10YearOld Demystifies Positive Thinking and Success



i returned home from school and my mom

asks me

how was your day

and my first response is


i am sure many of you can relate to that




but what does that positive word good

really mean

truly convey

we probably say it just to sound

positive in our responses

think about it for a second

we even think that just saying some

positive words or thinking positively

will bring the success that we want

but then

why do all positive and well thought out


don’t succeed

weirdest positive thing can go wrong in

creating the success that we all want

positive thinking is surely a great

start but there’s a serious limitation

to the way we

understand it

and that’s exactly what i want to share


what is the missing link between

positive thinking and success

how about if i say that just like talent

positive thinking is overrated

especially when it comes to creating

success in life

not just that

apart from positive thinking and

outcomes there are two important

elements that are missing in the success



and alignment

together i call it my positive trilogy

where our thinking actions and outcomes

need to align


the alignment is the key it’s the glue

to success


want to create

and i’ve highlighted the same philosophy

in my first book one positive thought

i will also share the formula that

helped me a lot

it’s called

becoming smart

which i will dive into details in just a


but before that to be honest it took me

some time to realize the answer to this

question where this positive thing can

go wrong in creating success

but i figured it out from my own


let me explain with a simple example

one time i ran a lot after many weeks of

not running


positive thinking and positive action

about staying fit

but the outcome wasn’t as positive as my

legs started aching badly the next day

in life do we have such simple examples

to crucial ones where our thinking

actions and outcomes don’t really align

the way it should be


let me share a story where i again

realized the power of this positive

trilogy it also worked for me

it was summer of 2020

i got an opportunity to audition for a

big acting program so i started

practicing a lot

then my mom told me to write on my board

i am selected

and i was like


she explained and then said now do it

so i did audition the next day

and later

my dad got a call back from the acting


and guess what

i got selected

this is where i realize the power of i

am exercise a part of our thinking

positive thinking

i am exercise is truly magical and do

you know it is much more than just

positive thinking

i am engages your future results with

your present thoughts it makes you more

determined and you become more

responsible for your actions


you heard it correct


action word

i am is an action concept not a wishful

or fancy concept

you and i must put our work into it

because remember

there are no shortcuts to success

and if you try it

it could be a short circuit

alignment is the key in this positive


and that my friends will transform your

positive thinking into your success

another short journey that i want to

take you through is when i had a goal of

publishing my first book one positive

thought on christmas day of 2019

we were on track until

my dad got a call from ndi in the first

week of november

my grandma suffered a major heart attack

and my dad left for india within hours

the next few weeks were

quite challenging

while i was praying for my grandma i

kept working on my book with my mom and

dad’s encouragement


i received another call


my grandma is with god now

for days i

couldn’t do anything

but then i remembered the goal

december 25th

i knew that my grandma’s blessings were

with me so

i put my actions again and then finally

published my first book on

december 25th

my grandma could never see the book

physically but i knew that she must be

very proud that i kept putting my

actions during the tough time

and this

is the power of end

as long as you keep your eyes on the end

the outcome

you won’t quit

and that makes all the difference

between someone positively thinking

about the outcome versus someone working

and aligning their actions towards

desired outcome

if that my friends will transform your

positive thinking into your success

but how do we make sure that our

positive thinking actions and outcomes

are aligned

how do we make sure that our positive

thinking isn’t sabotaging our own



the answer to these questions is a

special but simple formula called

becoming smart


what is becoming smart

it is the formula to know whether your

thinking actions and outcomes are


everything you need to be successful

lies within this formula

it’s beyond positive thinking

becoming smart

i assume that most of you are aware of

smart goal setting

smart goal setting is a powerful tool

for goal setting but it gets

supercharged when you add this becoming

as it brings other elements into the

picture especially


s for specific

m for measurable

a for achievable r for realistic and t

for time bound


for becoming

do you believe in your success

if not double up it this is your power

of i am

e efficient

how well you execute your actions

c consistent

don’t give up keep trying this is your

power of end

oh organized time management


mindful awareness of you and others


i inspiring to yourself and others

and navigate planning your how to’s

overcoming fears and distractions

and g

giving your success is beneficial to

others as well


how would you feel if from now on by

knowing this formula becoming smart you

have the power to create a beautiful

positive world for you success for you

and leaving a legacy for people around

you by being aware of this mindset of

aligning your thoughts actions and



i want you to apply this formula in

three steps


write three things that you want to

achieve in the next 90 days to 6 months

like gardening starting a blog or losing

10 pounds of weight



circle the one which you feel is closest

to your heart or you really want to

achieve asap

and third

now apply becoming smart

this formula will automatically break

all three elements thoughts actions and

outcomes align them and modify if it’s


can you promise to yourself that you

will complete the third step before

going to bed tonight and ready with an

exciting goal tomorrow

positive trial audrey

it’s with you

time for you to embrace becoming smart

and remove the missing link from your

positive thinking and your success

we all want success

we all want a change for the better

we all want to upgrade to the next best

possible version

we all want to impact lives around the


we all want to leave a positive legacy

and it starts

with this

the day you make a decision about your


is the day your world will change

and that day starts when you embrace

this positive trilogy when you apply the

formula becoming smart where you are

consciously aligning your thoughts

actions and outcomes to create the

success you truly want



next you
