How to build a Unique Personalized and Immortal Brand


watch this shoe

what should be the price of this shoe 20

30 maximum 40 dollars

now watch this shoe what is the price of

the shoe

it is 150 your brand is

what people say about you when you are

not present in the room

beautifully coated by the richest person

in the entire planet

that is jeff bezos but what makes a


unique immortal and personalized

please watch this talk till the last

because we are going to

uncover all the layers in it

hey my name is omega and after working


so many industries in branding and

marketing in so many years

i have figured out that there are only

three parameters which are most


to make any brand personalized and


first parameter why are you doing what

you are doing

in a very famous ted talk simon sinek

has explained this concept

of start with why why are you doing what

you are doing

because if you do not have the clarity

of that

chances are that you are not going to

grow that much

in your business because people don’t

buy your product

because how good you have made it

they buy your product because why you

have built it

that is the same reason people stand in


and buy apple products even they are


expensive than other products why

because in their tagline their message

is completely clear

think different now it is embedded in

people’s subconscious mind

that if it is apple it has to be unique

and everyone wants to look and feel


even if not by their work then by the

gadgets they carry

so as a business owner you have to ask


are you doing your business just for the

sake of money

or so called the tag of entrepreneurship

or you

you have a deep burning desire you

really want to solve that particular


and take that solution to so many people

and help

them and make this world a better place

to live it

because if your why is not clear chances

are that you are going to fizzle out

when there is big problem in your


second point is empathy yes this is a

very small word

but because of this small word the

companies like coca-cola

fold and sarah exist in the market

till now as well and they are growing

let’s take an example of zara

zara does not spend a single penny on

their branding and marketing

you know why because they have their

ears open

for their customers they understand what

is going on

they understand and see what their

customer wants

and they bring that latest trend within

two to three weeks

in the market whereas other clothing

industries other companies

takes minimum two to three months to

bring the latest trend in the market

let’s take an example of coca-cola in


in usa when the cases of obesity and

diabetes were increasing

and people were rejecting the junk food

and beverages

coca-cola bought their product by the

name of

diet coke so that people can have their

favorite beverages

without any guilt that is why it is very

very important that you

empathize with your target audience

understand their pain points

what exactly they are looking for and

then mold your product

accordingly third point is emotional


are you able to create an emotional

connection with your target audience

through your brand tagline through your

brand story or the message you are


in your advertisement why it is


then let me tell you i am from india and

in india

in rural cities some families are there

they do not know what is toothpaste you

must be wondering what are you saying

they do not know what is toothpaste yes

because they know

colgate they know toothpaste means


that’s why they send their kids to the


and say that go and buy colgate

emotional connection is so strong

in 1982 in usa when colgate bought

a new product that is in food industry

it failed miserably

you know the reason why because people

who are using

colgate in their washroom they do not

want to bring something which they are

using in the washroom

to their dining table even if it is just

a product name

that is the power of emotional

connection my friend and it has direct


on our buying behavior and personality

because up to 12

i did not know xerox is a company which

builds printout machine i used to think

xerox means print out i used to go to

the shopkeeper

and say yeah please give me two xerox

of this particular document

see and understand the power of

emotional connection

that is why companies focus on building

that emotional connection

with their target audience and you must

be wondering

we have understood these topics but what

is the future prospect

of these things then let me tell you

with the advancement of

artificial intelligence and growth of

tools like

alexa siri and google search

people are not going to manually open

their laptop

phone and search about the products they

want they will be asking

alexa or siri for the best product in

their industry

and if your product is in the

subconscious mind of your target


chances are you are going to become a

next unicorn

always remember products are created in

the factory

but brands are built in the mind with

that note

this is omi gupta signing off thank you

so much