A New yet Old perspective about Mosques


breaking the tab was

uh it is something which is not normal

to talk and everyone

all of us who were living a normal

social life

we have to think too much while breaking

the taboos um

today my topic is a bit tricky it’s

critical and that is that how we have to

redefine the role of the mosque in our


so this is more of a social and

religious topic and every one of us

is very much motivated towards this

religion or sect or whoever we believe


so definitely in this particular

position and where we are so if we have

to think

uh that how to redefine the role of the


a majority of us who are going to the

mosque since

our childhood we might not have thought

that uh should we redefine the role of

this mosque can we do this

um are we really in a position to do


um and uh have we outsourced

um the role uh or having outsourced this

particular topic

in the particular class

how it can take back the role of such an


i believe mosque is an institution so

hamare society may

since we got independence back in 1947

to have a top-down approach top-down


majority of us

do they really believe that how to bring


or have they taken us to sectarianism

attitude society definitely


and the french government is thinking

that we should have this patronizing



it doesn’t

have a huge feature in front of you so

all what you need to do is that you need

to think

that if there is a good mosque it is

it believes in inclusiveness it believes

in pluralism

it believes in this idea that everybody

needs to go together

sometimes people are like those who are



so that we all agree on this we need to

think on this


so that people should understand that we

have this issue

this is a critical issue the society is

facing so what is the remedy for this

i think what we need to understand the

remedy for this entire project is

that in this in our society we have

fifty percent almost male and fifty

a percent female child female common


so would you a common person female have

they have

no role to play in the mosque


it’s very difficult to get an answer why

because as a society we have lost



the society believes we need to get back

the space for this

you need to be very slow it’s a gradual


it it is it can take decades but for

this you have to have an approach

why don’t we have progressive ideas


how can we rethink or how can we redraw

the role of the mosque in our society

and many of his fellows who have made it

sure tonight

that this is a perfect night for


what we have learned is the society is


it is divided on different sectarians


this is not something one fine morning

you get up


so many interesting and fascinating

stories tonight and i believe

that uh this particular idea came how to

redefine the role of the mosque it will

be interesting for you people and in the


all of you you will think at least if

you can’t do anything

we should take this idea to other people

so that voila

and then we just it gets multiplied over

the period of time so but i feel like

this is a long debate

long discussion but sometime a place

and even is is is an even

idea so the organizers have triggered

this idea

and i believe it will be very helpful

for our society