Verses of Nature Khilafah on Earth

Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessing.

Rainy seasons like this time is my happiest moment during my childhood

The river behind our home,

In Kumai, Central Kalimantan

is usually flooded.

In that river, I used to saw rainbow fish

and I used to catch Seluang fish.

After a light rain,

when I was a little boy, I could saw red monkeys in the forest behind
of my house.

Presbytis Rubicunda

Now these monkeys,


International Union for Conservation of Nature

is c ategorized as critically endangered.

One level before extinct in nature.

Also, I couldn’t find anymore bird that come down (to the river),

nor I could found any rainbow fish in the river.

I can’t neither find the red monkeys.

Maybe they were forced to go elsewhere or came to extinction.

We should remember,

that this universe is verses of God

or Kauniyah (God creation) verses.

God says in Quran

I seek refuge in God from satan the outcast

In the name of God the most gracious, the most merciful.

Most surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth

and the alternation fo the night and day there
are signs for men who understand.

Most surely in the creation of heaven and earth

and the alternation fo the night and day there
are signs for men who understand.

If the nature were damaged, this mean that God verses are broken.

Even these verses could be extinct.

Why isn’t there any protest from the Muslims
when these verses became extinct?

On the other hand, if there’s even only a single letter missing
from the textual verses or kauliyah verses

I’m sure we would all be angry.

In the last 50 years,

God’s creation has changed drastically.

Some are already extinct.

In 2019,

IPBES: Intergovermental Science-Policy
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

released a report that cited 15000 documents

They are 145 prominent scientist

and they come from 50 different countries.

The report stated that, 1 million species

flora and fauna on earth in last 50 years have become endagered.

This changed caused by the rapid land clearing.


and pollution toward the environment.

Because of how human manage the nature for the last 50 years,

where human depends on this enviroment,

they make a living,

need water, natural resources
as a capital for their business.

Human cut down the trees,

destroy the forest, exploiting the ocean.

where actually forest and ocean have a regulatory function for climate:
to absorb the carbon dioxide.

That is a very important function to
prevent the climate change and global warming.

In the Hadist inside the book Riyadhus Shalihin
(the meadow of the righteous) by Imam Nawawi

Part commanding the good and forbidding the bad deeds.

a Prophet PBUH companion told from Nu’man bin Bashir

and told, Prophet Muhammad PBUH say,
that a bad deed is like people that taking a lottery inside a ship.

at the end some of them will be on the upper deck and
some of them will be in the lower part of the ship.

Those who were in the lower part, when they want to take water,
they must pass the people in the upper deck.

and they said, what if we create a hole so we
wont bother the people on top anymore?

If the people in the upper level let the people in the bottom to follow
their intention to make a hole in the ship,

everyone will perish.

But if people at the top forbid
people in the bottom to do such thing,

they all will be safe and all the passanger will be safe as well.

Hadist by Imam Bukhari

Developed countries should transfer their technology
and share their knowledge to the developing nations.

so there can be justice.

Those who have should help those who don’t have.

This effort is one of the way we could
warn each other to stop the damage.

Stop the hand that shouldn’t be damaging.

that’s why we should restrain those
who wants to make a hole in our ship.

There are three things that Muslims could do
in the act of saving the earth

First, to understand that there’s a spiritual connection

Earth is a mandate,
and human is the leader who given the mandate by God.

Second, we have to understand that scientifically,
there’s a damage happening in this very moment

and we have to participate in restoration.


we have to change, we have to share,
we need to be changing collectively

or individually

we need to do a collective action.

as a society or as a nation.

God say in surah Ar-Rahman verses 7 and 8

And the heaven, He raised it high

and He made the balance

That you may not be inordinate in respect of the measure.