The value of keeping your passions as hobbies



yeah so i’m i’m really happy with

where where i am personally um and

the kind of space that like music

occupies in my life because i know that

i’ll always have it and i

i can always go to it it’s kind of like

an escape i know that

music will always be a part of my life

even if it’s not necessarily

my job


i’ve had instruments in my house for my

whole life because my dad plays drums

so i learned how to play the drums just

like with my dad

um when i was like five or something but

really like

around like middle school like eighth

grade that kind of that kind of time

i can’t really explain it i don’t really

know why but i just started to get

interested in music

and started learning i think i learned

like the ukulele first i got like a 20

ukulele off amazon or something so like

finding a passion

it’s pretty natural like you can’t

really force it and i think like a lot

of people have

um like those things that you know you


just find yourself going back to it’s

not like

just like picking something because your

friends are doing it or whatever

it’s like you kind of just have to do

what you want to do

personally and if you care about it


then you’ll know and it’ll be it’ll be


the the biggest thing that i like about


is playing live that’s definitely what

keeps me coming back

so to speak especially in grapefruit

specifically as like

the lead singer or whatever it’s just

like so fun to be up there like you know

having a great time singing just dancing

like just performing that’s

always a really really great time but

also just like

the like ability to be able to like

express yourself creatively but not

necessarily like

through like words or something like i

think that’s pretty cool because

it’s like a very interesting outlet

because you’re not explicitly like

saying things but you can really convey

a lot of emotion

and stuff so and it’s really cool when

you like are able to like

click as a band and like put put stuff

together that sounds good

so a lot of stuff but yeah those are the

main ones i feel like

there’s like some pressure especially in

high school like if you

have found something that you’re like

really into or you’re really interested

in that you should

pursue that in college or do it as your

career but like

personally i think there’s value in


something that you’re passionate about

as just a hobby because

it kind of preserves that like aspect of

your like love for it um without having

to put

like pressure on it i think i think it

definitely is good

that i’m not doing it like in college or

trying to do it as my career

um and that’s kind of what went into my

decision to not

do it in college because i think to an

extent if you

add like stress and like deadlines and

like all that into like something that

you’re really passionate about then it

can kind of

take some of the passion away from it so

i like to have music just as something

that i can go to

when i want to and it’s obviously it’s

different for a lot of people like

it works as a profession for a lot of

people but

for me personally i like it as something

that’s kind of like

stress-free you know if you have

something that you’re passionate about

and you’re on the fence about

pursuing it as a career like think about

if you would like it as much

if you had to do it or if you just want

to do it when you want to

