How were helping local reporters turn important stories into national news Gangadhar Patil

I’m a journalist.

And I know how frustrating it gets

when most of your stories go unnoticed.

I felt it when I worked
as a local reporter

in my hometown Belgaum, in India.

I thought maybe joining
a national newspaper would help.

So I went through professional training

and worked with India’s
three national newspapers.

During my five-year stint,
I used to travel for my stories.

It was in early 2012

I traveled 1,000 miles from Mumbai
to a coastal village in south India.

I was there to do a story

on environmental risk
of a nuclear power plant.

When I spoke to a local activist,

he said the story of hundreds of villagers
protesting against a nuclear power plant

was reported by local media

six months before
national TV channels picked it up.

I had similar experiences
when I traveled for other stories.

It confirmed my belief
that a local reporter knows a story

much before it is picked up
by national media.

But like me, they did not
have a platform to share them.

According to a 2011 media study,

only two percent of India’s
mainstream media coverage

is about rural issues.

Even though almost 70 percent
of India’s population,

1.3 billion population, live in villages.

This is disturbing for a democratic
country like India,

where transparency is key to ensure
justice to everyone, especially the poor.

I was convinced that there’s a need
to build a platform

to bring out this important story
at the national level.

So I quit my job with
“Economic Times” in December 2014.

For the next six months, I freelanced

and also built a database
of 20,000 local reporters across India.

During that time,

I saw editors who were looking
for more and more contributors

as news organizations cut down cost

by getting rid of hundreds
of full-time reporters.

I saw an opportunity
to highlight these important stories

if I can train these local reporters

and connect them
with the mainstream media.

And that is exactly what we are doing.

Our tech platform, for the first time,
discovers a local reporter,

grooms them,

and helps them write for national
and international publications.

A team of experienced editors
works closely with these local reporters

on each and every story filed by them.

This process not only helps the local
reporters learn reporting skills

but also gives credibility
to their stories.

In June 2017,

one of our local reporters,
Saurabh Sharma,

won an international award
from the European Commission

for his story on the hardships
faced by young girls living on the street.

We’re also trying to correct market
for these local reporters,

by paying them three times more
than the existing rates.

Better pay and recognition
is giving them confidence

to dig deeper and expose corruption
in the system and society.

We recently reported a story
from Northeast India

where children have to cross a river
in a huge cooking pot,

risking their life every day,

because there’s no bridge,
there’s no boat.

The story was picked up
by mainstream media

and it caught the attention
of a local elected representative

who promised to build a bridge.

In the last three years of our operations,

we have reported
more than 2,500 such stories.

To publish them
for a wider reach and impact,

we have partnered
with 16 leading media houses,

who are happy to take them,

as it brings their cost down,
by not editing or managing reporters.

Today, we have more
than 1,200 reporters in our network,

covering stories
like the nuclear power plant,

from places that are either ignored
by mainstream media

or never covered.

In the next five years,

we plan to have one reporter in each
of the 5,500 subdistricts in India,

covering the entire nation,

to ensure that none
of these important stories go unnoticed.

Next time you see
a story from the countryside,

please do not ignore it.

Do read and share them,
they might be breaking stories.

This way, we can ensure

none of the important
stories go unnoticed.

Thank you.
