Integrating Time with Photography


okay so

hi guys good morning everyone

and happy corona and uh happy 2022.

okay so let’s start i am

a fortria vinky i am a professional


and i’m from integrated time

okay don’t get confused i have served

through many transformations in time

uh let me explain i am from a south


orthodox family who has all the rights

to talk about this topic

in my childhood if someone sneezes

before starting

a new work they will stop doing it

just imagine guys what if these people

are in isro or

nasa and how many rocket launching

missions would have been cancelled

just because of his knees seriously

if a lizard falls on our body we’ll do

different pujas

and if we see a cat before walking out

of the house

will stop going out there are

many if we keep on talking there might

be a reason behind

everything we do but

just ask your parents why are you

following all these

most of them have the same answer that


my grandparents and parents

following them so i am also following


you should also follow the same this is

very sad part you know

they are not changing with the time what

i say

is they are not integrating with time i

am not talking about

all the parents but most of the parents

let me give you other another example

whenever i visit my hometown

while having food we have to use pour a

little water around the plate

to avoid ants and insects but now if we

do the same thing in hyderabad sitting

on my dining table

is this right thing

i won’t say these all are false beliefs

what i am conveying here is before doing

anything we have to know why we are

doing this

and is it correct to do or not

most of our photographers are well

integrated with

time let me explain as a photographer

did you observe the picture of your

grandparents and those grandparents

which were captured some hundred years


you can see they were serious like ready

to beat the photographer

you can see no smile not even a single


after few years of the photographer

after the few years the photographer

made a habit of saying

smile please smile please hope hope you

also face the same thing

and the present scenario is like if a


doesn’t say smile please people think


is he a professional photographer are

you sure

just think once even in the age of

selfie we do we need to say a smile


guys can you please close your eyes and

imagine how is your selfies

can you show raven

instead he should you have to say don’t


that is called integrated time once upon

a time there was

a big real camera then

it changed into 35 mm real camera then

autofocus camera

then digital camera and now we are using

a mirrorless camera

if only the tool is evolving this many

times how many times does the brain

behind the camera must evolve

think guys but the sad thing is

whenever there is a change in technology

many talented photographers who couldn’t


and understand the change those all are


i started with a film camera then

autofocus camera

then digital camera and now i am using a

mirrorless camera

technology has improved a lot even


i am capturing pictures till today even

in 2020

the reason behind this is i kept

evolving myself with evolving technology

this is what i call

integrating with the time

we are in 2020 if a girl

wants to become a photographer she has

to face

lot of huddles do you know did you face


the reason behind this most of our

indian ads on tv channels in kitchen ads

they are including female actresses

we are stuck with a mind that a kitchen


only for females we started setting

boundaries okay here i am not asking

equality for

saris and lipstick ads okay

please think in a straight line guys

okay now in my team i have a 12 female


and they are feel free to explore the

world of photography without

any restrictions stop thinking

in an old fashioned way only a creative

mind is needed for a photography career

what is the point of the male or

a female here

only a creative mind can master the art

few people don’t understand the meaning

of change

they just state at the same point

and they feel that’s the world they are

looking for

while the others change as the world and

the technology evolves and that’s how

they achieve success

this kind of people are important to

this country

here i feel and i i can say

i have i think we are going to

i think these people only going to

transform this country

coming to the social media we have a

different profile pictures on different

different social media platforms let me

ah show you uh some examples uh

if if profile picture in facebook it

look like this

if profile picture and instagram it look

like this

if the profile picture in snapchat it

looks like this

okay we do this because we have a family

and friends in facebook

they are also following us and so if we

pick decent pictures

where in insta we have a friends and


in which we have freedom to post while

in snapchat we have only friends and

very special friends so we don’t

actually think before

what we post so of course i’m not

talking this is the real change or

integrating thing

but what i mean to say in the same way


in photography or life we have to learn

rules to live later on

we have to change according to the

situation and

apply the rules

i if i tell my client to give a pose

of 1940 or 47 they will definitely kick

me out

definitely 20 years back so finally

what i mean to say 20 years back i

started my career

did 2000 weddings in various countries

and 1000 celebrity shoots 200 workshops

100 people working stuff and

three studios brand ambassador for sony


and sony and profoto lights and many


not only this i’m running an academy


so what i mean to say time

will never stop for us ages of

early man hobbits traditions rituals

have been changing

since thousands of years according to

the time

for the survival of mankind because of


transformation we are surviving in 2020

if we stop transforming in a better way

we can’t see our coming generations


my final statement if you don’t

jump on the new you don’t survive

thank you very much