Is Casual Bullying a Pandemic

have you been a bully

maybe just maybe i might have i suspect

that we may have all been bullies at

some moment in time

you don’t think it’s you a bully is

someone else

you may be unaware but truthfully and i

feel some real shame about this

i’ve called the phone company fully

intending to give them a piece of my

mind absolutely off my head angry about

the lack of service massive mistakes on

the billings them not doing what they

said they would i just felt that it was

my opportunity to get what was bugging

me off my chest

and maybe just maybe i was getting more

off my chest than the phone company was

responsible for you know life’s tough

sometimes not more so for us than the

last two years in the global pandemic

and you know there’s always something

the kids won’t get ready for school

they couldn’t find their favorite shoes

i fell over the dog some idiot cut me

off in traffic on the way to work i left

my lunch at home i hate my job and the

boss is on my back about everything

you know how it goes

it’s out of your control

everything seems to be working against

you and then

it’s time to push back and so you lose


have you called your phone company

lately to complain harshly about your

service or bill

i’ve done it yelling down the phone line

truthfully i am embarrassed and as i

should be

you feel better for a beat it’s like

fairy floss though you get a big hit of

sugar and then you feel lousy and

justified it’s not your fault janine

we’ve all been through some really harsh

times and self-reflection and


is it enough to start to move the needle

on reducing casual bullying

i fear not

please don’t disregard your feelings

take a good look at what’s happening

when i actually faced my shame i found

that according to asap the artificial

intelligence technology company in their

report cx the human factor as many as 81

of people on the phones in call centers

have experienced some

kind of customer abuse 81 that’s four

out of five workers

are you shaking your head

let me tell you that when i read that

statistic i certainly was

i thought who’s doing this stuff


obviously it’s ordinary people like me

and you

so thinking into this casual bullying

pandemic it’s not how you feel about

what you say and do

it’s about how what you say and do is

received by the person on the receiving

end of it the incidence of casual

bullying doesn’t stop there

hands up

if you’ve commented on social media

thrown out a quick quip

showing little respect for other

people’s actions and opinions what they

say and do

the problem is big

so big in fact that facebook brought out

policies for their communities on how to

handle harassment and bullying

what seems a little off to me though is

that facebook’s terms of service don’t

align with a nominee but don’t allow

fake names but nor do they have

validation processes for users when

they’re creating an account

so you can be belligerent when you are a

fake faceless nameless person

you cannot ignore the problem of casual


this change will make a difference in

the world we live in and it’s a kindness

to our future to respond responsibly

in 2021 facebook came out for the first

time to state that the company had

removed 9.2 million pieces of content

for breaking the bullying and harassment


they also recognized bullying and

harassment content was seen

14 or 15 times per every 10 000 views on


facebook’s said to have 1.79 billion

users daily now i’m no mathematician but

that seems like a lot of people

teenagers kids exposed to casual

bullying and harassment

i believe social media companies should

be doing more to tackle

cyber bullying on their platforms and

casual bullying is shifting from name

crawling in the playground to 24 7

online trolling

and while there’s greater awareness of

casual bullying and the consequences of

it corporations are trying to improve

company cultures and corporate social

responsibility but i question whether

the good companies are doing it anyway

and not fixing the bad companies in

other words businesses that need it

don’t want it and businesses that want

it don’t need it

are our intolerance and lack of respect

bullying is casual bullying the gateway

to senseless violence and hatred

way back in 2003 the world health

organization talked about protecting

workers from stress

and after nearly two decades casual

bullying today remains in our society so

what have we learned bullied people

perpetuate bullying so please if you see

something say something report it accept

its time to change and together

destabilize this norm and reduce

aggressive and violent behaviors in the

world today

how does our intolerance or disrespect

impact not just the receiver but others


your children your family your household

your work mates casual contacts people

you don’t even know

how does one carry that negativity

through every day

does the individual adopt it embrace it

internalize it

does it eat them up and destroy their

health and well-being

what about you and your relationships

is bullying

causing or akin to ptsd

does bullying lead to breakdowns of

relationships at home work in the

playground and on the street

is casual bullying normalized in our

society today

even in relationships

and in the home around the world many of

us have been locked in our homes

during the pandemic

homes where work and business school and

living collide

homes where it’s been like a pressure


the stress anxiety disrespect spilling

over into violence

is casual bullying harshly speaking to

your partner

what about the kids

is verbal abuse a big deal

these behaviors are just as severe as

other forms of abuse and may damage

self-worth and well-being especially for

the kids you may be setting them up for

a lifetime of self-limiting beliefs

what about you and your relationships

have things escalated in your home

during the pandemic

did it start with a bit of casual

bullying then losing respect

then verbal

exchanges controlling and coercive

behaviors to a bit of light domestic


when you disrespect each other you lose

respect for both yourself and the other

person it’s a slippery slope

the point is

casual bullying can be anyone it could

be me it could be you


your brother

your sister mother father aunt uncle or

best friend

it could be any of us


it could be all of us it can get out of


very quickly

and what happens when you’ve been stuck

at home in in a pandemic it may not be

you being a bully today

but what about tomorrow or next week or


what about the kids in the future

they’re learning those lessons even if

it’s by feeling the mood of

your home and and internalizing it

casual bullying doesn’t sound dangerous

or divisive

it’s just a bit of fun just joking mate

it’s casual

but i’m here to tell you

it’s not how you feel about it it’s how

the receiver those around you feel about

it and internalize it

how it becomes part of their psyche how

they carry it and pass it on

it can lay dormant in the subconscious

or cause immediate havoc at some point

in the future it’s coming out


dark slippery like mercury or a snake

slithering into someone else’s life

casual bullying isn’t just about mental

health and well-being it permeates all

areas of our lives

is casual bullying normalized in your

workplace being bullied has affected my

work my job and the career choices that

i’ve made the income that i’ve generated

and ultimately

my money health and well-being

i’d had a carefully curated plan for


and i’d like to recount a scenario and

invite you to tell me if i was bullied i

worked locally for a reasonably large

listed company with over a thousand

employees and one day i was running a

little late for a meeting when i arrived

everyone in the room was laughing and

sharing a joke the discussion continued

and i thought it was a bit odd that some

people were snickering and after the

meeting ended about eight or ten people

were still congregating in the room

seemingly waiting for something to

happen and i didn’t know what as i left

the room david came alongside me and

asked did you see what was on that chair

and of course i said no

david told me i should go back and have

a look

and when i went and checked i was


i won’t tell you what it said because

there would be some language and i

wouldn’t use it however the writing on

that chair how it made me feel and the

outcome of those negative feelings

i still feel a bit wobbly today get a

bit emotional talking about it i

realized at that moment and many other

moments since that people think it’s

that this is normal that it’s okay

and when i relive that memory i see my

colleagues smiling faces around that

room in my mind’s eye laughing and

joking and having singled me out i feel

isolated and alone and embarrassed they

are high fiving each other all around



i am the butt of everyone’s joke

of course i am oblivious in that room in

that time

i politely smiled and laughed along

do people feel threatened or at risk

and therefore avoid standing up for one


do you feel peer pressure to participate

to go along with the joke even though

it’s not funny

why are we not supporting each other

has the me too

and speak up culture gained some

traction in the corporate world

if it has how many generations will it

take to see a change where no one person

is harmed by casual bullying

david came good

he told me about it when others had not

the act of casual bullying impacted me

for years and they even sent me photos

as a reminder of my shame

those self-limiting beliefs were carried

with me for years until i recently dealt

with that burden of having them i was

overriding those incorrect stories

carved out deep into my psyche the

stories you tell yourself over and over

i challenge you if you are not part of

the solution

you are part of the problem

today i would like to ask you to

consider are you a casual bully

have you ever been one

do you know one


what about what can we do

about it

she’ll be right mate just won’t cut it

it’s not okay

i suspect we’ve all done some casual

bullying whether to the phone company

staffer or whomever

people probably won’t get over it and

they’ll carry it with them

possibly forever let’s stop being so


about such vital issues

we should protect each other if the

system’s not protecting us and finally

be the change we want to see

let’s not be so casual about bullying

nothing worthwhile is easy

and thinking about this is the first

step to change questions are good

because you get answers but they it

can’t stop there

be courageous

casual bullying exists

and it can be anyone as a society we’ll

continue to see people harmed if we

don’t stop casual bullying we diminish

the value of someone when they are

bullied not only in their mind but in

the mind of others and casual bullying

escalates and impacts not just the bully

and the person being bullied but i worry

it ripples out to everyone on the planet

the economic and human cost is beyond my


the repercussions of casual bullying

crisis will be falling

disproportionately on young people and

women and worsen existing inequalities

and survive multiple generations

we can all act to stop casual bullying