An Overview Effect An extraterrestrial Perspective for Business

thank you for having me

it’s an absolute privilege to be up here

speaking in front of you guys

all my friends have stopped listening

so i’m going to start off with a story

in 1968

apollo 8 set off to orbit the moon it

was the first time

man was leaving the influence of earth’s


it was the first time man was going to

go to another astronomical object

and if you’re wondering what the term

moonshots came from it’s safe to say

this was it

the entire world held their breath as

the bravest humanity had to offer was

heading off into the great unknown the


alone was airing this event

in over 54 countries in over 15

different languages

and when they came back they were

obviously hailed as heroes

and it wasn’t so much about the

information that they came back about

the moon

that was interesting that wasn’t their

largest contribution to

to society at large

it was this for the first time

man set eyes on home

earthrise around that fourth orbit

around the moon they saw the earth


above the horizon and the entire world

set their eyes on the earth for the

first time

and while pictures of the earth are

prevalent everywhere now

picture a time when that wasn’t the case

i mean now we have three different

emojis for our planet

but picture a time when we hadn’t seen

what our world looked like

picture what that does to somebody

the picture went on to inspire earth day

the world’s largest secular observance

and over a billion people practice it

year after year till this date and it


it kicks out of the environmental

movement which is why

that photograph was hailed as one of the

100 most influential photographs that

changed the world

and the only reason that took place the

only reason

that something that was started off with

global conflict which is the u.s space

program which was essentially an


and financial flex over the soviets it

changed the conversation from conflict

to conservation

as astronauts subsequently went up to

space and they saw the earth from a

completely different perspective there


a change in their psyche that ended up

taking place

they came back as different people

the earth was completely breathtaking

it was unbelievably tiny it was

unbelievably fragile

and essentially it was too small for


it was only big enough for collaboration

and this is what is known as the

overview effect

from space borders tend to vanish

from space human conflict becomes


and petty and the reason

this happened was because these

astronauts have

a unique perspective on earth it’s not

something everybody

can do and if you think about the

average life on earth we’re so trapped

by short-term gains right

there’s a checklist of things that you

have to do you have to

graduate from college you have to

get get your degree get a job find a


settle down be financially well off

and you’re constantly trapped in

short-term gains and we forget

that we do have to take care of our

planet as well

and this is purely down to the way the

information is presented to us

societal pressures are far stronger than

something that you have to think about

every now and then and essentially if

changing your perspective can have such

a drastic impact

on your mindset the way these astronauts


it can do a lot for your business as


and that’s precisely what i do all i do

is bring fresh perspective

to clients all i do is bring in just an


perspective to the creative teams that i

work with and that’s where disruption

comes from

and so when i started off as a brand


i used to work at this agency called

ellen keys archie in sachi

in the new business department and in

the strategic planning department with

new business

week on week i’m constantly being asked

to understand a new industry a new


and week on week i have to kind of adapt

i have to

figure that out i have to catch up to an

industrial veteran

so how do i do that and essentially it’s

just about bringing

a new perspective in it’s something that

i can take from category a and apply to

category b

lateral thinking in that sense and

that’s why

at stone soup we’ve got

a trusty little framework to bring that

perspective into brands

and we start off with understanding a


understanding their objectives because

just like man on earth you tend to get

lost in short-term gains you tend to get


about you get you get lost in the the

pressures of

figuring out where the next paycheck is

going to come from and you forget why

you started off the company in the first


so we sit down with the client and we

understand exactly what they want to do

what their short-term goals are what

their long-term goals are

and subsequent to that we challenge

everything that they’ve learned and of

course a lot of it gets validated

but we go out there and do the research

ourselves we speak to consumers

directly conducting instagram polls if

required we understand

cultural trends societal trends and the

reason this is important is because

while a joke might be really funny for

your target group

for a large part of the audience it

could be supremely unfunny

and that’s why it has the power to make

or break your company

and similarly we take that across and

see what the category is doing see what


what your competition is kind of doing

to gain a consumer

because eventually our job is to stand

apart our job is to differentiate


and that’s where disruption comes from

so i’m going to walk you through

three examples and the reasons i’ve


these is because they show disruption in

different ways disruption doesn’t

necessarily have to be this

massive earth shaking thing world for

all was one of the first ngos to

digitize animal adoption

and essentially they used to use


to do this every once in a while

they put up a picture of a sorry looking

puppy or a sorry looking kitten that

they rescued

and asked for help and this

stopped working after a period of time

and that’s when they came to us and they

said what can we do

so we went to the framework and we

understood that

that on the left is what they were doing

and there is a sense of fatigue that

comes in if you’re constantly asking

people for help

you’re not going to be successful in the

long run so we took

that and flipped it on its head because

the cultural insight was the internet

was made for cats and dogs it’s

something that

transcends borders it’s something that

transcends languages

it’s something that everybody loves and

therefore is incredibly share worthy so


memified those pictures we put up

pictures and videos of these animals

doing their own thing

and essentially that made it very

shareable and

it took their leads from an average of

one a week

to five a day

this next brand that i want to look at

is noah which is a standard pad

subscription service

and it’s in a category which is

dominated by two brands

stay free and whisper and those those

brands have

deep pockets so you do have to do

something different to stand apart

and at the other end of the spectrum

there were a bunch of startups that were

doing the exact same thing as you know

which was customized standard pad

subscription boxes

and therefore it was a rat race at the

bottom so we took it to

our framework and we try to understand

what the larger conversation around

menstruation was

when it came to a consumer it was

it’s a product which simply cannot fail

so the risk of trial is really high

you can’t have this product fail on you

so it was

difficult for consumers to switch the

brands that they were used to

and when it came to culture it’s such a

hush-hush topic it’s

there’s so much taboo around it

and therefore there was a need to start

a conversation there and not just

something that you do as a one-off or

something that you keep

going over a period of time over a

sustained period of time and with the

category that’s what was happening

people would have campaigns centered

around yes we must talk about this

but nothing over a long period of time

so at the center of that this

the strategy was about disruption and


building a community for women to come

out and talk

and essentially we looked at what goes

into making a community and essentially

it was about

information it was about starting a


with women about what they wanted to

know we would get

specialists on board we would get uh

gynecologists do instagram takeovers

we’d create memes so overreact would be

a good example of that

and we’d be constantly debunking myths


because there was no conversation there

was a lot that people didn’t know

there were a lot of problems that they

didn’t really know about in that sense

and in terms of what else goes into

community it’s

engagement right so we may share with

the content in terms of something that

you can send to a friend of yours so

that meme vocabulary would be one of our

best performing posts

in that regard

the last bit was also inspiration which

is we started taking

period stories and pms stories which

which eventually became a crowdsourced

piece of content the minute somebody saw

one of those

they’d come in and share their own

stories and that led to

noah getting a second round of funding

the last form of disruption was

something short term it was a campaign

we did for dottenke

which is a skin care brand and when we

looked at what they wanted from us they

wanted us to launch

a serum for them and essentially

this was a category where the consumer

was really well researched

before they’d apply anything to their

face what they would do

is really dive deep into the product

they’d look at the back of the bottle

before they look at the front of it

and essentially that’s something that

that we were well aware about and that

led to

a templatized launch campaign for

every brand in the category they would

start off with the ingredients

to talk about the benefits to talk about

the problems they would solve

and it led to a degree of sameness that

that the category had for all of its


but when we looked at culture what we

realized is

all of these campaigns are very reliant

on influencers because

they want selling they were recommending


here’s what we did

we created a blind sale we didn’t reveal

anything about the product

and we launched it with just 100 bottles

and we introduced paucity into the

equation the fact that there was just

100 bottles

and nobody knew anything about the

product completely polarized everyone

we also harnessed influencers to kind of

recommend the product and

and figure out and review it so they

would actively use it

and they would just keep their fans and

followers updated about how their skin

is reacting

and essentially that’s all it took the

demand for this was tremendous

in 52 minutes we managed to sell 100

bottles off and

and that led to a higher demand for when

we were actually launching

so subsequent to this we’d hit people


the ingredients that go into it uh we’d

hit people with

the problems with good solve for and

when it did finally hit the market

it was the top selling sku on nika for

three days straight

nika is the biggest marketplace for

skincare products in india

and all it took was taking the category

narrative and flipping it on its head so

essentially there’s a lot of power that


through perspective a simple change in

perspective can do a lot

for disruption and you don’t always have

to go to the moon for it

thank you