Journey of Indias 1st Miss Scuba Intl 2016 Ocean Ambassador



your existence into this world

is with a purpose and to perceive the


of your existence is the defiance

of mankind but when you vanquish

this defines you

explore the unexplored

as a child my nice self never knew

that the tumblr was hot unless

i touched and felt it

as the chapters of life unfolded the


crept in as i rejoiced

the victories in my life

so did i face defeats

but for me the light was always visible

at the other end of the tunnel

and that light guided me

to pave my way to put my best foot


with an untiring will to explore

i went on to explore the unfathomable

depth of sea by competing

in an international pageant after

facing 17 defeats back home

to be or not to be what’s the question

but as karma decides i took the plunge

to explore from being a girl next

door to becoming miss cuba international

this curvature title gave a new purpose

to my mission and i was extremely


that i became the first indian

to ever win this prestigious title

and create history for my country

india this is where

i realized what it feels

to know the purpose of your existence

and concur it i was thrilled

this title also paved my way

of becoming the ocean ambassador

because the pageant serves for the


of saving oceans through beauty

after winning the title i got


to travel around the world to attend

learn and explore diverse dive expos

and conferences meet people all over the


interacting with them inclining me

completely to the world underwater

on this note i would like to share

a small incident that actually happened

during one of my trips

so it was in australia

when i was trolling with my father

in the keynes market while walking

i suddenly realized i was not carrying

the charging cable of my gopro

and i knew i needed it because i had my

dive tomorrow

and that too in one of my dream type


the great barrier reef

but i couldn’t ask my father that i

needed the cable

because i was not carrying any cash with


so i got worried

my dad looked at me he knew something

was bothering me

he asked me is there something that you

want to

convey to me you look worried

i hesitated a bit then i told him

that dad i actually forgot the charging

cable of my gopro

and i would be needing it for my dive


but as fathers are he didn’t take a

second to think twice

he knew there was only three to four

minutes left

for the last bus to arrive still

he ran into the market i ran along with


we got the cable and trust me

that incident was a blessing in disguise

because it gave birth to my very first


a short movie called

the voice of ocean

it was one of the best dives and the


from the dive contributed greatly to my

short movie

this whole incident i call as the 10

dive because the cable costed me 10

whenever i go for a dive i realize that

climate change

is a harsh reality and is actually


though i’m a climate leader i did my


in environment science but i always had

the theoretical knowledge and experience

above the land after winning this title

i got the opportunity to dive

and when given this opportunity trust me

the world under water is surreal and

absolutely magical you are made to


that it’s a parallel universe out there

that you can only experience

when you dive

this is when we realize how the marine


is struggling for their survival

how they defy coral bleaching

trafficking their way out

through the plastic world that is

invading into their space

i wonder is it only fair

that they are struggling to breed in

their own environment

while diving i also witnessed a lot of

plastic around

the way the fishes were actually


to feed on bleached corals and

the catastrophe of climate change


as miss cuba international and ocean


it’s my duty to create awareness

what i saw during my dive coral


actually touched my heart the way the

marine life

is struggling for their survival there

is actually a very funny thing that

keeps coming to my mind sometimes

when i’m diving that the way we have a

community of people

working towards saving the environment

and conserving our oceans

but yet there are few who are still

damaging it

soon the marine life will form a

community or might have their own


in maybe five to ten years time that

they start discussing

what to do that the humans understand

that their actions

are actually troubling us they are


in a way that we are struggling to


in our own environment so it’s kind of a

funny thing that keeps coming into my


but that is actually what’s going to

happen if we don’t take the


so if you don’t act responsibly

then nature will one of my major concern

is global warming due to global warming

the water temperatures have risen


which contributes to coral bleaching

as facts suggest the longest recorded

global bleaching event occurred during


to 2016 and that event

killed corals in an unprecedented scale

the bleaching of corals in the great

barrier reef

killed almost 29 to 50 percent

of corals

most of us wonder why do we need coral


coral reefs are extremely important

because they protect the coastlines from


and erosion they provide jobs to the

local communities

they also offer opportunity for


coral reefs are a great source of new


and food and over half a billion of


depend on reefs for their income

protection and food

we need to protect the coral reefs we

need to save

our oceans also

having said that one of the most

dramatic effects

of global warming is the melting


this means that less of heat is

reflected by the polar caps

and more of heat is absorbed by oceans

this gives rise to the sea level

because the temperature is rising

we know that more than 50 percent of the


have settled near water bodies that are


to the oceans especially countries like


and bangladesh low-lying

areas are in great threat

so we need to act faster to protect

and save the environment and conserve

our oceans oceans are extremely

important as they play a fundamental


in supporting life on earth by


our climate and the air that we breathe

majority of the world’s oxygen is


by oceans and they do so

by storing and transporting

a huge amount of water heat

and greenhouse gases our oceans

have two types of currents the warm


and the coal currents which are


for regulating climate change

similarly oceans also absorb

50 times more carbon dioxide

than our atmosphere

the reason i share all this with you


because i want you to realize how

important our oceans are

for our brighter future and our survival

though in the past two to three years i

have seen

people changing their attitude towards

the environment

they are doing their bit to protect it

not throwing the plastic in the ocean


yet we need to stand together

and fight to save

our future we need to act

faster because the time is now

i would want to share a thought of my


as we may believe reasons

to live are many and deep down

we may find the objectives

but when in life you feel blind

rise up to the sun and say to yourself

i am still alive

this particular thought i shared so that

it gives the hope

that we can still work on it and have a


and greener planet because we know this

is the only place

we call home and there is no planet b

doing your bit is a huge contribution

towards the environment you can practice

sustainable living

you can reuse the plastic you can also

make use

of the runoff that’s from the air

conditioned at home

offices or the aqua guard

these are things that are doable in your

day-to-day life

so whenever possible create that


help out each other discuss what is the

need of the hour

because trust me your actions

today will not only create a wave

but will bring a revolution

thank you