The Positive Generator




good evening everybody i’m here to talk


a story which started when i was four

years old

so when i was four years old my mom

approached me with a very serious face

and as all four-year-olds boywood i just

had a big smile on my face i didn’t know

what was happening i was just hoping for


so when that happened i she just told me

three words which went through my mind

so those three words were that she has


so when those words just went through my

mind i didn’t really know what to do

because i was still for i didn’t know

what cancer was and my evidence to that

i think i’m just unsure i think i used

to call it canker or something

and that’s my evidence that i had no

idea whatsoever what cancer was

so then i didn’t really

know what to do and it wasn’t a problem

for that long

as she got cured but then last year

she got cancer again so when that


i wasn’t that four-year-old boy anymore

i knew what to do

so but at first there were two helens

the old trainer than the new one so the

old one

he he was in extreme devastation he was

extremely depressed

and what wasn’t helping was thinking of

the ifs

for example what if my brother gets

cancer what if my father gets cancer

what if i get cancer and even worse what

if i lose her

so these ideas just kept on going

through my mind and as they went through

in and out it was just exploding my mind

and something which wasn’t doing my mom

any favors

was asking me i was asking her how can i


so i know most people will say no asking

her how i

how can i help is actually helping but

it’s not

because that that’s going to make her

think about me every day

on how can i help that’s first of all

second of

all it’s going to make her feel pity for

me or worried for me

but then in that same day where i

realized that i was not helping


i just went to the mirror and i said

okay i need to change

i’m not helping and i’m not i’m not


and i’m not making her happy so instead

i shine the light on the new hell just

like the light going through my eyes

right now

so i learned from the uh from the old


not to think of the ifs and not ask how

to help

so the new khalid focused on three main


help before she needs it distract and

cheer her up

so the help before she needs it for

example i used to do the dishes

i used to get all the plates and all the

forks and put it beside the sink

and go to my brother and be like okay

can you please do these things i’m kind

of too lazy and i have no idea how to do

it whatsoever

so please just do it for me so he swift

over there and he do it

because that’s how kind my brother is

another thing

i used to distract her i know i get that

a lot

it’s just for the stage really

so another thing i used to do was

distract her so i used to distract her


playing any game that she loved in face


and i used to play face 10 because that

was her favorite

card game and until now i still play it

with her because i really liked the game

so even if she wasn’t up for it i didn’t

force her i just convinced her

for example i i really i

i’m very convincing and i’m very good at

persuading people for example

can anyone raise their phone please

okay that that’s how persuading i am i


it’s magical


so the last point i used to do to help

was to cheer her up so i just bond with

her or help her

or do anything i could for example i

used to tell her

very very funny but still annoying jokes

and i’d explain it afterwards

and sorry something’s on my throat

so after i do that i just say that i’ll

explain it and that’s the end

um and after that i used to smile around

her i know people would say

smiling doesn’t help smiling is just

something you do

if you’re happy but that’s not true

smiling really helps and it’s extremely

effective as small as a smile may seem

it’s going to make that person feel

super happy

around you and even if you ask me

how i know that smiling really helped i

was recently awarded by my mother

the positive generator and thank you