Finding Our Positive Self Talk


everyone it is so

great to be here in front of a live

audience it feels so good doesn’t it

thank you i want you

to take a moment and think about

how many times you talk to yourself

in one day

what was the first thing you said to

yourself this morning

before you opened your eyes

i want you to hold on to those words

i talk to myself about a hundred times a


and that’s not exaggerating first thing

i said to myself this morning

breathe and then i said

and i realized what was happening


i said do not trip on stage

if some of you have seen my social media

videos you know exactly where i’m going

with this

i have tripped in front of a live


i have knocked things over

my family can attest to that

and i have stumbled over my words

my words so think about this

our words we get stuck

using negative phrases negative words

all the time

we beat ourselves up

i know we’ve heard this before

i can’t finish my homework there’s not

enough time

i will never meet the right person

i’m always home

and then this one i have gained so much


i do not fit into any of my clothes

we talk about ourselves to ourselves

all the time but it’s when we

turn those negative phrases those


comments into something more positive

i can finish my homework

i will meet someone

i am beautiful

it’s hard it’s very hard i’m not going

to lie to you

but it can be done i’ve had to do it

and when i say it has to become my


my afternoon and my night

that’s what gets me through the day

so yes i talk to myself a lot

i own a women’s clothing store and gift


my vision was to create a comfortable


where people would feel confident

walking through the door without any


we created this personal shopping

experience because that’s what it’s all


it’s about the people walking through

the door

it’s not about me

we have these signs all over the walls

so when you walk in you feel our


take your place make your mark and live

your life

we all want to feel our best we want to


don’t we we want to feel inspired

that’s part of our self-care

this one she’s in the fitting room be

the best version of you

this one beauty does come in all shapes

and sizes

you might get a laugh out of this one

you decide which one you are

and this next one here well this speaks

for itself

i want to tell you a story

there was a woman that walked into the


with this little boy she’s walking


and i could hear her talking to herself

i can’t wear this this will never fit

so i give her a moment and then i ask

her if there’s something i can help her


she smiles and she looks at me and she

says darling everything is beautiful in


but i could never wear anything

i’m much too old i’m a grandmother

as she points to the little boy so i


and i say to her do you have a few


i said sure i said i’m going to put

something together for you

put it in the fitting room and then you

tell me

how you feel

so she she smiles i bring her over to

the fitting room

about two minutes pass and all of a


i’m at my desk she opens up those

curtains and she looks at me and she


i cannot believe that this fits

the face the smile

she said i can’t tell you the last time

i put on a pair of denim i

smiled i looked at her and then her

little grandson was with her

sitting in the chair and i said but how

do you

feel she said

i feel like a million bucks

true story i replied back to her and i


that’s what i wanted to hear

so we had a cute little laugh and i said

i’ll meet you over by the desk

right so she comes over she’s cashing


and as she’s leaving

she turns and she looks at me as she’s

walking out the door

said i want to thank you for making me

feel so good

about myself

i will see you next week

i smiled and i said thank you

one week later there we were


i didn’t want to get out of bed i didn’t

even want to open my eyes

i was depressed

completely defeated

everything i had worked we had worked so

hard for

was falling to pieces

i was numb

there’s no other words but num

all those signs that i hand

picked for the boutique

meant nothing they disappeared

as if they didn’t even exist

that’s when we knew we had

to recreate the store

i knew i had to change my way of


i had stopped all of the negative

comments all of the negative head


i had to reinvent myself

talk about a deep conversation

we did it we went online

at that time everything was shop from


because that’s what everyone was doing

you’re on your phones you’re on your


i figured it out i had to create a


knew nothing about websites

but i had to do it i had to become

focused i had to become determined

and i had to become productive every

single day

we went online social media the facebook

i mean

everyone was shopping from home

instagram personal shopping

virtual shopping who would have thought

we had to do it i knew

it was the survival of our business

that if we didn’t think if i didn’t


of something better

i wouldn’t have been able to reopen our


i had to do these live videos in front

of a live

audience do you know how hard that is

but it feels good

i want you to go back to those words

that you said to yourself this morning

before you opened your eyes

some of you well maybe you’ll laugh at

what you said

others may have realized that

something has changed

the struggles that we face

the obstacles that are thrown

in front of us the unthinkable

situations they make us tired

very tired but i know

i know it’s an opportunity

to make us stronger

and it makes us stronger and better as

long as we stay committed

and positive

i can i will

end of story thank you
