Positive Approach to Life.

hello good afternoon to all of you

year 2020 is just a

juncture in the history of the mankind

this kind of crisis situation does not


every day once in a lifetime or maybe in


covet 19 has given us

the horrific stories of lockdown

industry meltdown overwhelming

health facilities and the worst of all

losing our loved one

these situations sometimes make us think

what are we going to do to deal with

this situation

and how are we going to come out of it

well before i start my talk

i will give a disclaimer that the

pictures and the images which i am going

to show

are from open source and the events

which i’m going to describe

has certain information held back only

the relevant part for the today’s


context has been shared with you

coming back to my talk

the important question today is that

are we at the place at the zero

or we are the one are we doing something

nothing or something so let’s discuss

this out

i’m going to present to you an image

which depicts two personalities

one who made the world cry the other one

who made everybody laugh

so who you are

are you the zero or are you the one

are you the pessimistic or are you the

optimistic person

are you a threat or are you opportunity

well to get the right kind of answers to

our life

issues and the life positions that’s

here two three events

which i had to face in my life and what

certain lessons

which i carried with me

first of my story

this is about the survival instinct

year 1996 97

i was posted in a place which is a


location called run of touch

and the hero of my story is suggesting

an operator by trade an excellent


and a boxer but professionally arrogant

and sometimes crosses align with the


this incident happened when we were

supposed to carry out

a patrol in the area which is as seen

on your screen is surgery

a patrol of 17 people were tasked to


on this piece of land which is supposed

to be

a marshy land it has got a crest of salt

which at times as thin as paper

but at certain places it is seven to

eight feet in deep

the patrol was supposed to cross almost

60 kilometers in next 24 hours

to find out certain areas where the

enemy could infiltrate in our country

it started well all planning was done at

right places the patrol started in the


went through certain kilometers and

started to realize

that this marshy land has started

sinking in

the place has a lot of slush

and mud beneath at places

even a vehicle can sink down at any


when they started they realize that they

are going deeper and deeper into the


and all health broke loose after the


when the seaside side flooded the area

and everybody was

inside the water up to their chest


they were spending the whole night

standing at one place

hoping the tide to recede next day


when the sun rose the temperature

started climbing up

mind you this is the area where the

temperature shoots up to 52 degrees

because of the salt concentration

and dry sample conditions

people started getting dehydrated

they wanted to reach to the nearest land


the officer controlling the complete

patrol decided to reach to the nearest

point where they can be at comfort

but in the bargain he also started

having dehydration

well they tried their level best reached

to a point

in few hours they could hit a hard land

but by the time everybody was feeling


the complete equipment gone

rusted because of the high salt


and the communication failed because of

the water seeping into the equipment

the fada sugdev true to his nature

he started asking the question to reach

a place

where everybody can survive little they


after that that they had already crossed

the international border

and they were sitting in the other


so we had to make quick decisions and

so they’ve requested the officer

to move the patrol to the closest indian


he also advised him how to make his

movement instead of walking

sliding onto the mushy land

so that they could reach to the next


the condition of every patrol member was

deteriorating fast

as the sun reached to the noon condition

almost everybody feeling unconscious

he took the lead tried to

his level best and even guided the


to survive for next 36 hours these

people have

crawled from one point to the other

making it possible to reach to the

nearest place where they could be


to survive they had to even drink their


rain because there was no fresh water


but with this effort we managed to

rescue all

15 people and they had to undergo

treatment for severe dehydration

the lesson i learned as a young captain

from this incident

was too the survival instinct of a man

who tried to raise his bar is always the


who makes people life easier happier

and try to make them comfort but on a

professional front

for me as an officer and a soldier the

lesson was

that every man has to be brought back

to its base alive and that i carried

as my responsibility

being the superior in the setup

second story this is a beautiful place

in 1999 2000 where i was located

called the heaven on earth but we’ve had

certain specific tasks to do the story

is about how

mental control can take over the muscle


the hero of my story is a paratrooper

named surrender chetri he was a commando

very physically fit and extremely polite

we were to carry out a patrol and a

blocking of a

place where we heard from intelligence


that they’re going to be terrorist


to a particular village which happens to

be the home

of a most wanted terrorists of india

we set out our course to set up the


i was in the patrol

when we were about to reach that place

just two kilometers short of that

i realized that somebody was hitting my


it happened in last two three hundred


technically we are supposed to keep a

space of five to six

steps behind so that nobody gets engaged

in one shot or a burst of fire

so realizing if something is a mess i

signal the trolls to stop and i turn


to my horror hitri was moving behind me

with his eyes closed

that was a very dangerous situation

because a person in sleep

if you get free suddenly awaken up he

can open the trigger

all her weapons were live and

ready to fire i didn’t say anything to


that point but the next day i confronted

when i asked him

if you were feeling so sleepy why you

have to go into patrol

with us i could have changed somebody


he politely said sir i was there in the

other operations the last 48 hours

i didn’t have the time but don’t worry

i have learned the art of walking with

my eyes closed

i can hear your footsteps and can follow

them i was bit surprised

but later on i realized that this habit

of a person

to control the body from his mind

is a special talent which he has

increased with the census

of hearing and mastered it let me tell


i try doing it with some success not for

walking sleep

but to wake myself up for the work

every day in the morning for last 25


i never used an alarm clock

i tried waking up at the prescribed time

that i think before sleep

and i do get up normally my time of

waking up

is prior to five o’clock where i have

two hours to myself

do my thinking my meditation and all of

the exercise before i take on

the daily job but this habit

of controlling the body and the muscle

is something which i realize and i’ve

learned from him

and i am thankful to that person

third story this is a time

when i was commanding the regiment

and as a yearly ritual we had to go for

a training exercise

and do the firing practices for our


year 2013 or maybe

later part of the 12th we were at

deserts the condition of deserts

very hot dusty and at times

the sun is makes it difficult for you to

walk for long hours

the regiment was ready to fire i was at

control tower with the gunnery staff

and all other people who were to manage

the complete exercise

the tanks were lined up in front of the


and they were to fire three rounds at

the different stages

engaging the targets allocated by us

from the car

while doing this exercise when we


everything was okay but within first

few rounds were fired i could hear from

my left flank

that some metal cracking sound

which made me believe that something has

gone wrong

i tried to see that area which was about

600 meters from me

could not make out anything because of

the dust kicked up

in the firing you can see the hormone of

a curtain gets

raised up when you fire such heavy

caliber ammunition

but the sound was something which was

making me worry

so i tried to check up on the radio from

the crews who were firing from the left

there was some kind of confusion i

couldn’t get a response

the gunnery officer was asked to hold

the fire


my hero david jagat

a gunnery instructor excellent trainer

and a very upfront person

before we could even control

the crews which were firing already and


somebody to look at the tank i saw him

running towards the tank

with a fire extinguisher i realized

something is wrong which i could not

see from my position so i asked for


and had a look at it so my horror the

tank was inflamed

before our ambulance and the fire tender

could reach that area

was already dashing towards that like

busan bolt

he moved on to the tank first thing he


to take out those three human beings

which are trapped inside that

the tank was full of smoke he got those

three people

out and also helped the unit douse the


while doing so he put his life at risk

because there was a live ammunition

inside the tank

had the fire touched that it would have

been a catastrophic

people around it for hundreds of meters

would have

not survived now such a calamity and a


of a person did impress me

and since he was a second generation

soldier i have started with his father


i knew the traits were really passed on

in generations

i commended that boy and he was awarded


chief of army staff commendation card


this incident gave me a lesson and it’s


in today’s environment that every life


the boy didn’t take anybody’s direction

to do it it took the initiative

and got it done with the with sense of


so with these three incidents which i

narrated i come back to my

first question who are you

are you the person who is

having this instinct to survive are you

the person

who has the mental control or are you

the person who cares for the life

but whatever may be your answers in your


my reasoning is is what the hat you’re


is a hat which tells you and guide you

in your life

with that i sum up

my presentation today thank you very
