The nurdles quest for ocean domination Kim Preshoff

Meet the nurdles.

They may be tiny, look harmless,
and sound like a bunch of cartoon characters,

but don’t be fooled.

These little guys are plotting
ocean domination.

Nurdles are some of the planet’s
most pervasive pollutants,

found in lakes, rivers, and oceans
across the globe.

The tiny factory-made pellets
form the raw material

for every plastic product we use.

And each year,
billions of pounds of nurdles

are produced, melted, and molded

into toys, bottles, buttons, bags,
pens, shoes, toothbrushes, and beads.

They are everywhere.

And they come in many guises,
multi-colored and many-shaped,

they range in size from
just a few millimeters to mere specks

that are only visible
through a microscope.

But their real advantage
in the quest for ocean domination

is their incredible endurance,
which allows them to persist

in an environment for generations
because their artificial makeup

makes them unable to biodegrade.

So, just as long as they don’t get
into the environment,

we have nothing to worry about, right?

The problem is nurdles have a
crafty way of doing exactly this.

Produced in several countries
and shipped to plastic manufacturing plants

the world over,
nurdles often escape

during the production process,
carried by runoff to the coast

or during shipping when they’re
mistakenly tipped into the waves.

Once in the water,
nurdles are swiftly carried by currents,

ultimately winding up
in huge circulating ocean systems

called gyres, where they convene
to plan their tactics.

The Earth has five gyres
that act as gathering points,

but the headquarters
of nurdle ocean domination

are in the Pacific Ocean,
where the comparative enormity of the gyre

and the resulting concentration
of pollution

is so huge that it’s known as
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Here, nurdles have good company.

This gyre draws in
all kinds of pollution,

but because they don’t biodegrade,
plastics dominate,

and they come from other sources
besides nurdles, too.

You know those tiny beads you see
in your face wash or your toothpaste?

They’re often made of plastic,
and after you flush them down the drain,

some also end up
in this giant garbage patch,

much to the delight of the nurdles,
building up their plastic army there.

And then there are the large pieces
of unrecycled plastic litter,

like bottles and carrier bags,
transported by runoff from land to sea.

Over time, these plastic chunks
turn into a kind of nurdle, too,

but one that’s been worn down
by the elements, not made in a factory.

And as if they weren’t
threatening enough,

the rough, pitted surfaces
of these microplastics,

the name we give to all
those collective plastic bits,

water-born chemicals stick,
or adhere, to them,

making them toxic.

This gathering has grown so immense
that the oceanic garbage patch can shift

from around the size of Texas
to something the size of the United States.

But while this toxic tornado
is circulating,

the birds, fish, filter feeders,
whales, and crustaceans around it

are just going about their daily business,
which means they’re looking for food.

Unfortunately for them,
tiny bits of floating plastic

look a lot like fish eggs
and other enticing bits of food.

But once ingested,
microplastics have

a very different and terrible habit
of sticking around.

Inside an animal’s stomach,
they not only damage its health

with a cocktail of toxins they carry
but can also lead to starvation

because although nurdles may be ingested,
they’re never digested,

tricking an animal into feeling
like it’s continually full

and leading to its eventual death.

When one organism consumes another,
microplastics and their toxins

are then passed up through the food chain.

And that’s how, bit by bit,
nurdles accomplish their goal,

growing ever more pervasive
as they wipe out marine life

and reshape the ocean’s ecosystems.

So, how to break this cycle?

The best solution would be to take
plastics out of the equation altogether.

That’ll take a lot of time
but requires only small collective changes,

like more recycling,
replacing plastics with paper and glass,

and ditching that toothpaste
with the microbeads.

If we accomplish these things,
perhaps over time

fewer and fewer nurdles will turn up
at that giant garbage patch,

their army of plastics will grow weaker,

and they’ll surrender the ocean
to its true keepers once more.