3 practical steps to identify your passions

around seven years back

when i was celebrating the end of a

major project a mentor told me

rohan you are smart but you need to be

more interesting

you need to have a passion in life i was

surprised by the comment

what was my passion how do i find my


and wait a minute before we go down that

route what did passion even mean

i literally spent a whole day just

thinking about that

and i drew a blank nothing at all

and then i came across a quote by robin


from dead poet society robin said and i


the human race is filled with passion


law business engineering these are noble


and necessary to sustain life but poetry

beauty romance love these are what we

truly stay alive for

that moment was a wake-up call for me i

was living my life

completely immersed in academics focused

on charting out a great career path

which is not wrong but i realized i was

losing out on so many aspects in life

i thought for a moment could i call a

cat makes my passion

after all many researchers are extremely

passionate about their area of interest

but in my heart of hearts i knew that i

was just kidding myself

for me academics was simply a means to

an end

and not something that truly defined me

and that is when i decided to explore

as many facets of life as i could in

pursuit of my passion

in the past seven years i’ve done

exactly that

i’d never traveled outside india in the

past seven years

i have been to 32 countries most of them

being solo backpacking trips

on a tight budget and i can’t even begin

to recount the experiences

be it spending a whole night chatting

with a refugee in geneva

hiking across the alps along the border

of germany and austria

having delicious hot chocolate in the

foothills of slovenia

walking the corridors of the game of

thrones landmarks

in croatia spending a new year partying

all night long with a bunch of

absolutely crazy hungarians and so many

more memories

traveling has taught me more about life

than books ever could

believe me when you travel you realize

how large and diverse the world really


and how small a place you occupy in this

world you realize

that at the end of the day you are

nothing but a speck of dust in this


i had never imagined myself as a

traveler but once i started traveling

i realized i had always been an explorer

at heart and that is when i found my

first passion

a couple of years back i realized why

restrict my love for traveling just to

the land covered areas

i decided to enroll for the open water

diver certification in cambodia

yes scuba diving why scuba

i was asked on the first day of the

course and i couldn’t help but realize

that i had

always been attracted to the seas in all

of my travels

i had spent a major amount of time

either on cruises

or just sitting near the lakes and

beaches in europe gazing at the sea

scuba introduced me to a hidden world

which was so

close yet so far when you actually go

deep inside the sea

and find yourself surrounded by fishes

and other marine animals

you realize you have entered a

completely different world

you simply can’t help but smile when the

fishes come near your face

and look at you with curiosity i


that the marine world is not just

beautiful but adventurous

wild and free and that’s all i ever

wanted to be

and with that i found my second passion

during one of my trips when i was in

frankfurt a few spanish friends decided

to attend a salsa event happening in a


and they just dragged me with them i had

never danced in my life

not even in family functions in fact i

used to actually run away at the mere

mention of dancing

but that one night introduced me to a

world of latin music and dance speeds

i realized how much i enjoyed salsa and

i decided to start learning salsa right


i trained in salsa for a couple of years

and i also attended salsa festivals

all over the world in fact i also

started learning bachata

kizumba and even attended a few

workshops in ballroom dancing

just imagine me doing ballroom dancing

i’d never thought i would find my

passion in dancing but if i think back


i simply cannot imagine my life without


in fact i look forward to the weekends

when i can

actually dance to my heart’s content in


a couple of years back i also

participated in the india international

dance congress

with dancers from all over the world

from somebody who used to shy away from


even in family functions to somebody who

was dancing and competing on stage

life has definitely taken a full u-turn

and just like that

before i knew it i’d found my third


i’d always been a reader but a few years


i discovered my love for writing the

journey started

with sharing my travel stories and life


on a platform called quora to my


i received an enormous amount of love on

the platform

so much that i ended up sharing my

experiences on other social media

platforms as well

like linkedin and instagram and actually

just a few months back

i decided to take my writing journey

even further

by pending down my first novel the

promises we made

from somebody who was always immersed in

books to somebody who has now published

a romantic novel

this has been a journey of a lifetime

and yes

a journey that started with an innocent

sharing of my experiences on quora

has now turned into my fourth passion

you heard it right seven years back i

had embarked on a journey

in pursuit of my passion and i ended up

finding passions worth a lifetime

without affecting my career in the

slightest how did that happen

let me break down the ambiguous concept

of passion

in the form of three practical steps

that all of you can follow to discover

your passions

step number one be ready to experiment

all of us have a comfort zone and

there’s a very natural resistance

against moving out of that zone believe


i can completely relate to it i had

never traveled alone before and

especially not outside india

i used to be someone who would prefer

sitting in my room reading a book

as compared to talking to strangers it

took a lot of courage for me to venture

outside my comfort zone

and take that first step towards

traveling seven years back

when i went to switzerland for my

internship and believe me

that one trip opened a world of

possibilities for me

i realized that contrary to what i had

initially imagined

i really loved hanging out with

strangers in exotic places

and making new friends from all over the


a pro tip if you are ever planning to

travel stay in hostels with other


and there’s so much more you will learn

about history culture

and life let me share another example

like i mentioned i’d never ever danced

before i used to run away from dancing

i decided to experiment with the latin

dance forms and today

i simply cannot stay away from dancing

of all the activities in the world i

never thought i would find a passion in


and that’s only because i decided to


with dancing if you haven’t discovered

your passion yet

the chances are that the passion might

lie outside your comfort zone

be ready to experiment with new

activities and you might just discover

your passion

take a pledge today that you would try

at least two new activities

every year and i guarantee you that you

will discover your passion

step number two give time for your

passions to develop

and activity does not become a passion

until you actually spend enough time

pursuing the activity

just as love at first sight is a myth

passion at first sight is also a myth

you might like an activity the first

time you try it

but until you actually take out enough

time to pursue that activity

you might find yourself either losing

interest or feeling frustrated

a couple of years back i was in a phase

where i was absolutely loaded with work

i had not danced for weeks and i found

myself getting burned out and frustrated

at one point of time i simply decided to

take a sabbatical for 45 days

and travel to europe 45 days

i had absolutely no agenda in mind apart

from spending those 45 days

visiting the fjords of nordics and

attending salsa festivals in every


i actually spent 10 days in a scenic

little town in croatia called ravinch

with thousands of dancers from all over

the world had come to just dance salsa

all day and all night in fact

those 45 days of sabbatical gave me

memories for a lifetime

and that was possible only because i

took out enough time to actually


and rediscover my passions

let me share another example when i

first decided to participate in the

india international dance congress

a couple of years back for two months

my dance partner and i sacrificed our

sleep to take out time to practice

both of us were working in tough

corporate shops which did not leave

enough time during the day to practice

we would practice early in the morning

just before leaving for office

and late in the night after coming back

from office and we did that

every single day for two whole months

looking back now those two months have

green some of my most memorable times

give time for your passions to develop

and you will find yourself loving each

step of the journey

step number three persist against all


an activity also does not become a

passion if you do not persist

when i first started writing on quora i

had zero followers and zero views on my


the first few posts did not receive any


but i still continued writing seven

years down the line

my content on quora has received more

than 30 million views

yes from zero to 30 million views

it all became possible because i


the thought of writing a novel had first

cropped up in my mind a couple of years


and i had actually even started writing

the novel but then i hit the writer’s


i became busy with my work and the

writing went on a back seat

until one day i realized i was doing a

grave injustice to myself

by keeping myself away from my novel i

started setting daily goals for myself

to write a few hundred words every day

and a few thousand words every weekend

and i adhered to those goals

learning any activity is going to take

time and effort

especially if you want to excel in that

activity on the first day of my scuba

diving course

i ended up failing miserably i was

breathing too

fast inside the water which ended up

depleting the oxygen in my cylinder

at a much faster pace as a result

while others could spend a full hour

inside water i had to come out of the

water after just 30 minutes

but you know what i did not give up i


and i started actually controlling my

breathing speed and on the last day of

the course i succeeded

persist against all odds and you will be

able to master any activity

and once you do that before you know it

you would have discovered your passion

passion while it might sound like a

fantasy is actually not that difficult

to discover

if you really follow these three very

practical steps

be ready to experiment beyond your

comfort zone give

time for your passions to develop and

persist against all odds

to emerge as a winner so what are you

waiting for

go out there and discover your passion

and while you do that

if we ever happen to cross paths during

the journey i would love to hear your


thank you