do you ever stop

and think yourself well observing the

world around you or while on a stroll


plants grow way too slow

well i had this question about two and a

half years back

and today i’m going to share with you my

journey on how i

tackled that very question greetings


i’m joe lg and i’ve been doing research

in the field of plant growth and


for the past few years mainly i’ve been

trying to solve

two problems firstly food

scarcity the rate of food production

cannot really

keep up with the rate of increase of the


and its needs and it’s not that we don’t

have enough food on earth

it’s that it’s not distributed properly

or equally

and due to that there’s food scarcity in

many parts of the globe

and secondly slow of forestation

as we speak right now there is

deforestation happening somewhere around

the world

and as you know deforestation is a very

fast process and compared to that

a forest station takes years to bear


it could take up to 10 20 30 40 years

to have fully grown trees again and in

some cases

many more years so what’s the root

cause to both of these problems

well i can easily say it’s mismanagement

caused by human beings it’s our own


we are not managing our resources


but well we have known this reason for a

very long time

and have been trying to solve the

problems at hand

but as you can see and as you know we

aren’t able to make

much of a difference and we just keep

blaming ourselves

over and over again so

let’s try to find another problem that


solve these issues

well let’s see plants

grow way too slow

what if there was a way to make plants


much faster and

i’ve been doing research in this field

so what if i told you i was able to make

plants grow

up to ten percent faster that would be


what if i told you i was able to make

plants grow up to

two times faster that would be great

and what if i told you i was able to

make plants grow up to

three times faster that would be


well i’m proud and happy to tell you

that i was able to make plants grow up

to four

times faster let me put that into


suppose a plant takes about one whole


to fully grow and bear fruit

i will be able to make that plant grow


and bear fruit in less than three months

so from one whole year to three months

we can have four product cycles

four times the productivity four

times the growth well

since i’ve put that in perspective you

might be having a question in your mind

how with what

how is this even possible well

it’s because of a stenchy old gas

that we know as hydrogen sulfide

well we know hydrogen sulfide as being

stinky having the smell of rotten eggs

and well other than that we know that

it’s a by-product

in many reactions that we do in high


and beyond that we know

it’s a byproduct in you know

natural processes but other than that we

don’t really

know much about hydrogen sulfide

but in recent research there has been


that hydrogen sulfide could be involved

in the signaling process within the


basically telling the plant to produce

this much hormones

at this time so i thought to myself

what if i supplied hydrogen sulfide


because well trying sulfide is

speculated to even

help the plant in defense responses

and make the plant grow better as a


so then i thought i’ll start off with

a few experiments i started off

with using beans and usually

beans take about four weeks to grow and

bear fruit

at least the sample which i was using


my experimented sample with which i

supplied hydrogen sulfide

was able to grow fully and bear fruit in


week from four weeks to one week

and well i was surprised and that’s when

i knew

that i was onto something big

something that could change the world

so then i continued with a lot of


doing research every single day testing

out the soil testing out the plant


testing out what differences that we can


but today i’ll be talking about my

most recent experiment and that’s using

okra prawns almost more commonly known


lady’s finger i had about 95 plants

and i split them into 10 groups each

group containing 10 plants and the last


containing five plants i kept those five

plants as

a control group you know the group which


normal growth without any sort of

changes done to them

the other groups were supplied with

varying amounts of hydrogen sulfide

every single day

and as you can see through the graph

the growth difference is double

and well this graph is analyzing height

and it was not only the height that

increased as you can see from the


the plant looked much healthier

the stem girth was more

the leaf span was more the health of the


was much better the fruits were more


and overall the plant was more healthy

and as a bonus it grew faster and


fruit faster i

truly believe that my solution

and my research can lead to the second

green revolution it can change the world

as we know it

and change the world of botany as a


and well you might be thinking how do i


thinking about this like you know

hydrogen sulfide why would you relate it

with plants

and its growth well i’ll tell you

it all comes down to creative thinking

many of us i mean all of us

really are creative beings

what differentiates human beings from

every other creature on earth

that we are creative we have creativity

within us and if you think about it

many innovators of yesteryears

let their curiosity explode

they didn’t lock themselves up they were


limited to the information that they

were provided

they went further they explode

we are living in the world of the

internet where information is at our

fingertips we shouldn’t lock our

minds and just be fed information

that the schools want us to know or any

other organization

wants us to know you want to innovate

you want to bring in change to the world

you need to explore further

let your curiosity explode itself

well all of us had this part of our life

a long while back you know that


which explodes itself which ran freely

sadly we lost it right after our


childhood days we should bring

that back if you think about it

innovators would have been known as

crazy people

doing random things with you know random

things around them

but today we respect them and appreciate


for their contribution to human society

we should go crazy like that

let our curiosity free

use the information that is there for us

keep thinking keep thinking creatively

and try to make an impact on this world

remember all of us have a flame of

passion within us

let that flame light the world ablaze

thank you