Planimeters We Made with Arduino

hello ladies and gentlemen

i’m che junso i’ll talk about our steam


the topic is a study on improvement and


use of measurement devices using

green theory let’s start

i think you learned how to measure the

area of

triangle or square or any other

simple shapes but how about

this shape can you measure the area of


maybe you can but i think it’s going to

take a long time

so i’m going to introduce you about 20


i think you didn’t heard about this


so i’ll introduce you about it


is a tool to measure an area it can


any shapes but it needs a huge accuracy

so it is really expensive you can see


so let’s say your wallpaper is ripped a

little bit

like this picture so you want to measure

the area of it

so you have to buy a 20 meter by almost

1 million dollars do you want to

i think you don’t want to so we

we decided to make it by arduino

arduino is very cheap computer chip

so we will make it cheaper and efficient

okay the main idea of the planet meter

is green theorem it makes

much easier to integral and calculate

the area

but let’s skip complicated things


i think you’re going to take an hour to

explain it so

okay we made

three planimeters and first one is

linear planimeter

we made a prototype you can see here

by lego and we

improved this material by metal

and first prototype had a big error but

improved model

had only five percent error

we wanted to compare this error with

graph paper

so we made an algorithm which calculates

area with graph paper

we used pick’s law to calculate the area

so we finally found out the error of

this is similar with

five millimeter times five millimeter

graph paper

and second one is hatchet planimeter

the name of it is hatchet plan emitter

because the

original version of it is made by


so we decided to make it biofuel because

hatchet is a little bit dangerous so

okay we made

so as you can see here there are two


the first one is made by two laser


and second type is made by only one

gyro sensor we tried many lengths

and many times but always the error was

very big

so the error is because of

this red area as you can see in this


red area always changes so it makes

theoretical error so we finally decided

to make

our own new plenty meter

and we succeed as you can see in this


we challenged a new thing it is designed

to extend the length

so we measure the area twenty times

with this plane meter and the error was

the best

it was only three percent okay

now is the conclusion we made

three planet meters we made 3

centimeters by arduino

and linear planimeter and our new plan


was very successful so

we will commercialize these things in

the future maybe

and we can make these 20 meters by only

40 dollars so i think we can

earn some money maybe okay thank you for

listening my presentation