Whats your type The boom of personality tests

what’s your type

are you an entj or isfp

even if you haven’t taken the mbti test

yet you’ve probably at least

heard of these acronyms the mbti test or

myers-briggs type indicator test

is one of today’s most prevalent

personality tests

recently i conducted a survey on

people’s perceptions on

mbti all 97 of 97 people

replied that they had taken an online

personality test at least once

and a shocking 92 percent replied

that the mbti that their mbti results


how they think of themselves in our

school library

we literally recommend people to read

books based on their mbti type

yep koreans sure are mbti maniacs

well for those of you who haven’t taken

the test yet

let me give you a short explanation on

how this test works

mbti test has four letters and

each of the four letters represent a

trait about themselves

first extroversion versus introversion

represents how you gain your energy

second sensing versus intuition is about

how you gather information

third thinking and feeling is about how

you make your decisions

and finally judging versus perceiving is


how you live your life today the test is

translated into more than 16 languages

and the company reportedly earns about

20 million dollars from

the 2 million people that take it only

certified professionals

are allowed to administer and take and

allow people to take the mbti tests

so the tests that you see here the ones

they take online

aren’t real they’re just a close replica

and a lot of people agree that the

spread of covet 19 has

accelerated the trend of mbti of

personality tests

63 replied that they take the test

mostly for fun

after all i myself took millions of

personality tests

while i was on quarantine another

interesting thing

is that these tests come with a share

your result button

and this in fact has the effect of a

social nudge

by sharing the results other friends who


the results start thinking oh maybe i

should take it too

that looks fun and so more and more


take it however the mbti

test has long been the subject of


first of all the people who make the

test catherine briggs and isabelle myers

weren’t psychologists so they didn’t use

many scientific

theories to back up the mbti theory

so many professionals regard the mbti


as unreliable also many studies have

criticized the dichotomy of the test

take people as rocks in the river you

can take

hundreds of rocks from a river and

analyze them into different categories

size shape etc but

you can’t say that there is a rock

that’s exactly the same

as the average rock this is exactly what

carl jung

the psychologist who backed up the mbti


says in his book the undiscovered self

people’s traits are normally distributed

in a bell-shaped function

so they are mostly centered near the

middle however

so however the mbti test

separates people into two different

categories so

they believe the personality cannot be

expressed in just

four letters this isn’t exactly true


although they do give you a result in

four letters they also give you a

percentage of each trait

as you can see here and even if you said

that the test

wasn’t reliable i would still say it’s

worth taking

why would i say that well first

you can better understand the people

around you

there used to be a kid at school that i

really hated

i couldn’t understand every single thing

she did

however after a serious talk about mbti

i realized that the other person wasn’t

trying to drive me crazy on purpose

they just perceive the world in a

different way than i do

second it’s a source of entertainment

and communication

as of itself all of my people in the


responded that they had seen media

related to mbti

at least once mostly through youtube and

online communities such as twitter or

reddit and you’ve probably seen these

kind of mbti memes

and these are really popular these days

yep and third it can also help you

better understand other people and


i believe this is really important you

can better understand what your


are you can and in this way

you can understand that you aren’t

always perfect but it’s okay

and it’s fine to be flawed and in this

way you can gain

self-esteem well i personally find these

personality tests really intriguing

i hope that through personality tests

people could have a framework to better

understand themselves

and their surroundings thank you for
