The Spirit of Filmmaking

i’m really glad to be speaking and

that too after such brilliant speakers i

don’t know what i’m going to speak

uh yesterday night also i was victim i

was trying to

you know i’m going to give the best

speech of my life one

day but i ended up watching a series and

yes yes so

so what i bring to you today is uh

book rather a

very raw and

very honest part of me that like visual

says very stupid


actually people used to call me cool but

i don’t like it anymore listen

now i’m a pretty spiritual guy

i’m not religious i’m very spiritual and

that means i don’t do tapasya you know

it just means that

i understand that i am nothing

and the moment i do that i realize that

i have everything

so what i bring before today at the bank

what i bring before you is


my talk i’m a filmmaker as they

introduced me

i’m learning what filmmaking is all

about but i

bring before you my talk called the


of filmmaking now

if you go to you youtube you can learn

how to make a film

there are a lot of courses out there


tell you how to make a film uh how to uh

how to use adobe premiere pro for


how to do this how to do that five c’s

of cinematography

and the the guidebook of direction

production design and if you go and if

you have a little more money

then you go to udemy or skillshare and

you learn all of these things

how to make a film there are absolute

guides that people can

actually train you and if you have a

little more money and you go to all

these premier institutes and they are

going to tell you how to make a film

but i doubt there is a place that is

going to teach you and tell you

why to make a film and that is the exact


why i am standing here in front of you

why do you make a film is it because

you’ve got a lot of money

why do you think people make films or

why do you think you do the things you


why did he make his company into a 100

crore company

that is valued at 100 crores

why does she run all the way you know


yeah after that one stitch now tell me


and that why i think i’d like to put it

forward before you in

in different segments right so i think

the why begins by an

understanding of who you are okay

the first thing is if we we have

heard this so many times and and as

instagram as you mentioned you know we

put out photographs and say

just another day or me

you know and the entire advertisement

campaign if you remember

for the past 10 years has been about be


be yourself now so i was also this guy i

was so want to be myself you know

and i’m sure so many of you want to you

know i just want to be myself

it’s very important for us to understand

this concept everybody says be who you


i’m sure when we have this toxins

and somebody’s trying to do something

you know and i i think it’s time i just

want to be myself and express myself

it’s very good

but the bigger question out here is who

are you

that needs to be addressed first when

nobody is looking

when there is nobody there to validate

you and say you’re going good or you’re

doing bad

before that before even giving going and

pitching it to your father and mother

in the silent in the dark

there happens a time there happens a

thing there happens a place

where you need to be brutally brutally


with yourself and in that honesty you

will find

yourself half

now why did i say half i need a very

simple example i’m going to put forward

to you

many of us having almost all of us own


or laptop or whatever it’s about our


phone big ninja what do we do when it


we take it to the mechanic

but let’s see you have an option there’s

one mechanic out here but you have the

service center let’s have an apple


a macbook which means i’m pretty rich

you know so

i have a macbook i have one mr taurasia

who can make the laptop

but i have the apple authorized service

center out here

now who will i go to who will i go to

apple authorized service center you know

so when i go there

what does that mean it means when

a product like a laptop is spoiled

or it needs to be reset or anything we


the person that made the laptop right

in the same way when you are discovering


yourself when you are talking about who

you are

the very very reasonable thing is to go

back to the person

who made you


and that means your mother and father


and the higher power or god

now i’m bringing in suddenly i’m

speaking like a pastor or a father you


but i’ll tell you religion

is something different but spirituality

is the need is the absolute

need of human life people say

i don’t believe in that thing everybody

has a group okay

so you say that i don’t believe in being


now that itself is one group okay people


i don’t believe in god good that itself

is another group

right those are they’re called atheists

if i’m not mistaken right

but now my question is don’t mean it is

just because some in this

is cool it is because you really want to

be an atheist

be an atheist because you are so atheist


you know

do the thing because you want to do it

now in this process a lot of things


so what does it all come down to what

does it all come down to when you are

making a film

or when you are putting the story

forward or when you’re trying to tell

somebody something

the first thing that comes is the

understanding of who you are and that

can only be obtained

by going back to the person who made you

nobody knows you better than

your mother not even your girlfriend but

it changes after getting married right


it really does

i’m gonna i’m gonna just tell you a

simple story a simple very simple story

because i’m a storyteller i love stories


there was a cat and a dog

just trying to show that i can speak

hindi also


so once that happened you know

coming back to the american accent so


cat thought and the dog both of them had

a similar thought

and now the cat thought that the dog

thought oh my god



this man must be a god that is what this

dog thought another billy being billy of


so he said billy she said let’s call it


she said you know huh wait a minute

this man is giving me all the food that

i need


i think i am god

i think this is the two perspective

where we are divided right now

all of us sometimes we are so

dependent on our talents and so

much you know in love with ourselves and

our talents that

very often life just tries to tickle us

a little bit

and he says you know what you walk the


in another turn you will find someone

more talented than you

and i have come to acknowledge this the

hard way i have realized this the hard


no amount of talent can ever

ever ever match

the gift of love the gift

of blessing when i say this

trust me i mean be able to put power

points before you to explain it

but deep down inside of you when

nobody’s looking

deep down inside of you where you are

just you

bukra you without the makeup you that

person knows

what i’m talking about

what i have come to acknowledge is

sometimes our perspective has shifted so


into the talents that we have into the

talents that we have

then we forgot the very reason why we

were talented

sometimes we are so busy in giving

answers that we forget what the question


and i think that is the problem all of

us are facing

we do not listen to somebody to


we listen to somebody to fight back

coming to the next concept i bring

before you film making

a filmmaker needs to be emotionally

intelligent there are different types of


some of you might be intelligent in by

numbers by

different ways but emotional

intelligence is one of the biggest

biggest gifts that all of us actually


but we don’t know how to use it like

what michael were saying that time

is the human connection what do you mean

by that what do you mean by a human

connection if we go even deeper

if we go to the electron proton and

neutron inside of it we realize

that when a human connection means when

you feel

good about someone or this generation

calls it the vibe

i like the vibe you know it’s a very

positive vibe coming from here you know

so i think the positive vibe means you

feel good

you feel good and let me let me just

break it down and break the news

any person can only be satisfied

when he or she does the thing he or she

is supposed to do

remember that remember that let us

never forget that that is why in our


everybody does something on the edge

that is called variety

right just because somebody is a

filmmaker doesn’t mean you have to be


just because somebody’s a government

contractor doesn’t mean you have to be a

government contractor

just because somebody’s a youtuber

doesn’t mean you have to be a youtuber

but to find out who you are

you need to go back to the person who

made you and ask him what am i

everybody has been talking about this

void or this emptiness inside of us

all the lyrics are based


what are we trying to say by saying all

of that what are we trying to say

but we realize when we get married and

when things go on

you teach somebody and then the

honeymoon period gets over with that


then you realize why don’t i feel the

way i felt

being with you before most of us have


love to be a feeling most of us have

feeling is like an indicator only

feeling is the byproduct of love but

feeling is

not love and most of us get weak

most of us get we fall down most of us

feel drowned

because we go by feelings only

feelings and everything is born out of

perspectives as we say

some of us might have a cat perspective

might have a dog perspective but


is everything worldview is everything

mind you bollywood makes 3500 films a

year in india

right do you know nepalese

300 nepali cinema is made every year

but which are the ones that touches you

bollywood hollywood the film that

actually touches you you can actually

put it

count it in your fingers right you may

feel it’s good it’s nice the technical

is very ignorant you know the

cinematography and everything but

when a good film comes along when a film

that really touches you

you really don’t care about how it was



but you will know why it was shot

because it was made to make you realize


and while realizing the by-product was

you felt

good or bad

or sexy

i was talking about perspectives at one

point and i realized that

you know uh right now i’m more important

what is true right now

there’s no hiding the fact i am

but i can tell you i’m like the sexiest

mutant man alive


so back in school since everybody is

talking about class schools you know so

back in these

days this was the time when teenage had

occurred and all of a sudden on my face

pimples had occurred

and i really did not understand it

till till till the time

that came from my mom and my friends


there was a blind man who you know even

touched something they can tell you what

he can tell you what it is so one person

came and gave him a cricket bat and he

says what is this

uh this is a cricket bat

wow they gave him an apple what is this

oh this is an apple and they gave my


what is this uh this is a jackfruit

it was so beautiful

because but i i had no problems

until somebody came up and said it’s so

bad oh my god i don’t know how you live

with this you know

and when that thing came i realized oh

my god i looked so bad

and then well i did not even look in the

mirror you know that

true story i did not even look in the

mirror but yeah

you know but actually nothing doesn’t

matter it’s okay though

but outside you know sometimes

we are all like that but when i became

brutally honest

and i said and i looked into the mirror

like how amitabh but you looked into the


in the film i’m a rugbar anthony and i

said to myself

you sexy man


that problem disappeared no amount of

fairness creams no amount of pimple

removing creams or products that the

world’s greatest company made

made me feel good about myself than when


accepted my own self

the way i am supposed to be

perspective is that powerful is that


what is your perspective on life or what

is your perspective

on the field that you want to work or

what is your perspective on happiness

i’m telling you you’ll all arrive in the

same destination

but the road will be very different

it’s going to be very very very

different and i’m going to end it now

as a filmmaker what i’ve understood and

this is what i call

the god’s perspective god’s perspective

i’m going to tell you something

when i became a filmmaker

so much changed filmmaker is making is

no more

just my profession it is an

expression of who i am okay

so remember when i tell you this when an

actor tries

to do more than what he’s supposed to do

what happens it spoils the film

an actor’s job is to trust the director

and given within the space that is given

to everything you want within the space

because more bigger than acting

or more bigger than the director or the

actor himself

is the story we are telling

is the film we are making

in life if we put

god as the director as the maker

and if we put ourselves as the actor

you will realize that every fall in your


is so important because when your story

all comes down together into one

magnificent story

you will realize that

was so important because


was also so important you might be


but trust me

trust me every fall was

the ingredient that took you to that


who loves a perfect character nobody

because there isn’t the perfect


but we love the people people say we

love an imperfect character no it’s


we love an imperfect character trying to

work towards perfection

never forget that so let’s all have

god’s perspective in our life of who we

are why things are happening

everything is enacting like shakespeare

says all’s uh

the words of stage we are all merely

actors like how


we don’t know but what matters

is you do the thing like they say

because you love it how do you love it

by being honest with it how do you know

you’re being honest with it

by going back to the person checking the

manuals of your own life

and seeing oh aha because at the end of


from the party to the politics to the

art to everything

i think what we are actually doing is

we’re living a life

we’re living a life now to answer the

very first question i post

the spirit of filmmaking begins

in the deep the dark when nobody is


in that sacred internal place

thank you very much