Possibility Rebooted


with humility i can say that i’m a

fairly successful global businessman in

the exhibitions industry

i did my schooling from around the world

i’ll talk about that later i’m married


35 years i’ve got two daughters and i’ve

got four granddaughters

so i’m proud for everything in my life

what i am today

the most important thing is that i come

from a very proud middle class family

and that pride remains with me

regardless of where i stand today

i am a son of a diplomat so my early


was roaming around the world studying in

you know missionary schools

acclimatized with various aspects of

societies from around the world

became very confident because one of the

best forms of education is

interaction with people and at the end

of my schooling it so happened

we came back to india and i finished my

schooling from the

american international school at that

time and today is known as the american

embassy school

and i decided to obviously go in for

higher studies

i took on

economics honors from hindu college you


uh vipassani was talking about miranda

house earlier i think you all know about

hindu college also

and it’s standing so here i was this


ready to roar gonna take on the world

first year hindu college economics


and i failed

not only did i fail but i failed


i was absolutely shattered

you know the world had finished there

was darkness all over

what to do uh

i took an immediate hold of myself

established my self-esteem

which was most important

went back to my roots

and with the guidance and support of my

family especially my father

got a hold of myself and went back

to do my first year economics honors

again with my

head high it wasn’t easy right

and it worked it worked

i went on to finish my economics honors

i took on a lot of i went into the

debating society into

other cultural programs and

went on further to do my masters

in business economics and by the way i

wanted to be a professor that was my


passion so anyway i’m really enjoying

myself talking to all of you

but destiny had other things in mind for


and we got into business by accident

and well nothing is accidental god wills


and i won’t go into details of my

business but in today’s date

uh i i i can say that

you know you know we are we are very

successful in in what we’re doing

we have a reputation we have a global

reputation individually we have a great


so it’s all it’s all looking great

but then it was that

period that one year

when i failed you know and

when you know when you fail you’re a


you know be possibly i can imagine what

you went through when you failed you

were in the fifth standard

here i am you know youngster a global


and you know it was terrible

but it worked and i was able to do what


what what i but i took on myself to to

redeem myself

and be successful

so what is the model of the the thing

be careful of becoming over

confidence you won’t even realize it

you you will you will not even know what

is happening

and if that happens it is the recipe for


so here i am

as maher said when he started this


i was at the bottom and the only way was


the bottom bottom line of going up is


that over confidence never humility

always humility always

so be confident be humble

do whatever you are doing with humility

and believe me

no failures can stop you from achieving

your goals