HoMeIKu People are born to be praised

i’m going to ask a question

would you be happy if we are praised or

be happy you are scolded

it’s obvious to be pressed right

i want to light up the life of people

all over the world

by praising in japanese

two prayers is called home

this world means wishing prosperity and

happiness for others

isn’t that wonderful how do you say home

in your country my idea

is to create a day for everyone

on us to press each other all day long

you know how company has their own

mission statement right so

whatever mission statement for our house

i dream that one day we will have

a unified earth mission statement

i encounter the truth people are born to

be praised

and we exist to praise each other

my name is kunya and i’m actively

passing into truth

i created an original education method


conveys press to various people

i call it home eco

this is about educating people to

present ways

already this remake has spread worldwide

to 10 countries to 300 companies

and to five hundred thousand people

omega has been brought in companies

and it shows amazing results

sales and business performance have


increased in fact we don’t just

press everything being praised

by the customer that’s the true goal for


staff members within 90 days

almost all the companies can make the


with homeric this miracle

was featured in the media i created home


not only to introduce present hobbit


education but also to deliver another

important message

omega can be separated into home and

iku home is also read

as home in english as you know home

is the house itself and family

iku means to go in japanese when these

come together

it means to go home so

this message means to take good care of

your family

and people close to you i was about 47

years ago

i grew up strong and healthy raised with

so much praise

by my wonderful parents like no one else


thanks to them i have amazing confidence

and was gifted the word ome

on top of that i have come to the place

where i can give a speech to people all

over the world

about homeo why do i want to spread

omega to the world let me tell you about

this driving force of mine

when i went to cambodia i have

heard that there were children who have

gone their whole lives

without being praised even once

i was raised by parents who praised me

all the time

so i was shocked by the reality

then i started moving much faster after

the day

because everyone should be traced in

their labs

now due to the effects of copy 19

depression is increasing around the


you can’t see the people you want to see

and you’ll

never know when the anxiety ends

the economy has a take big blow

it is like the sun is taken from us and

we are facing this situation

i believe that omega would brighten the


and we all became the sun ourselves

and to praise ourselves and others

surprisingly it costs nothing to achieve


furthermore this can be done by

anybody anywhere on one day

every year let’s call it homeric day

you will be able to see people praising

each other

online or on tv that’s my idea

would you like to join our movement

why don’t we live live to be praised by

the next

generations thank you