Where Does the Truth Lie

at the very beginning i would like to

ask you something

what was the last news you have heard

read or saw

did you like it did you question it now

just keep the news on the back of your

mind we’ll come back to

it later we live in a world

full of disagreement the society divides


every day and the scariest part is that

some of us

don’t even notice people stopped

believing in institutions and in


once i had a conversation with someone

who has

different worldviews than i do and i

notice that we have

different information on the same

situation that i was sure i know a lot


how did it happen that we need to check

so many sources

to justify one piece of information

people don’t believe in reality if they

don’t even know what is real

it’s horrifying the topic i have chosen

for my speech

is where does the truth lie

at first i would like to concentrate on

the term truth truth was

always a hard concept for me since i was

a little kid i was

always thinking what is the truth or how

can we find the purest form of truth

it was hard to for me to know what is


if i don’t even know what happened in

every nanosecond of the situation

so what is true and what is not as i

grew up i started to define truth

as something that is not fake and this


can be problematic because i’m not

looking for the truth anymore i’m


for fake and that’s

terrifying so what’s the difference

between looking for truth and looking

for fake

if we live in this reality where we

don’t even know what is real or what is


it is easier to look for something that

is not real

instead of looking for something that is


and i was trying to find a solution to

this problem i was trying to find a

solution to the problem how to find the

purest truth

and then i realized that sometimes it’s

not about finding a solution it’s about

finding a cause

of this problem so what about fake news

fake news is nothing new it has been

around misinformation and lies has been

around for years

hundreds of years even thousands of

years so what has changed the scale has


internet gave people possibility to get

to know other cultures to communicate

all around the world but it also gave a


to spread fake news more easily

faster and worldwide

and the problem is not even internet

being a great medium to

spread fake news but social media

and internet algorithms and our


that helps fake news spreading fast

even faster these algorithms

analyze the data to see what will the

particular user

like the most what will he or she click


it’s scary because our phone sometimes

knows too much about us our computer

knows too much about us

and it is all fun until we’re starting

to be vegan

and we see all those vegan recipes on

pinterest and

other social media platform because we

can we know just

how to cook more tastier food that is


or if we’re reading an article about red

dresses that are trending this season

we see all the advertisement about red

dresses where to buy them

cheaper than the ones in article but


we’re trendy every time we read an


online i’m sure everyone has read an

article online

we see something like if you like this

you should also

see this if you’re interested in this

you should also read this

it’s scary because they are

trying to put us in some box they are

trying to advertise things to us

and we don’t even know know that they

are doing it

so internet and its algorithms

are fun despite the fact that our phones

knows and computer knows so much about


we can have more vegan recipes or

red dresses but then

you can see that it can change your

whole life your political views

for example if you’re reading an article

from more conservative website

it will show you more articles that you

may like because you’re interested in

because there’s advertising because

there’s money from it

it will show you more and more and then

it will put you into a box a box

that when you’re in the box it’s really

hard to get out of the box

and you can’t recognize what is true and

what is not

they put you in the box and then they

start to promote

social media you have

promotions on social media feed there

will be similar to the ones that you’re

reading about

that you may like they will give you

some conspiracy

theories you may like but the problem is

that at some point people

will stop to know what is true

and what is a lie

34 percent of northern americans

trust social media 34 it’s it’s not a


only 65 trusts traditional media

26 of north american society

recognize fake news what does it mean it

means that 74 percent

of northern american society does not

even recognize

what is truth what is true and what is a


on the internet 74

of society who doesn’t know how to

recognize this

right now we’re facing global epidemics

of coronavirus

and fake news of course but of corona

virus during which

74 of society was worried

about spreading fake news some people

thought coronavirus is a fake news

some refused to wear masks

putting others life in danger because

they thought it was

fake news how can we live in this


when we don’t know what is true we don’t

know what is real

and we think some and sometimes we can


that everything is a fake news even

though it’s not

how can we find where does the truth lie

the solution i’m always

fan of is education we can educate


and teach them how to tell the

difference between fake news

and facts spreading our awareness about

the algorithms

will make people check everything they


they read in the internet and

distinguish reliable sources

from the shady one the important thing

to me personally

is to treat most of what we read with


and not too serious believing blindly

everything on the internet makes people

not only trust fake news

but spread fake news one of the major

lesson to learn is to never share


on the internet if we’re not sure if

it’s true

once we know it is a fake news we can

share it

and say out loud it is a fake news

please do not share it the complete


of the internet has given us led to

the loss of trust in reality the

best thing we can do right now is to

fight it with our knowledge

now please come back to the news i asked

you to keep in the back of your head

did you question it did you really check

if it’s true

did you blindly believe the internet or

social media

thank you