Nasas Moon to Mars Mission


my name is colin francois and this is my

tedx speech about nasa’s moon to mars


now ever since 1959 nasa has been


on a field that is less than a century

old space travel

nasa has already been to the moon but

intends to go back this time

with their sights set on mars now they

plan to first establish a lunar outpost

on the moon that they will use for many

reasons such as development and research

after nasa has a station up and running

they intend to use it as a

resource that can help nasa visit other

celestial bodies and develop practices

that will

better suit life on other planets

now i can run back to my childhood where

i would look up at the stars and just


how amazing it was the scope of our

galaxy and to think that the universe is


billions and trillions of times bigger

is insane to me and the fact that we’re

now getting our

essentially beginning to explore that is

amazing to me

now looking back to the early nineteen

hundreds a french director named george

miley’s had an early depiction of what

he thought golden moon would be like

in 1902 he made a short seinfeld card

called a trip to the moon

where french astronomers were launched

from a silver bullet into the moon

from a large catapult and actually

fought reptile-like

people on the moon and then came back

and presented to humans

now this might be a dramaticized early

interpretation of what would be like

but the fact that we can now actually go

there and establish a permanent base

just shows how 100 years ago it seemed

impossible and it was more of a fantasy


actual reality now the first step in

completing this endeavor will be

to organize delivery sources to the

lunar body and back from various united

states companies

transporting scientific equipment and

technologies a spaceship called the


will be instrumental in supporting human

missions to the service and to be used

in an extended period of time

gabriel will also have the capability to

give nasa access to much more of the

moon’s surface than ever before

and allow for both human and robotic

missions to the surface

nasa’s new powerful space launch system

rocket sls and their spacecraft orion

will be essential to construct the

gateway and transport astronauts to and

from earth

and the moon now the first flight of the

sls will be in 2020

it will be to test the new innovative

spacecraft systems

flying together for the first time

without crew and the second flight will

be manned

and is targeted for 2022 the mission

that will take astronauts

for a fly test around the moon the first

the third flight of the sls and iran

will be in the delivery process for new


parts for the missions flying nearly

once per year thereafter

sos will launch larger components for

the gateway on fights along with orion

and orion will be used as a vessel to

deliver those modules to the desired

orbit for assembly

now together orion sls and gateway

represent the core

of nasa’s new sustainable infrastructure

for human exploration

now the gateway will allow for multiple

month-long expeditions

to the moon and other bodies enabling

for exploration of new locations

throughout the moon the first part

of the gateway scheduled to take off on

a private rocket in 2022

and propel as well as bring

communications for the spaceship

after orbit is achieved will be tested

in space for around a year

nas will then launch astronauts in orion

on a space launch system rocket carrying

over two new modules for the gateway

that will add a living space

and write other various capabilities for

the astronauts

over time the gate will become a waste

station for the development of refueling


servicing platforms and a facility

capable of even processing

samples from the moon and other

sustained bodies in support of science

and commerce

and nasa will continue to work with

other companies in the space travel


to find ways to innovate and prepare to

combat the challenges of living in space

how to properly dispose of trash and

other challenges

faced when living in space now

considering the moon’s distance

sorry from the earth about 1 000 times

out of the international space station

these systems become increasingly

important in the even larger trip

to mars which is 34 million miles

now besides the logistics of the mission

it’s important that the informational

gains were so during the entirety

of the mission once we arrive on the

surface of the moon

we can look for natural resources that

we can use for further exploration and

even bring back to earth

and we can test samples and see if

there’s anything we haven’t previously


now once we get to mars that’s where the


informational gains will start to

benefit us as we know there’s evidence

that there was

water on mars in the north and south

poles and we’ll be able to visit those


and try to look for that evidence look

for possible water still there

and that means we’ll be very close to

looking for life

as water is the key to life anywhere

now exploring the moon to mars is

essentially a combined effort for nasa

to get their foot in the door and they


expanding universe there will be a

staging ground to test

and improve on new technologies

instruments and such

and perfect life support systems for the


to ensure their survival and cross

all future missions now after they

develop those practices and built the

outpost on the moon

it will of course become a place we use


all future lunar sorry celestial


now long periods on the gateway will

allow nasa to research long-term effects

of living on

in space on humans to eventually endure

the long trip to mars