Acting Poetry and Hypnosis An Entry into the Subconscious Mind



as an actor

i can’t reach to play characters on the

big screen

but i have a thin body and a small face

not enough masculine grace you’re not


they say but today my feelings will see

the light of day

no no we’re not foes here it goes

i have some questions some apprehensions

such as why should he see a shrink if he

likes the color pink

and why should she do if she likes the

color clue

who decided these molds who made these

gender roles

what gives them their hold no there’s

nothing bored about calling someone tiny

about calling someone fat your ego

isn’t shiny and your morality is a death

your body is shaming which is just

blaming your own inadequacies on another


build no there’s nothing skilled you’re


wrong yes there’s no rhyme there but i

don’t really care i know i’m a poet and

i don’t need to show it

but here’s something you need to know

the size of your brain

it needs to grow

using poetry to tell my story feels

extremely cathartic

catharsis is when an open expression of


provides mental relief and

maybe the reason why we find art so


is because it allows an open expression

of emotions

and today i’m going to talk about how


acting and poetry provide an entry to

the subconscious mind

clinical hypnosis is a technique that

allows us to access

the subconscious mind i

before i became an actor i studied


and i specialize as a clinical

hypnotherapist and past life regression


and i started treating patients using

clinical hypnosis

now in clinical hypnosis there are

multiple things that can be done

and it’s basically a technique that is

used to access

that hidden part of your mind that is

usually beyond our awareness

called the subconscious mind

there are multiple techniques of

inducing a hypnotic trance

and there are multiple things that can

be done once a trance is induced

memories can be accessed from a present

or past life

you can heal an inner child which is a

younger version of yourself

that may have experienced a trauma but

how is the subconscious mind related to

art and cinema

content can be called successful based

on the number of hearts it touches

in industry language content that

resonates with the majority

is called masi content

cinema and art simply represent the

collective fantasies

of the masses in literature we call


collective mental elements psychic

archetypes or the universal themes


across humankind which when effectively

embodied in literature

evoke a profound response from the

audience because we

share the same psychic archetypes

expressed by the author

psychoanalyst renowned psychoanalyst

carl jung

called these collective mental elements

the psychic

residue of repeated patterns of


that survive in the collective

unconscious of the human race

and are expressed in dreams literature

fantasies and cinema

and when i look at my own work i think

this makes sense

my poems are based on my life

experiences with issues such as

gender roles body shaming and human


and when i started sharing my story

through poetry

it seemed to resonate with the masses

thousands of people began liking and

sharing my poems

i remember a female son to be married

messaged me

about how her fiance wasn’t masculine


but how my poem on gender roles made her


that not his masculinity but his heart

is what is going to stay with them

my story resonated with her story the

content of my subconscious mind

resonated with the content of her

subconscious mind and it is

the shared mental feelings that strike a


between audience and artists

in order to create content that

resonates with my audience’s

suffering or celebration i must first


my own suffering or celebration and my

acting course was basically a deep dive

into self-exploration every day i had to

unlearn and confront

aspects of myself that i didn’t even

know existed

and then i had to channelize my emotions

into scenes characters and scripts

initially i kept getting feedback that

the audience couldn’t see the real

me in a scene that i was playing

my version of a character rather than

the character my acting coach told me to

just be myself in the scene

he told me to just bring myself and my

version of the character into the scene

rather than a super imposed version of

the character into the scene

and one day i was tired of trying to get

it right so i just brought myself into

the scene and tried being myself

that was the day that my scene got

applaused because it looked believable

organic and natural acting was no longer

about pretending

to be a character it was about becoming

the character

i started channelizing these new

versions of myself into male and female


that i created for my content on


that’s tanya an exotic french diva

who doesn’t understand indian culture

but lives in mumbai

that’s tanya promoting a bollywood film


actors rajkumar and others as part of

the movie promotion

another main character i create is

chacha chaturvedi

an old school man who grew up on a farm

in a village

he doesn’t understand millennials or

social media culture

but he only speaks in hindi another

female character i created is tiakabul

she is an interesting character with an

interesting backstory

the reason i love creating and acting


is because when i get to act i get to

create the inner world of a new


and operate from a new mental space

which is a refreshing feeling

and now my characters have developed an

audience of admirers

not to mention some awkward requests

such as wanting to tackle tanya’s


on their body can you imagine that the

same person who had been bullied

for not being masculine enough was now

being celebrated for his female


this tells us something interesting

about stereotypes and biases

they limit us from accessing sides of

our own self that we suppress

and hide because we don’t really find

acceptance in society

and then we create characters and films

to live the drives that we didn’t allow

ourselves to live

but it’s the year 2020. it’s the

beginning of

a new decade and i believe it’s time to

start telling real stories that are a

departure from stereotypical content

because the more reality finds

representation online and in cinema

the more everyone’s collective anxiety

will be reduced

because we no longer need to pursue the

unrealistic ideals of beauty

and romance that we see in cinema

we’re all different and the more we

accept people for being original and

don’t condemn them

for being different the more freshness

we will start seeing

in society we need to learn to celebrate

art for what it is without forcing


into boxes or as the french say art

or art for the sake of art because

you’re not weird you’re original

my study of myself began

when i started attending the discourses

of spiritual leader puja gurudev

and it is his discourses that helped me

better understand

and nourish myself i believe

that if you can convert your scars into

your stars

then you’re an artist for example

growing up

i had acne this gave me scars across

my face many call them a disgrace

someone once told me every morning


splash your face with piss this is the


to clear skin bliss a stranger once

pointed to my acne covered face and said

do you have chickenpox what are these

spots on your head

defeated i said no sorry this is my skin

and sorry it doesn’t grow

but about natural processes and hormones

who is expected to know

either i’m too fat or too thin or i have

a double chin

or i need to go to the gym to build my

mastic like

body society i am sorry that i am


but it is your brain that needs a

workout not my body and for her double

chin do not make her feel sorry for

every food that someone holds carries

the story to be told

let’s be done with these more than these

narrow-minded worlds

because darling we are gold this is our


and it will be told because darling we


gold this is our story and it will be
