we are nature

born without language as wild as the



welcome and envision the people of the

middle east

and africa joining us

at the round table of song


the enchanted and scintillating

voice of the sitar

from india

it feels like a temple in my hands


illuminate every day

the key to emerging from our own


is to step outside of ourselves


and give a little something to someone



give a smile


something positive

a kind word



so many people are so closed off and



a simple gift can make those connections

within you

and around you stronger


envision with me now the people of india

and all of asia joining us

the round table of song









the light-hearted and magical voice of

the ron rocco

peru chile



see beyond our differences

see what binds us together as separate


that ring together


harmony honor and respect flower out

from within

finding agreements peace

and understanding

an intention to see beyond our


can only bring more love and human

connection to the world


i am seeing now

the people of south america joining us

at the round table of song




as i play the electric guitar from north


i would like to thank you for joining me

on this journey today

i’d like to leave you with one more key


to human connection

that is to offer your peace to the human



ignite your nature

we all have a uniqueness to offer

your face your fingerprint


your specific gift to the world

finding and sharing your signature gift

will allow you to create more joy and


for yourself and others


ignite your nature

envision now with me all the people of

north america

joining the world at the round

table of song


















