How oppression thrives globally


the human beings

live in the world of interesting


they cohabit the space with other human

beings but also

flora and fauna we also

rely on each other for survival and


on what side of the curve you belong to

you’re also

harassing or pressing and eventually

trying to eliminate the other from your


if you are part of a safari of a jungle

probably then you are a weakest human


if there is a wild animal staring at you


if you are in a metro cities or urban


with your own technological advances

maybe you are a threat to the rest

and same goes with nature that cohabits


if it goes out of control then we face

the wrath

through its cyclonic as well as


that the humans are unable to control

growing up

as a child we have been always curious


we might have asked our parents one in

our life why are

things the way they are when we stay up

into the sky the blue blanket

must have inspired us then the running

moon through the clouds

must have also created a curiosity in

our mind

then when we looked into the soil the


the mushiness and then when we went to

the sea

we marveled at the waves we were so

curious at child

that we didn’t stop asking questions

we looked at the sun sinking into the


but also we were awake to see the sun

rise early in the morning each of its

ambiance the silhouette it created

created much of interesting

questions in our mind and so when we

asked our parents

why are certain people the way they are

mother why is there a beggar on the


mom why the maid cannot send her child

to the same school that i go

mom why is the driver uncle or

why is our servant unable to do the same

things that we

are able to our parents must have given

interesting responses depending on

what side of the curve they belong to

many a times unable to answer the

contradictions of society that we

currently inhabit they might have just

shut us down by saying

this is the way how things have been but

that might have left us a huge void

a gap in our mind as to why things exist

and you must have gone on to your own


of finding out what exactly is happening

did our parents tell us about

a structure that is existing to harass

and eventually control us it is the


of oppression oppression is across the


it has different names it has different

shapes it has different sizes

and of course it has evolved into a new

lingua you and me when we have

a conversation as human beings we


on the principles of mutualities which

are respect

dignity justice and equality

these are uncompromising principles and

unwritten laws that we have established

between us human beings but what happens

when there is no equality when there is

no space

for justice when there is no occasion to


a dignity and there is no norm to


the respectability of the other person

that is a system that is culturally


and historically inspired that is


oppression is something very personal

very local as well as it is impersonal

and international and school depending


what side of the prism you are looking


and looking through you will be able to


the notions the norms as well as the

designations of oppression

you might be a person belonging into a


where you are oppressed by your own


by your own class by your own gender by

your own sexuality

by your own preferences of religion and

so forth

however your identity as an oppressed


might not really reflect in other

society but you might be in a majority

so essentially the paradox of oppression

exist within a political democratic


of majoritarian versus minoritarian

however majoritarian not necessarily

as a majority of a group of people with


as a culture majority as a hegemonic


and minority as a space of non-existence

for example if you are a muslim

in a country that is majority non-muslim

you are a minority and you might be an


subject in that space however if you are

a country

dominated predominantly muslim then the

non-muslim population

could be the subject of oppression


has various ways to find into our own


into our own attitudes and into our own

personal relationship often times it

transcends into our own houses where

oppression just becomes

a language for us to establish a certain

supremacy now if we think about

oppressions and the oppressed subjects

what does it take

what does it make and why would it do

the oppression to survive what does it


it takes two subjects and two objects

always interrelating with each other

there has to be one who is an oppressor

and there has to be two who is oppressed

but then

for oppression and for the oppressed

to have a conversation with each other

there has to be a system

where oppressor establishes the rules

and the oppressed has to follow if


refuses to follow then starts the


of pounding on much more layered


for example we are living in a country


a person is belonging to a dominant

let’s say color

cast or the race if you

are a black person in america you are

the lowest

in the chain of human existence be it

education be it health sector be it


of education and as well as the field

of where you go to schools from

primary from higher education

to the status of you getting job

you are still oppressed because the

system of oppression is predicated

on exclusion oppression requires

a mandate of exclusion and violence

african-american people in america

remain oppressed

irrespective of their status in the


irrespective of them being billionaires

or also

them being for example lying on the

streets as homeless people

you for example go to africa and then

there exist

a continent of black people yet

oppression exists

let me take you to nigeria for example

in ibu land

there are a group of people called ohu

and also

education rate amongst these people like


be its primary or higher education or

the experience of this

is almost complementary yet

this group was sinned this group was

considered impure

and they were banished from the cotydian

mainstream society

the ovu and usu were oppressed by the


over several centuries they

grouped together the outcast ohu and osu

and formed an interpersonal economy of

each other they

supported each other and became

relatively economically prosperous

yet because of their economic status

they could get education and job

still in an oppressive society they are

considered low bond

because of their low bond status they

cannot marry into other

caste groups which are not uh non usu

and that invites oppression

similar forms of oppression can be seen

across the board

oppressed people are known by various


in mauritania they might be known as


in mali they might be known as bella in


they might be known as water in senegal

they might be known as nino

in europe they might be known as roma

and sinti in france they might be known

as kago

in india they might be known as dalits

or tribals or adivasis

in australia they might be known as the

indigenous people

in new zealand they might be known as

maori in canada

they might be known as first nations in

across the world wherever you go

in japan where they might be known as


they are subjects who are oppressed

oppression exists

within the framework of governmentality


the state recognizes certain forms of


and discards certain forms in 2001

the world conference against racism


a conversation on related forms of


and discriminations where to very much

similar to racism

in durban a newly country south africa

hosted world people governments as well

as non-government bodies

to contest and appeal for the human

rights of their people

oppression requires state support

the governments recognized certain forms

of oppression

be it color be it race and be

other forms of discrimination that were

recognized in the global context

however majority of the oppressions


the one coming from the illusions

of caste the

derogatory forms of discrimination based

on decent

were discarded here what we see is

oppression is

recognized yet it is not recognized

government chooses what forms of

oppression to notice

and what form oppression to reject now

the government doesn’t

recognize immediately or had not just

woke up out of a sleep

to realize that race was a problem it


sacrifices of several generations and so


petitions and blood that has been shed

on the streets

that gave rise to the recognition of

color-based black oppression

in the world similarly the people who

are oppressed by their sexuality

by their lobby and persistent effort


undergoing the humiliations and


have now recognized a space

where state acknowledges the existence

of sexual minorities and also creates


for their protection welfare similarly

there are many forms of group across the


that have just mentioned who have not

been had

registers of notice they have been

buried under the

broader hegemonic identities of

oppression the way

the state wants us to that’s why today

we do not have

a space for caste based oppression

that harasses close to 820 million


across the world of them 300 million

former untouchables and 200 million of


considered as indigenous and and numeric


in indian context itself let me tell you

how oppression is

impersonal as well it becomes public

there is very little gap

if i am insecure about a space

if i’m insecure about the person i will

utilize the resources at my disposal

to harass other person so the person

doesn’t get recognized

and doesn’t receive the dignity they


i utilize the candles of prejudice

stereotype and as well as

historical notions of putting down other


it doesn’t take much for me to oppress


oppression is as simple as

calling someone’s name and

oppression can be channeled without

much state or structural support you can

still be oppressive

however when we want to enact oppression

on a

on a scalar much bigger than a personal


we require support of a structure that

is supported by

a policies of capitalism

and as well as structures of historical


depending on the societies you come from

let’s call in this case cast

in hatress in india september 2020

a young woman and a mother who are

landless laborers

go into the field to do their job the


waits for her daughter because she loses

her sight after some time she’d noticed

that the daughter is not around

19 year old daughter is not in her sight

she goes looking for her she calls her

name there’s no response then some

kids come and tell her that they found

her daughter lying on the street

this daughter is barely breathing she is


to her life mother sees her daughter

in such a disgusting space she tries to

cover her her private part

and tries to call out for help the


and family take the take the daughter to

hospital the police

registers a case and then there is a

refusal to acknowledge that there was a

case of

sexual assault and rape four men

raped this talit woman of 19 year old

after fighting for her life two weeks


this 19 year old the little man dies

after her death the parents are not

allowed to see her

order the post-mortem report is not

allowed the examination

of that body is not allowed autopsy

the report of that is not disclosed

this is the ritual within the hinduism

where one doesn’t

burn the pyre in the night voiding

any form of laws codes and moralities

within religious codes

the body of the 19 year old landless


the little woman was burnt without their



this oppression starts with a personal


to becoming a impersonal public appeal

where after this incident irrespective

of whatever caste one belongs to a

rupert belongs to

the humanity should descend to unite

about for such kind of existence such

kind of oppressions existing amidst us

yet the people from the dominant caste

were accused of rape

form a council to protest

against arrest of their four

men what we see is

oppression can exist on each

level but what it takes is an

entire mass of group to validate that

and if it gets validated it becomes law

today much of the fight against


is predicated on historical mischievous


which are legitimized and eventually

finding its space into legislations

as something normal people fighting


oppression across the world are fighting

against poverty are fighting for dignity

fighting for justice fighting for


are fighting for opportunity and are


for fair existence the forces

who do not want to give all of this to


other oppressors and that is why


though exists locally in different


it is connected globally because it is a

concern of human

with other human
