How to become a selfconfident person only in 5 minutes











like if you take this famous

interstellar movie equation like

one hour spent on this different planet

equals seven years spent

on the planet earth so i i was

experiencing these kind of

things after this few more than few

seconds i said

if nobody wants to do it i will do it

then i was very nervous

but i still believed that i was capable

of doing it

me a quite shy person in the past

believe it or not

who would never ever imagine this but at

that moment

i i decided that it was time

to take this important step it was time

to overcome my security it was time

to keep moving forward

team number five who is presenting from


announced the distinguished professor

and by the way

let me mention this uh under the

distinguished professor i i mean

uh my mentor and and uh my supporter

uh famous leadership guru uh mr andrew

kakabaza so you can imagine

the the concentration coming also from

this side so we want it to be the

best team not just in front of our

audience but in front of our

distinguished professor

let’s go giggy let’s go you can do this

the encouraging voices of my

dear teammates from our class and i have

to mention this

from our incredible class second

mannheim emba 2020

we are so helpful from and they were

coming from different

places of the room

and then when i stood on that podium

and when i took that simple but very

important step

and when i defeated my inner no who was

slowing me down

for so many years i instantly

uncovered my inner capabilities i felt


i am good in this i felt that i’m not so

bad in this

and after 60 seconds when i finished

addressing so-called

journalists i turned to our investors

and i said to them

with an increased and confident voice

they are investors

yes we are going through a very

difficult times indeed

but i can assure you that our values and


to strive for the better future of our


is a guarantee that we will overcome

this uncertain period

we will come back and we will regain

your trust back so i would say

confidence now was not only in my voice

it was in my blood

it was in my eyes then i turned to my


i said dear employees i will be very

direct and

honest with you yes there will be

significant cost cuttings

and some of you may lose your job

but i can tell you one thing and one

thing only

that whoever works hard and delivers the

value for the company

will stay and keep moving forward

and i am the guarantee of this

so i was on a different planet i was

a different person i was kind of flying

you know

and our speech

and i mean our speech not my speech our


had the best feedbacks from everyone

me a quite shy person in the past

who was always hesitative of bringing

his initiative forward

who was always preferred to stay behind

the scenes

those five minutes changed me

i could have never imagined that after

two years from that particular day and

by the way

after three days it will be exactly two


i would be standing here and giving a

ted talk

but you know what it’s happening

it’s real was i worried before applying

for it

was i voted before coming here today on

this stage

hell yeah but now i

have much more courage to be vulnerable

in front

of a lot of people than before

i could have never imagined that after

two years almost two years from that

particular day

together with one of my classmates we

would plan to launch

a startup which will revolutionize

a specific service used by millions of

people around the world

so as you know we are having now

a lot of meetings with potential

investors venture capitalists

entrepreneurs so a lot of presentations

and a lot of

speeches out there well

no more simulations and role plays now

it is time for the real game

also what i could share with you a

couple of learnings out of this

is that as you can see from my little


the real experience is the best

form of development i could also state


you know the education of our current

leaders need more

simulations in order to capture the

dynamics of a real life other than


obviously the theory the reading

interesting books

articles scientific journals

are very important no doubt about it no

question about it

but simulating and experiencing things

bring tremendous value they bring quick


they bring courage they bring confidence

also negative aspects of being shy

must be not should be must be addressed

with intensive action

do not fear of making mistakes

do not let your fear to stop you or even

slow you down

for instance space looking now back and

based on my short story

i feel so sorry for so many

opportunities so many lost opportunities

that i could have taken

in my life so be involved

be active those five minutes

transcended me because i took that risk

and i

took that chance


and uh as i stand here before you

let me tell you take this important step

a new friend of mine told me recently

giggy listening to your story i can

conclude that

you do not need to move mountains to

overcome your insecurities

all you have to do sometimes is just to

make a simple step

and follow your inner voice

i think she was right what do you think

and by the way how what did steve jobs


do not let the noise of

others drone out your inner voice

my final message unleash your inner


and uncover your inner capabilities

it is time and you can make it happen

thank you
