Future of Marketing is Human to Human H2H

Transcriber: Sanjalee Chandrasekara
Reviewer: Deborah Sciacero

What does come into mind when I think
these names: Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk,

Martha Stewart.

These are not just the world’s most
successful entrepreneurs.

It’s not their business that stands out
for us, rather as individuals,

we are so connected to their ideas.

The idea that they convey, the stories
that they share has an impact on us,

the kind of impact that
connects us with them,

which is way beyond their businesses
or their entrepreneurial ventures.

By expertly crafting their personal brand,

these leaders were able to rise up
to the top of their industries.

These are some of the classic examples
of how a person’s brand goes way up

and beyond and higher than
the whole organization.

During pandemic, everybody was getting
laid off, left, right and center.

There were pickles,
businesses were collapsing.

While all of this was happening
in the one side of universe,

in the other side of universe
something was uplifting

and that, (unclear).

It will not be surprising
if I say that all of us

who is watching this video right now
have had their own state of affairs

to do online, which kept us safe and sane
during the hard times.

Similarly, even I had that yearning
to do something, to be more productive,

to learn something more, to probably make
the most of the work from home paying,

which was going on. So I went online.

I scroll the platform. And guess what?

I ended up creating a side income,

a side source of income, which finally
surpassed my salary,

on my full time income.

How the hell did that happen?

Right, Hey there! This is Sakshi Darpan.

And in the next few minutes

I’m going to uncover
how would I know we are all able to create

a solid source of income apart from
having a full time job

during the pandemic

and how one simple thing
has the power to take

the whole consumer space
by storm. That’s right.

You might have guessed now, and
now I’m talking about

the part of personal branding: this term
sounds way too fancy, right?

But in the core of it, it’s just about
showcasing your personality

or my personality online.

So the million dollar question that
you might be asking at this point is

actually, what the heck is the
personal brand really?

And do even I need it?

Then hold on because I’m going to be
answering all of these for you

and make it really simple for you
to understand the core of it.

Well, personal branding is how you show
to the world, that you are trustworthy,

that you are credible. But personal
branding is not about branding.

It’s not being narcissistic either.

It is just your opportunity
to show the world,

what talents do you have and
how you can use it to solve them.

In short, personal branding
is the perfect way to create

the kind of career that you want.
All know the legend, Warren Buffet.

And in his words, personal branding is
not something that you create.

It’s something that you reveal,

which means that you don’t have
to show what you ignore.

You don’t have to be something
that you’re not

just for the sake of creating
a personal brand.

Rather, you just have to pick

the pieces that you currently are
and show it to the world.

I guess personal branding works is
because we as human beings trust

and buy from other fellow human beings.
We learn from people who move us.

We get to strike a business
with people we trust.

Personal branding works because
no matter what you’re trying to do.

Whether you are trying to get a job

or trying to secure your clients.

Whether you are trying to hire talent,
it doesn’t matter.

And what conjuncture you are at
in your career.

They can have a very quick insight
about you.

If you have a personal branding already,
it can help them in their decision making.

Science shows that
if you wrap something up in a story,

people are 22 percent more likely
to remember those facts.

Personal branding helps
you create your story,

live your story
and share your story with the world.

It’s about sharing your vibe
with the world.

You see, after creating my personal brand
for a few months,

I got a chance to work,

become an individual coach during
the beginning of this year.

This guy was stuck in a sales job.
He kept changing it frequently.

After working for over a decade,

he got introduced to this concept
of a five year club.

He implemented it, and it changed
his life 360 degree.

He went ahead and quit his job

and launched his morning,
ritual batches.

So how come he was able to build

an audience of thousands of people?
Marketing? For sure.

There were a lot of campaigns involved,
AD spend involved.

But just because he had
a very relatable story, he had his way,

he had the reason of starting something.

And he had the means of sharing that with
the world because of which everyone,

or rather, most of those
who joined his programme,

felt connected to it and became a part
of his rituals.

Imagine had this been an X-Y-Z company

with a no-face person: the impact

would not have been this much.

There was a time when companies brand
meant everything: employees, founders,

stakeholders. They’re just a
by-product of that brand.

But with the explosion of social media,
that is not the case anymore.

And this real networking has brought
the personal branding to the forefront.

So how did this begin?
I was told by someone that

I knew that there was this amazing
platform which is way beyond

a job search platform and that I
should definitely explore it,

and as I already shared with you
guys during the pandemic,

even I wanted to be productive and
I want to do something extra.

So I went ahead and explored the platform.

I had a few hours every week to invest
in my personal brand growth, and I did.

I started to create content

and started to implement things that I
got to know. I took online courses.

I went through the content modules that
I put my hands on about personal branding

and about the platform.

I literally experiment with tons of
things: different content types,

different content pieces, timings
of different connection notes.

I was trying to build my path leadership
to my content consistently.

It wasn’t a one-day affair,
it wasn’t a one-week affair,

it was not even a month’s affair.

It was something which was happening
every day for months to come.

And giving me the compounding results,
and it’s been more than 15 months.

And guess what? I have managed to garner
almost 50000 loyal audience,

millions of eyeballs on my content.
Those thousands of followers,

they’re not just vanity magnates.
But I got leads. I got clients.

I got conservation. And because
of that, I was it.

And because of that, I was able to create

a side freelancing career that finally
surpassed my salary.

But that’s not all. I even got the
opportunity to work with one of

the hottest startups in India right now.

Oh, why personal branding works
and most importantly,

why is it working so much in the now?

Because we, as consumers, are no more
uneducated or uniformed buyers.

As a matter of fact, we are
flooded with options

and overloaded with information.

Me, you, everyone, we are so
tired of being marketed to,

and that’s the reason we buy from brands

or we prefer to buy from brands
who tap into an emotional value.

We are no more in the 70s or 80s where we
are seeing 500 commercials every day,

and on the basis of it, we are
deciding which one to consume

and which one believe. Rather,

we are surrounded with thousands

and thousands of brand commercials
every single day. What you do?

And there is a sofa AD. It does not make
me want to buy sofa rather

it makes me want to upgrade my YouTube
so that I no more see those sofa ads,

right? How does one can
create an influential,

authentic and appealing personal brand
which does not just get you eyeballs

on your content but actually gives
you business, leads, clients, jobs?

that million dollar lead. Basically,

everything that you want it to happen
in your career for x y z years

or x y z months or weeks or these.
And that will happen.

when you keep creating the contents
and keep sharing them.

Not just any random content,

but the content which inspires,
connects and converts.

If you are unsure what you already know,
be who you already are.

Draw from it, draw from your experiences,

and if you want to own your ideas worth
sharing, ask yourself a few questions.

Something like:

And once you have the answers,

incorporate those answers in your day to
day content that you share with world.

Now, more than ever,

it’s your time to shine in the crowded
marketplace that we are in.

Remember is the time of human interaction.

No more B2B or B2C. It’s H2H.

It’s human to human. Thank you.