Look for the possibility


my name is liam and i’d like to talk to

you today about goals setting them

why you need them but most importantly

how to achieve them i think that talking

about goals right now is more important

than ever before

because in this whole new world which

you’re living in it feels even harder to

work towards your goals in the usual way

for example if your goal is to bungee

jump you cannot leave your house to

travel to a place to go to to jump from

and obviously you can’t budge your jump

to home unless what if you could

what if you could jump up to your

ceiling and bounce back down again and

feels a few bungee jumping

or hang upside down on the light of your

bunk bed ready to be pulled up again

what i’m trying to say is that bungee

jumping like other goals might not be

available as they were before

but with imagination and creativity you

can still work towards your goals and

use your weight

i’m going to tell you the story of my

goals do something i love which is

football and

that i’m starting to love reading i

think that it’s important to know that

it doesn’t matter what your goal is

what is important is to aim for

something to be confident that you can

do it

am i breaking it up into smaller

achievable steps you’ll soon feel the

thrill of success

after all you don’t know what you can

achieve until you try for as long as i

can remember i’ve had football training

three times a week plus matches at


i love every moment of it scoring goals

with both feet dribbling past the other

team’s best plays

and i get such confidence from playing

well especially when my siblings are

there to film me

we always analyze how i played and i see

the improvements in my performance like

the exercises designed by my coaches

when i put the skills into play there’s

something quite like being picked as per

of the back by my teammates

but then covered i’m a training

suspended in mattress cancelled i’ve

needed to find new ways to readjust my

focus to be match ready at the earliest


i recently read gara southgate the

england football manager’s autobiography

anything is possible be brave and be

kind and follow your dreams

and it has really inspired me to the

possibility in any situation

surely even in lockdown there must be a

silver lining

i’ve had to find new ways to progress

because my usual activities have stopped

instead of training with my training in

a group session with my teammates

i’d train one-to-one and working on my

technical ability

rather than everything else i started

running with my family to keep my

fitness up

when i do a d10 squared in september

2020 i found out that there was a

program called jazz

similar to duke of edinburgh awards but

just for younger children

and it inspired me to keep motivated

and ready and ready to do things after a

few weeks i started to wonder

how i would find time to complete eight

hours of three different activities

plus a four hour adventure but i

designed a program to mark each

milestone and guess what

by dedicating an hour or so each week i

soon approached my goal

i learned to cook new dishes like

triple choc chip cookies and desserts

like victoria sponge

i went on a very long walk to london

bridge designed comics to charity

and i’m i’m most proud of achieving the

best personal best for kick-ups

more about that later while while

achieving my

bronze chat level dress challenge i

found it really interesting to mark my

progress in my online journal

this kept me motivated as it was really

exciting to see the number of hours

go up and up this motivated me

and now i’ve completed my silver

challenge and soon i’ll move on to gold

so setting a goal has been good for me

but it’s important to know why you want

to do it too

for us i must admit to you i’m not a

natural book clubber

as i know how important it is to read to

develop your imagination

create creative writing and

storytelling skills i struggle to stay

interested in most novels beyond a few


until i discovered a technique the

pomodoro technique it’s a time

management method developed by

university student francesco cherilo in

the late 1980s

on his website he states that for many

people time is an enemy we work

against time to complete assignments and

meet deadlines the pomodoro technique

teaches you to work with time rather

than struggling against it and that

is exactly what i needed following this

technique has completely changed the way

i approach reading

setting down for two segments of 25

minutes each with a five minute break in


i’ve said i have it for reading nearly

an hour a day this is definitely a plus

of lockdown

i’ve always been competitive and goal

oriented i think

that goals help me focus finish things

and move on to the next stage

as you can probably gather i’m a

football fanatic playing with my

teammates going to tournaments and

scoring goals

but now the grassroots and academy

football has been suspended i’ve needed

to find new ways to readjust my focus

like i said

i’ve started training with a group sp

with a group instead of

and started running with my family i

figured that instead of doing ten minute

intervals of football training

i can use our family walk time to

dribble for hours we went on walks to

notting hill

about to see all over hyde park my

football has seen it all

especially because i’m not allowed to

pick it up at any point on the road

wash your hands

i i figured that we can i can use our

family walk time treatable for hours i

just would through traffic cones i could

start forward with the opposition


while being fouled by speed bumps and

dogs off their lead

i think my my fitness is good and my

ball control has definitely improved

now back to the kick-ups at the

beginning of the year i set myself a

chance to do 200 kick-ups in a row

my target was to do 25 or 30 three times

in a row then the target would move to

75 and after that 100

i can’t tell you how many times i get to

60 or 70 lose my balance and then lose

control of the ball

gradually each week i rounded the number

up to the nearest five

sometimes speeding unfortunately

sometimes not

but that didn’t stop me you can imagine

how elated i was the day i got 217 when

i was meant to do 185

and that’s it knowing that i could do 30

made 50 seem wrong and doing

50 made 70 achievable our record is now

217 kick-ups

soon i’ll hit 300.

so this whole new world what is it i’m

still getting used to things but it is

the world that i’m growing up in and i’m

going to make the

most of it for sure thank you