Nature and the indoor generation


are the indoor generation

we spent 90 percent over time

indoors and we have

gone inside and we have locked the door

and made lack of nature be the normal

condition and in this setting

we are sitting you know like that

with the screen in front of us all day

and even in the night when they come


by the television

we are not made for that kind of life

we are designed all of us

every part of me is designed for be out

in the nature

and do you know i have

a solution here it is is a

skoglyft wall schoolglyph is a norwegian

word for

forest air or forest atmosphere

and it takes nature back to

indore life it contains

20 plants this kind of plant we use

in this google field because it’s


very very fast and it more a plant grows

better it benefits you and

it contains race and a very important


daylight people and plants

needs daylight we are made for

daylight outside and

we have a good effect of light air


if daylight reflected from plants

to you aha try that

you give a lot of stimuli

and what a loveless when you got in this

light so in the next generation of

lighting inside

there will be daylight reflected

from from schoolglooftwall to

us inside okay

so this one

is very easy to install

it it’s a four

trays here you just put the plant into

and put it on the wall and

to maintain it’s very very easy

because you had to succeed

with this plant fold you had to succeed

that the plant is still alive and


after 10 years and it’s possible here

if you like that

so what you know about these things

a lot you see uh 20 years ago

i get the opportunity to study

the benefit between nature

and human being and and

30 years ago 30 years ago we didn’t know


all what kind of effects or benefits

is between plant and nature

so the first of all i contact nasa

in 85 and our nasa is going to have

people up to space and i wonder

is it possible for people to go into a


for years without contact

with nature this

data i got from nasa it was not possible

for me for is a

quite different thing to go into a


or a room for people but

in 94 you see i met professor toby field

where by the university of life science

in norway

and she started a huge project

to study this plant how these plants

benefit people and then we know today

every morning when i wake up

i go i keep a big cup of coffee you see

sitting there see the sunlight coming in

and i go to my plant wall

and hold it like that

for some seconds

and then i start the day

what did this plant give to me

is that i get in contact with myself

and i do that every morning and i got

the life

of the plant inside me

so in the future there will

i think in 10 years when you build new


you build for plants

and my mission is to give

plants nature to people

indoor welcome to the future
