How Perfect is my DNA to my Passion

how perfect is my dna to my passion

passion is when you put more energy into

something that is required to do it

it is more than just enthusiasm or

excitement this is what i got

when i searched passion on google today

i know

i’m good at creating mixed media art

canvases so much

that people love to order them from me

across the globe

but is it my passion i have a very fine

hand in doing

makeup to the extent that i can do any


shoot on my own but is it something in

my dna

i have been acknowledged often in my

professional career

for turning the tables down like a

lawyer i am so good in argumenting

but is that what i am passionate about

we often have so many choices when it

comes to deciding on the passion that we

often follow

one then follow two and follow three and

so on

does it happen to you also mark


made a post recently and asked his

followers if they ever get

so excited about working on something

that they forget to eat

their meals do you ever get so excited

about what you are working on that you

forget to eat meals

he then added a comment to his post

saying keeps happening

i think i have lost some 10 pounds in

the last month from this

but our new products are going to be


this is what is passion i just recovered

from kovit and when i was articulating

this write-up i was in my day three


in isolation under observation and

considering that may be or may not be

the symptoms get increased but i wanted

to complete this talk

and today is my day 10. this is my

passion isn’t it

something which allows you to get

involved so much that you lose yourself

is passion often we get confused

to feel that there are couple of things

for which i am passionate about like if

you ask me my hobbies are

singing dancing and gardening and i am

passionate about fitness

also do you think it’s possible no that

cannot be true

we may like or love to do all of these

but our consciousness

and subconsciousness can make us think

about only one thing

all day or night and that is what is

passion yeah

we can be passionate about one thing at

a time but it may keep on changing too

like in my life at one point of time i

was passionate about learning grooming

skills so much

that it took me to the renowned

pageantry coach in a different part of


country i learned the skills which led

me to another passion or

beauty pageant and i proved my worth i


then it leads me to share my knowledge

and bringing a change in the lives of

the people around me especially the


so one passion leads to another but you

have to give that hundred percent to it

during that transition period

it is a tough road and not an easy one

for sure

identifying the passion is much easier


working on it and create a life out of

it but many times when we see others

doing well in their life

and we assume that their passion would

have been the key to their success

and we often mix passion with wealth and

with that we compromise on its

learnings what suits others may not be

for you how do we get confused

and start feeling that others passion

is my passion in today’s era it may be

because of

money which they earn out of it their

lifestyle which impresses us

the fame which they get followers or

reach which they have

now let me tell you one very interesting


money add fame

add wealth does not equal to passion

and you can take my words on that there

might be a chance

that while following your passion you

may get one

any of these two all of these

and three maybe none of these what we

forget to tell our dna is

that passion is equal to contentment

even if you

hate it at the same time you will love


and that’s the beauty of being

passionate our social circles are the

classic example

when i won the beauty pageant i saw so

many females getting inspired

and enrolling for it in my circle but

did they realize that are they really

passionate about it

some of them won the titles some did not

and the ones

who won the titles did not take the

legacy further into their actions

they are still in the journey of finding

that one true passion of their life

there is a difference between when we

get inspired and when we start following

the other person in the name of passion

inspiration will always bring a


impression of the user i faced this


almost every second in my gym during my


that what is my routine which die do i


and what all is there in my routine

schedule well i can share it with you

but do you know your body

or your dna time it also might be the

passion with which i do doesn’t mean for

your body type

do we think this way might be there is a

bigger spark waiting to come in your

life which you are just not exploring

it could be yoga that could do wonders

for your body instead of those heavy

weights which excite me

so identification before persuasion

is the key whenever i saw someone


i felt like oh man this is my thing

i am a good tracker too no one can be

better than me but when i did it

i realized it is not just meant for me

at all

similarly i always felt so passionate

about a sky diving right from my

childhood so much

as it is the only and only thing i

wanted to achieve or do in my life

i experienced paragliding once and then

i realized

it is just not for me so when you get

the signals

to accept learn

and move the simple way to identify

a passion like interest is that you feel

bored after some time

you feel like this is not just your

thing you feel as you are trapped into

it you are not doing it with

the willingness you feel it is not just


you feel there is something missing

somewhere you still have to do something


you are compromising on your ethics and


and when one feels that they have to

live every day

that’s the inner call so listen to that

inner call

why it is hard to follow your passion to


my passion for making the change in the

life of the people around me

actually make me go through a lot of

hurdles as somewhere i need to maintain

a sustainable income also i believe in

giving back to the society

as it has given me my everything and

supported me in

all my thick and thins my parents always

wanted me to settle with them abroad but

i felt there is a huge need here in


to level up the people and their thought


and even if i create a one person change

in their thought process

that might bring a change in their

future generations

generally passion and money are two

separate things

we don’t do it for money we do it to see

the impact efficiency satisfaction

contentment problem solving and the most

important thing of all

the self-improvement steve jobs believed

in the power of passion

and once he said people with passion can

change the

world for the better there is nothing

like finding that spark

we know what we are passionate about but

it is just that

in the chase of money and career we

never gathered that courage to make it

our profession or take it a step

ahead we left our dreams behind and


to reconnect with them if you have to

find out your passion then it is just

not your passion at all

like someone is passionate about making

good gigs that make people laugh

but they don’t trigger the effort up to

the point to be as good as a stand-up

comedian because they thought people

will laugh and make fun of it

in my childhood i used to do everything

very fearlessly without a thought in a

very carefree manner

i wanted to do everything in life to

answer my curiosity and excitement

i explored whatever came in front of me

the only expectation

was to have simple sheer fun i never

wanted to take fine arts as my main

subject so i stopped doing it

irrespective of

how good i was in it there was no regret

no debate

no argument and no guilt too the only

thing that mattered to me was

whether i love it or not no one can ever

tell you about your passion it is lying

right inside you and it is in front of

you the only thing is

that you never thought about it

seriously you simply ignored it

without even trying you just avoid it

your dna will be perfect to your passion

if you keep the productivity or the

practical angle of fight

if you accept it if you give it a


honest good man’s try the problem is the

perception of passion

the priorities which we set for

ourselves as a benchmark

and we find that pursuing a passive

passion will not be suffice to fulfill

those priorities

just like any other career when we

choose our passion it comes up with lot

of expectations and hurdles

i remember throughout my school days the

way i started in hindi medium

but my passion wanted me to be somewhere


when i was 112 kgs my passion was to be

the fittest

mom in the world and why not we don’t

need to tell our foodie how to relish

our food

they enjoy it already we don’t need to

tell the kids what channel to browse to


fun they know and they enjoy

if you already perceive the enjoyment in

one day

and expect the passion to match up to

that level even before giving it an

honest try honestly you are not going to

enjoy anything ever in life because you

have already

enjoyed few things and now you are just

choosing not to go for it as there can

be an

expectation mismatch without a passion

nothing great can ever be conquered i

want you all

just to think that one thing which you

would love to do

you would love to browse you would love

to talk about in your free time you

would love to study

search talk in your free time and that

is your current passion

just do it and share more and more ideas

and take more feedback from the people

around you to improvise on it

remember this is life

and this is just life and

you live it or you love it that is your


so make that choice count make that

