Why do some people snore so loudly Alayna Vaughan

A leather mask that clamps the mouth shut.

A cannonball sewn
into a soldier’s uniform.

And a machine that delivers
sudden electrical pulses.

These old items were all
intended treatments

for a problem that has haunted humanity
for millennia:


It might seem harmless, but snoring can
be a sign of something more dangerous.

So, what exactly causes snoring?
And when does it become a problem?

A snore’s quality can range from a
gentle mew to a stuttering chainsaw—

but all snores originate
from the respiratory tract,

which is lined with soft tissues.

During sleep, the muscles
around these tissues relax,

narrowing the airway.

Many factors, including congestion,
anatomical features,

and the position you’re sleeping in,

can further constrict this passage
and lead to or exacerbate snoring.

The narrower the respiratory tract is,
the stronger the airflow,

and the more those relaxed tissues
may vibrate,

producing sound.

Most of us will snore at some point
in our lives.

But loud, chronic snoring is one sign
of a sleep disorder

known as obstructive sleep apnea.

It affects about a quarter of all adults,

but it’s estimated that around 80%
of people who suffer from it

aren’t aware they have it.

This is especially troublesome because it
can lead to serious cardiovascular issues.

Obstructive sleep apnea is usually
caused by blockages in the airway

and is mainly characterized by pauses
in breathing during sleep.

There’s one other kind of sleep apnea
called central sleep apnea,

which occurs when the brain temporarily
fails to regulate the body’s breathing.

This condition isn’t as common,

and snoring is usually
a less prominent feature—

though you can have both.

If you’re experiencing
obstructive sleep apnea,

you might stop breathing for 10 or more
seconds before waking,

sometimes without realizing it,
to catch your breath.

In doing so, you might make
a snorting or a choking sound.

This may happen five times an hour,

though in severe cases,
it could occur more than 30.

And it’s a problem because your tissues
are getting less oxygen.

As you experience periods
of low oxygen intake,

your body releases stress hormones.

And your blood vessels constrict to get
oxygenated blood to your vital organs.

This increases your blood pressure
and puts additional stress on your heart.

And this is why obstructive sleep apnea
can be linked to hypertension

and other cardiovascular problems.

Your difficulty breathing and poor-quality
rest may also lead to headaches,

decreased concentration,
and chronic fatigue.

So what puts someone at risk of developing
obstructive sleep apnea?

Features like larger tongues,
thicker necks, and smaller jaws

can make people more susceptible.

Older people are more at risk
because, as we age,

our soft tissues loosen,
further narrowing our airways.

Drinking alcohol before going to sleep
can cause excessive relaxation

of our throat and jaw muscles.

And one of the main contributors
to obstructive sleep apnea is weight gain

because more tissue around the neck
can constrict the airway.

Many researchers see weight loss
as a solution to obstructive sleep apnea.

Certain behavioral shifts, like limiting
your alcohol consumption before bed,

elevating your head, and avoiding
sleeping on your back may also help.

For people who have a milder condition,

mouth and throat exercises have been shown
to alleviate obstructive sleep apnea

in some preliminary trials.

But these approaches,
and devices like oral appliances,

may not always be sufficient.

Sleep apnea can be reliably
treated using CPAP machines,

which keep the airway open by delivering
a constant stream of pressurized air.

Doctors will usually aim to remedy sleep
apnea with non-invasive treatments

like these first, but if they don’t work,
they may consider surgery.

Snores can be silly.

But intense ones are well-worth
investigating with a doctor.

After all, everyone needs a chance
to catch their breath—

and some z’s…