Perspective Success

how do we define

the world around us how do we define


or failure based on our environment

what more can we seek to get out of life

through our interaction

with the world around us see i’d like to


that our interactions with the world

define who we are

from our prior experiences what if we

were able to flip this

script what if we’re able to interact

with the world in a way that renders

better success

for the desired result

in my short but certainly packed time on

earth i’ve had the opportunity to have

lots of opportunities experiences

some wonderful people truthfully

i struggled i struggled a lot

my background was adopted the age of two


to a very loving family of at that time

one which quickly grew into 13 kids

whom i am now the second oldest several


adopted siblings even some of them

intellectual disabilities

throughout my time in high school i

struggled a lot with my identity

trying to figure out who i was or even

where to start

to figure that out i also struggled

academically quite significantly

and if i’m being truthfully honest i

struggle to even read at my grade level

until probably my junior senior year of

high school

through all these experiences or

experience as a whole

i like to think i learned a unique way

of thinking

one i’d like to share with you today

perspective success

this entails processing external and


input in a way you can formulate output

through words thoughts and actions

that align successfully with that


idea of success so in this

there’s four crucial components first

being able to take a step back from

first person

to omniscient look at top down

understanding how things work the second

is looking within one own self

understanding how prior experiences

then impact current experiences

the next looking at your environment

understanding how things interact

with independent and dependent variables

lastly add it all together

for example if one was to use

prospective success and adversity that

they have going on in their lives

that individual would take a step back

try to look at it from as many hats as


next look at their own experiences

understand how prior experiences in

their life may

impact this adversity or how it may not

impact this adversity

next the environment what about this


makes this adversity is there another

environment that this adversity might

not be in adversity

and lastly what is going to produce a


conducive and healthy reaction for that


and for those around them

a few years ago i was living in an area

i was not very familiar with i was very

far from home

it’s not a whole lot of friends or

family i didn’t really know my way

around at all

i stopped to get gas one evening it was

later starting to get dark out

and i’m pumping my gas and all of a

sudden this truck

comes right in front of me they

instantly roll down these windows

three men start verbally abusing me

racial slurs derogatory terms lots of


this was certainly not the first time

i’d been verbally harassed because of

the color of my skin

so i thought i’m going to keep pumping

my gas mind my business

they seem to instigate them more they

got more and more upset they proceeded

to come out to the car

cornered me against my car one had a

shotgun about this close to my face

another handgun right here

the hate and verbal abuse got more and

more aggressive

it seemed for 15 minutes which i’m sure

now is only

one or two another car came up

the guys instantly hopped in the truck

and sped away

fast forward i started thinking about

how am i going to react

to the situation how am i going to

process it

i think this was the first time i really

thought about prospective success

be able to take a look back pause for a


and take in what had happened from my

point of view

from their point of view from the people

in that car

i was able to look at my own life and

understand how my own experiences and my

prior experience in life

might cause me to react in a i was able

to look at the environment that i was in

the environment that they were in and

lastly i was able to make a decision

and determine how i’d like to proceed

forward in a way that was healthy for me

a lot of times in life we hear things

like change the way you think

we’ll look at this differently i believe

this is true

however i think there’s more

i’ll leave with this interact with the


in a way you would wish to desire


i encourage you to utilize prospective


to process information


output and thoughts words

and actions thank you
