The News


it is obscene

the way white fragility plagues black

people to death

we die black in custody black

in the er black in the or black in

labor black driving black jogging

black with a degree black in a hoodie

black in a suit black at the wrong

door black at the wrong party black at

the wrong

school black with no bail black with no


black and autistic black with covid

black and gay black and trans

black with heads bowed in prayer to a

god who can’t click

over ironic a triune without three-way

dyed black and pretty

black and too smart for our own good

equal smarter than you

dyed black with our hands up

backs turned on our feet on our knees

with your knees

on our necks begging to breathe dyed


and sleeping in her bed

be grateful you aren’t

burning yet all my poems

are about this fire every five o’clock

hour we are bathed in the blood of


every network needs its pound of flesh

i’ve stopped watching the news

turned off the tv shield our eyes from

the pain

we skim the morning papers my daughters

are old enough to read between the lines

they are

armed with dangerous questions

where was the last one will the next one


closer will you die will i die

are we safe i want to tell them

that children don’t die villains do not

harm the innocent you

are the innocent no one dies in cartoons

our life is a cartoon

guns pointed at babies shoot confetti

and flags to say bang no bullets

no wounds no perpetually rocking

empty arms no fractured fathers riddled

with grief

i want to tell them that we live happily

ever after

death has no sting the end will never

come for us

tomorrow is promised we always

live to fight another day we

are invincible

but i can’t so i tell them

we are phoenix

rise from ashes middle passage nat


kill mass of free huey black panther


lineage of black wall street idol


born of choctaw warrior we

cut heads

you are because i am and i am

because they were the stuff of legend

our ancestors built this civilization

do not fear it mother does not fear


i gave birth to you can take you out if

i have to

we gave birth to this world can take it


if we have to rest easy

daughters if they come for us

your mama is always

