Using Hypnosis to Positively Enhance Your Life Perspective


that which does not kill us makes us


german philosopher friedrich nietzsche

said this in 1861

a little more than 150 years later so

did music sensation

kelly clarkson

two absolutely brilliant minds both on

the same

sheet of music i believe they were right

i believe that the quality of your life

is directly related to your perspective

on life

so i’m telling you folks be

selective with your perspective

i also believe that there are two types

of change

the change that we make and the change

that makes us now everyone laughed when

i told him i was going to cut my

military career short

to be a comedian well no one’s laughing


they would say things like why you’re

not going to retire

you’ve only got 10 years left

or what are you thinking you must be


and of course there’s my favorite and i

say to myself

that’s a really bad choice

but that was a change that i made

and this is my story

ladies and gentlemen live from las vegas

nevada it’s the ed

sullivan show and now here he is your

host mr ed

sullivan good evening

ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our

really big shoe

i just like to remind you this is a live

performancy what i like to do

right now is do we have a live audience

terrific well please help me welcome to

this very stage

right here right now mr ted

x hold on i got this mr sullivan

folks when i first moved to las vegas i

was a blackjack dealer on this strip

i was a dealer tainer at the link which

meant that each shift

i would deal blackjack and poker and

then i would go

on stage and perform like some of my


musical celebrities you may be thinking

michael jackson no and no you know what

rather than tell you i’m just gonna show


ladies and gentlemen please raise your

right hand and repeat after me

i do solemnly swear

if i’m chosen as an on-stage participant

i’ve not pre-arranged anything

i’m open-minded and in the moment

i am amazing you may now lower your


what i enjoyed most about dealing

blackjack was getting to meet brand new


each and every day and right now i’m

getting ready to meet one of you

that’s right i need a volunteer

this gentleman right here the handsome

fella in the black come on up sir

and the crowd goes wild

right here sir stand right above this

trap door

what’s your name raphael nice to meet

you i’m steve

thank you so much let’s have a little

bit of fun what we’re going to do is

we’re going to start off

we need a random number so i need a

five-digit zip code from the east coast

one one four one eight

make sure that i’m doing this right so


a five digit from the best coast the

west coast

nine two one two four now i need

your five digit zip code

eight nine one five six

what is that number 12

one two nine seven seven one two nine


seven so what we’re gonna do is we’re

gonna pull out this book now look leave

through it really quick just to make


it’s a regular book it’s not a magic

book go to page 129.

go to the seventh line down and the

seventh word

find that word remember that word we’re

going to be getting back to that

in a second so while we’re up here

let’s have a little bit more fun we are

going to turn you into a human

ventriloquist dummy

i know you might be thinking what’s he

doing with a spiderman backpack my short

answer is that my superman backpack

is in the cleaners so

this concept was developed by my

favorite ventriloquist

mr ron lucas

so there you go and by the way this mask

has been cleaned to surgical standards

so are you having a good time

ah yeah

how do you feel i feel good

not what i knew that you would no no no

no no yeah so is there anything that

you’d like to do

specifically while you’re up here yes

let us know

i’m to sing and dance you want to sing

yes and dance

yes is there any performer that comes to

mind elvis

well what about any particular song well

this is las vegas dj hit it

this amazing performer take a bow



thank you thank you there and uh we’re

gonna take this off because

you don’t want to get pulled over

wearing this mask on the way home so

now let me ask you a question we got a

couple random numbers

and we found a random word in the book

you made that choice

you made it happen which word did you


change and the crowd goes wild yet again

thank you raphael

now that i’ve got your attention let’s

talk about change

people often ask me how i became a


i tell them the story of new year’s eve

i pulled over to help a lady change the

flat tire on her vehicle

the jack slipped pinning my left hand in

between the wheel well of the car

and the flat tire itself crushing my

entire left hand

rendering me completely unable to deal


for a year i was devastated

it was a seeming tragedy that turned out

to be a blessing

why because i was selective

with my perspective since then i’ve

earned over a dozen licensures

and certificates in the hypnotherapy

mind care field

and i can humbly say that i’ve helped

several hundred clients

overcome their issues and i’m not

stopping anytime

soon so ladies and gentlemen if you

believe in the power of the mind

and you believe in change

then in a moment i’ll be asking you to

close your eyes

what you’re about to experience it’s not


hypnosis occurs when you are asleep or

in a trance state this is what i call

seep knee osis seep me being greek for

the word awake

because you will be awake during this


your eyes may be closed but

you will be awake i’ll be communicating

directly with your unconscious mind who

by the way is always listening in the


i’ll bring your unconscious mind to the

foreground gain compliance with it right

and then insert some information just

sort of kind of like when you program

your brand new computer

so ladies and gentlemen if you are

interested in participating

then you can either stand sit or lie


and if you would now close your eyes

and concentrate on the sound of my voice

and as your eyes are closed i’ll be

communicating directly

with your unconscious mind unconscious


i’d like to start off by saying you’ve

been doing an

amazing job so far guiding and

protecting this person

unconscious mind thank you so much for

the 100 000 heartbeats

and the 20 000 breaths each and every


unconscious mind thank you for being

open to this new information

that will unquestionably enhance every

aspect of your life’s perspective

unconscious mind i’m only asking you

to be selective

with your perspective unconscious mind

if you accept

appreciate and agree to this then you’ll

nod this person’s head

right now and as you’re listening and as

you’re nodding your head you may smile

unconscious mind thank you

in a moment i’ll be asking you to open

up your eyes unconscious mind but

not until you’ve completely accepted all

of this

brand new information as your new


your new perspective unconscious mind in

a moment i’ll be counting backwards from

five to one and when i reach one

your eyes will open but not until you’ve

completely accepted

all of this new information as your

brand new perspective

your brand new reality

five four three two one opening those

eyes now ladies and gentlemen

now if you closed your eyes

if you nodded your head and if

your eyes are open now then that means

that we

gained compliance from your unconscious


and every aspect of your life’s


will be positively enhanced

it’s really that

simple so

before i go i’d like to leave you with

one more thing

there are 88 keys on the piano

each key represents its own unique note

sound and frequency

it’s a well-known fact the most

prettiest songs are those which


all 88 keys there are roughly 8 billion


on the planet the last time i counted

each of us with our own unique note

sound and frequency

i like to say it’s our purpose our

passion and our perspective

so my challenge is to you

operate within your own proper


and find your unique note and play

within it

and when we do that can you imagine the

song that together

we will create living with each other

in harmony on the same sheet of music

as nietzsche and clarkson so indulge me

one more time as you look to the left

and look to the right repeat after me

be selective with your perspective

be selective with your perspective

look inside and say it to the most

important person

to yourself be selective with your


this will be the change that we make and

the change that makes us

thank you
