Intuition is your superpower the green light to your destiny

look at us

are we just so overwhelmed with all of

the noise that’s happening in the world

right now

not so long ago i can remember feeling

the same sense of overwhelm

while i was raising my children running

a business and i was watching my

father’s health rapidly decline

there was so much noise in my head and

the mind chatter

it was so much that it blocked out what

my heart and my gut were telling me to

do have any of you ever felt this

overwhelmed before

so there i was feeling anxious

constricted and like the weight of the

world was on my shoulders

and what i realized was that all of the

noise was clogging my channels and it

was stopping me from receiving the most

powerful and important information that

i could receive

so how do we find our way when there’s

so much noise

and when we need clarity how do we find


when we’re drowning in input information

and overload

from the media and well-meaning people

around us

the american psychological association

says 86 percent of people report

checking emails or texts

often or constantly while 45

of the world’s population use social

media an average of two hours and 23

minutes a day

pew research says we’ve gone from five

percent usage in 2005

to 72 percent in 2019 of social media

and this is astounding forbes says that

we are exposed to between four

and ten thousand ads per day that’s


so what’s happening when we are so

inundated with this external information

and stimuli

our neurological system simply cannot

process it

the senses gather some 11 million bits

per second from the environment

but the conscious mind can only process

50 bits per second

so it’s no wonder we’re overwhelmed

maybe you have even caught yourself

feeling a little guilty and overwhelmed


scrolling through your phone while

you’re not paying attention to your job

your children

and your bigger dream of what you want

in your life

just maybe you’re busy looking around

you listening to what others are telling


and not paying attention to your own


gut feelings and your heart the thing is

we get numb and we tune out when we are

not listening

we turn down that dial on the inner


that really knows the way intuitive


comes from a place of knowing

without conscious reasoning and that’s

what makes it so cool

and it is your green light and right now

it’s trying to get your attention at

this very moment

albert einstein said the intuitive mind

is a sacred gift and the rational mind

is a faithful servant

we have created a society that honors

the servant but yet has forgotten

the gift so today i am here to ask you

have you

forgotten yours how can you use your

gift of intuition to quantum leap into

the next level of what you want in your


your business finances relationships

your career

you see we can’t escape the noise it’s a

feature of the universe

but how do we tune out the noise so you

can hear your intuition

what your intuition is is a gut feeling

a whisper of knowing

it’s a feeling inspired or having

something deep inside that just won’t go


and it can feel like an aha moment that

comes in out of nowhere

your intuition is faster than the

thinking mind

and possibly more reliable but what your


is not is making decisions out of fear

what other people

tell you to do or the negative noisy


inside of your head so why am i the one

telling you this

at an early age i knew what it felt like

to grow up with lots of noise

my father was an alcoholic and after

having a parent that was addicted to


it came with many things one of them

feeling unstable and uncertain

certainly at the forefront and even if

you don’t have a parent as an alcoholic

or grew up in an unstable environment

i can tell you we probably all know what

this feels like now after dealing with

current times in the world

but as a child i learned to not trust

myself enough

and i’m sure some of you can relate to

the self-questioning that can happen

in your minds and because of that i


disconnected from my intuition and i


numb so i struggled i found myself

checking off all the boxes doing what i

thought i

should do but i wasn’t happy

i jumped from one relationship to the

next i landed in a job that i didn’t


i was so busy listening to everything

around me that i couldn’t

hear the voice inside of me and i was so

unhappy i was ready for an exit

and one day out of nowhere a voice

said enough it was clear

it was simple and it was true and i

heard myself for the first time with

great clarity

and that small voice inside was my


trying to get me to listen so today i

stand here

after healing old wounds digging through

the pain of the past and pushing through

to the other side knowing with full

clarity that i might not even be here


if it wasn’t for what i now know you see

i made intuition my superpower that day

and it can become yours as well what i

know from working with

thousands of people now on meeting their

life goals and growing their businesses

is when they empower their intuition

they create results using your intuition

will accelerate expand and open new

doorways and opportunities for you

but it also might mean that you have to

walk away from something that’s no

longer serving you

so are you ready to hear your truth

see the best part about intuition is

that you don’t need to know the how

you don’t need to know the answers

because when you have intuition as your


it will show you the way and yes i can

hear some of you wondering

okay this sounds great but how do i tune

into my own intuition

you see your intuition has always been

there for you

and you’ve heard it many times for


some of us have had an imaginary friend

growing up and i had dede

she lived in a brown cupboard and i

would knock

and she would come out and we would talk

and i would listen and as a child it was


to listen to yourself because you knew

what you wanted

and you knew what was true so imagine


inviting that little you back in having

that little you by your side guiding you

on your next steps in life

then your job is to take action on the

whispers the nudges and the gut feelings

that come up for you

so let’s unpack this so you can claim

this today

number one tune in by tuning out turn

off the social media

cut back on what you’re listening to and

carve out that quiet time so you can

hear your voice

the mind chatter needs to quiet down and

meditation walking in nature and

creating downtime in your routine can

help you with that

some of the best shifts in my life came

from simple moments where i could hear


think i have a client who credited

this one step with being able to double

her revenue

in a year as well as create her own


step two look for the signs this is one

of my favorite steps and often i teach

students that if you’re getting

intuitive hits about things and you

don’t listen

they’ll keep showing up in different

ways look for patterns repeating


and pulls in certain directions pay


when you feel something and know that


when they pop in out of nowhere it’s the

universe trying to get your attention

remember intuition doesn’t come from

logic or reason

and that’s what makes it so cool when

you receive these intuitive hits

your step three is to write it down to

build it up

i keep paper within reach and when these

moments quiet realization come in

i write things down it’s a powerful

simple step

and it takes our inner reality and puts

it into an external

reality which means that it can manifest

and that’s the goal and step four is

once you write down your aha moments and


intuitive hits you give it permission

stop looking around right for people to

give you the permission that you already

can claim for yourself

it’s your superpower say yes listen to


and if you’re getting intuitive hits you

can trust yourself

that they’re real you know in 2000 i

went across the country and i moved and

everyone thought i was crazy

and i if i hadn’t done it that day

if i hadn’t made that decision i

wouldn’t have met my husband to create

the life that we now have

so it’s a very powerful tool listen

to your gut the truth is is that the

older we become

we leave our imaginary friends behind

after all

what would people think and so i

gradually tuned dede out and the wisdom

that she brought

and standing here i wonder how much

stress i could have spared myself

if i had kept listening and kept her


that bad boyfriend that wrong job

that dead end road could dede have saved

my struggles if i were really still


and what if not listening and leading

you down the wrong path creating

unnecessarily stress and turmoil

what if the recognition today is your


as a gift led you to the biggest

breakthroughs in your relationships your

health your career

and what if listening to that superpower

inside of you

will lead you undoubtedly into

your happiest and most fulfilling life

you see i’m asking you what do you

really want

we’re all born with a destiny and a

purpose and how far we get

in achieving this is all up to you

and if you choose to listen to that

voice today

is the first step no matter who you are

what you’ve achieved or what you have


it is the first step to honor that

little voice

to pay attention to what it says and to


strengthening this muscle so that your

life is guided into your destiny

tapping your intuition is your


and it unleashes the knowingness and the


of the right steps to take and the ones

that are truly

meant just for you

your intuition is the most powerful tool

and resource you have

it is like a secret power and your green


with time and practice you will learn to

trust it

more and more building your intuition

it will guide you through life like a

best friend that has your back

your intuition is truly the catalyst to

quantum leap your life

thank you
