Develop Your Passion Dont Find It


how many of you have heard someone say

find your passion sounds like a really

good idea right

but what are the implications of the


passion the word highlighted there

for example i think all of you have your

own passions

and my passion is mad so

these are my early experience in

mathematics competition

so the first picture here is an

eight-year-old version of me

winning my first medal in singapore

after this i’ve joined more and more

competitions because of this success

in my fifth grade i represent my

province to join a competition

called osn and it’s in palembang

the picture here shows me and another 19


winning the silver medal from there

we’re all selected to five different


from 30 students that win a gold and


nine students are chosen to represent

indonesia in joining this competition

called imso

we train hard everyone want to get the

gold medal

and i know miraculously i won the gold


as the certificate of appreciation from

the indonesian government

i’ve been invited to the jakarta

governor office

to meet ahok i think all of you know

and the picture there is

me and all my teams

going to the competitions in america

since then my passion format started to


started to grow and it’s getting better

and better

but that’s all for my elementary school

and i took a break around one year not


that hard like last time and in my

eighth grade

the school asked me to join a

competition called also osn

but on the secondary level

as you can see in the picture i won a

gold medal there

but it is hard work

effort just to go for there

and through there the same step as the

elementary school

joining the international math olympiad

to join in this two-step from 15


chosen eight students and where

all represent indonesia represent this


to join in this competition in india

to get awards like this is

very hard we’re trained around one month

in a hotel spending around seven until

eight hours

every day just studying math i wonder

how boring that is

but all of that hard work pays off and

i got a gold medal and might me and my


win the champion trophy and this is the

first time in

history and my experience winning the

champion trophy

so enough about all of that developing


so this is my two main ideas that

support my topic

first finding something like passion

assume that it already exists and is


and second mindset matters mindset is

critical when it comes to passion

so think about your childhood did your

mother ever ask you to find something

that you don’t own

sounds really silly because it is

but why do we apply the same reasoning

for developing passions in our life

the idea that we have passions lying

somewhere deep inside us

is very simplistic very easy

this few remove responsibility for us as


if you haven’t found something yet how

can we be responsible for action

what evidence is there to really support

that you are born with passions

how many of you are passionate about


video games as a child

how many of you still pursue those

activities as an adult

when you say find your passion that

means the passion is inside you

but it’s just like any other


can be nurtured can be developed

but it can be killed or shut down too

someone who finds their passion might

not have worked hard to get it

but what is passion if it doesn’t

involve hard work

we all usually think that hard work

comes out of passion

but what if it isn’t that simple what if

hard work develops passion

and they vote just feedback in each

other as a loop

embracing the idea that we are born with


is a natural quality it’s a part of you

just like your hair

or eye color of course all of us

constantly looking for those signals to

determine what we are good at

do we know what our skills is and what

do we do to judge our skills

this desire to find our calling leads

to big expectations and bigger upsets us

when we don’t get the child prodigy

signal that we hope for

now some of you might be saying well

david the idea to discover your passion

just by

getting medals or awards is far-fetched

but there are some other signals that

determine what your talents are

just think about it for one second when

you’re successful or in a zone

at one moment that’s your passion

but experience differ and the world is

not a level playing field

the perception of skills is biased

heavily by the environment

have you ever seen a big fish in a small


what do you believe impact your


what you think your how your mind works

and what you truly believe

what your abilities are it all impact

your performance

because this is the power of belief it’s

the power of mindset

michael jordan i know all of you know

michael jordan

he said i can accept failure

everyone feels that something no one is


but i can’t accept not trying

in this statement he alludes the role of


carl dweck who is famous at discovering

the law of mindset

he said the role of growth mindset can

play in success

and the role of fixed mindset can play

in failure

basically someone with a growth mindset

they think their mind is malleable and

it can be developed throughout time with


but someone with a fixed mindset they

think their abilities are fixed

it can’t be changed they are just stuck

with what they’re born with

someone with a growth mindset they

welcome challenges

they embrace criticism and they find

lesson in other people’s success for

their inspiration

but someone with a fixed mindset they

don’t like challenges criticism

because it may just reveal their


they don’t like to see other people

succeed because

it may challenge their place in a

deterministic world

michael jordan is one of a person who

has a growing mindset

he is rejected several times because of

his height

but the mindset he has made him to never

give up

and just keep trying to overcome all

that challenges he faced

and in this picture you can see one of

his quotes

he said i’ve missed more than 9 000


lost more than 300 games and in 26 times

i’ve been trusted for a game-winning

shot and i miss

i felt over and over and over in my life

and that’s why i succeed usually

positive experience develop your passion

like if your success

or you win it develops your passion

but early failure often

prevents you from developing it but why

if we look at great people who have done

great things

and who is extraordinarily success

you can see a different pattern of

greedy perseverance

rather than simple instant success


your attitude toward challenges and


matters when developing your passion

because passion is born out of growth

and your attitude is the key to both

thank you





