Never Give Up on your Dreams

hello everyone

i am isabelly laity i am from brazil and

it’s a pleasure to be here with you


today i will be sharing a little bit

about my journey about my life with you

and i hope i can inspire you somehow


i believe when we hear what people they

have gone through to reach

their dreams and to achieve the dreams

it can really inspire

us to keep fighting for our dreams and


what we are wishing for so

everything started in brazil when i was

14 years old

and i was spotted to be a model but

it was never my dream to be a model i

never thought about it

and first i was thinking

should i go should i not go and after

two weeks i got spotted by the same

person again inviting me to meet

and to go to this agency so

we went me and my mom to see she

encouraged me to go

and it was expensive to pay them

and we didn’t really have this money to

to invest only to be a model

but i already had after i got

invited twice i already had this idea on

my mind that i

want to try so my mom

we didn’t have money she she found a way


she paid for me and

i started my modelling career with 14

years old

i used to work i did the course i did

how to walk run away how to

act like they had like class for

beginners and i used to work like 10 or

12 hours

for 53 eyes that is 10

i don’t really know how much is it in

in rupees now but for 10 dollars 10 to

12 hours when

i begin my career and after one year

when i was about to turn 15

i got invited to travel outside brazil

because they thought i had a lot of


and they wanted to try

but for me first i was so excited

because i

never thought about going abroad and i

was very happy i was telling my mom my

family i got invited maybe i can go

outside brazil and

they i had to do a photo shoot

i had to do two photo shoots i remember

to for them to send to another countries

and we didn’t have this money for the

photo shoot

and i was so sad i was thinking okay now

my dream is over because we don’t have

the money for the photo shoot so i

it will not be possible for me to try to

go abroad

anyway we were thinking where to get

money where to get this money and my


she has a farm and she told us i think i

i know how we can we can pay this photo


and she saw the cow and she paid the

photoshoot for me

so that’s how my first photo shoot was


and with 15 i got a contract in china

i didn’t have money to bring with me

that i didn’t have clothes

i didn’t have anything like winter


and stuff so i had to border some


my family each of them they helped me

with a little bit of money 15

years 20 dollars there and i went to


for the first time in my life traveling

outside brazil

i was 15 years old i went alone

i didn’t know how to speak english i

didn’t know what was

waiting for me there how it would be i

had no idea

i just had in mind that i was open to

live this new experience

and i wanted to work and to make my own


i went to china it was not easy i was a


because for me 15 years old it’s a kid

and i learned a lot i experienced

different kind of things that i never

thought i

would i met people from everywhere

from all over the world and after three


i gained weight and they didn’t

they wanted to send me back to brazil i

came back to brazil

and i was told that i will never be able

to travel

as a model again because i had my chance

i went to china and i did

the worst thing i could have done that

it’s to

gain weight because in this industry

i don’t know if you know but gain weight

it’s something

you must not do it it’s something that

it’s sad but you cannot get

get a gain weight being a model and i

i that’s what that’s what happened to me

when i was in china

i gained weight so they told me i will

not be able to travel again

i lost my chance i lost my opportunity

and i was actually feeling sad i was

crying crying for days thinking that i

wasted because

that’s what i was being told that i

wasted my opportunity so i was

completely sad because all my family

somehow they helped me a lot to go there

they didn’t even have this money to


for me to go there but they did it they


their best for me to to leave the

country to go

to fight for my dreams and i wasted

because i i gained weight

and i couldn’t deal with that but inside


i had something telling me you you got


one day you have to get it isa

and i was always telling to myself you

can i don’t know how but

i will i can and i want to travel again

years past i finish my high school i

i message my my agent i message my agent

and i

ask him i really want to travel

abroad again and he said

but either we spoke about it it’s

not possible you had your chance you

lost your chance you went there

you gain weight you came back to brazil

you had everything on your hands and you

throw it away

but that time my father he has lost his


it was we were going through a really

difficult time

in my house we had to sell our car i had

to change my school

we could not afford clothes anymore like

you know like i like these clothes i

need this we couldn’t afford we were


through a really difficult time and i

asked him please

give me a second chance i really need

and i want

to travel again he said okay

send me your pictures and we will see

what you do

i was desperate because i didn’t even

have camera

to send the pictures to him so i went

again to ask my neighbors

who has a camera because i need to send

pictures to my

agent and i got a camera from a friend

i sent my pictures and

i got approved to go to india

i got approved to go to india and

again alone without anyone i

i remember telling my mom mom

i will go and i will just come back here

when i have money to help you

and when i can help our family

till then i will not come back and

i left to india i remember i didn’t have

enough clothes maybe six pairs of


i didn’t have fun to talk to my family i

didn’t have a computer

i had ninety dollars with me to spend

three months in india

and it was hard because i didn’t know

what was there

what i was expecting for me

that i didn’t know what to expect

i was so lost

not lost but

i i didn’t know

what was india with how was the country

i didn’t know anything even bollywood i

didn’t know about volley

i just knew that the agency liked me and

i wanted to

give my best what i could so i reached


india and in three months no in two days

the agency they call me and they said


you need to wear this kind of clothes to

go to for the auditions because the ones

you have

it’s you need to be like this like that

and i was thinking

but i don’t have this kind of clothes

anyway i started to do the auditions

with what i had

with the clothes i had with the english

i could speak that it was

a little bit and it worked

and i believed in myself so much that i

don’t know how

i think the doors were opening for me

in three months i did more than six tv


i did more than 10 campaigns i did more

than 30

photo shoots in six months i got a

contract with the biggest

skim care brand in india i was the first


from outside india to represent the


in one year i got selected to do a

hindi film as a leader as one of the


and i even asked the

director that time why are you choosing


because i barely can speak english how

do you expect me to speak hindi

and he said i know you can isa i believe

i believe in in you and i did it

i memorized 30 pages of hindi

in two weeks i shot the movie

and i got nominated for best female

actress of that year

people they didn’t know i was foreigner

they actually thought i was

thought i was indian and

when i watched the movie i remember i i

was in tears because i couldn’t believe

i have done that it was not a big movie

with big actors but

what i have gone through to reach at

this point and to do a movie in

india we and talk another language and

it was like a movie in my own head when

i watched the

movie and since then i have been doing


and photo shoots and commercials and

movies and

what i want to tell you is that never

give up on your dreams

never tell never let anyone tell you

that you cannot do it

always follow your heart you can do it

you can do it and never let the fear

take over you just do what you can even

when you think

ah but i how i will get there how i will

do this how it will be

just do what you can anyway we’ll get


always always follow your dreams thank

you so

much for having me here