Power is not given to you you have to take it


i grew up

with destiny’s child and spice girls


and dancing to britney spears in the


i had a wonderful childhood i had tons

of friends

i had a steady home and i was good at

both school

and sports but somehow

i felt misplaced i felt

like a misfit i had such big dreams and

goals for my future self

but i had no one to share it with

you have to be realistic my father said

every time i shared my grand visions and

thoughts with him

and in the media i was portrayed with

female role models

only such as tv stars and pop idols

and at schools i was presented with

various options for my future

lawyer doctor nurse

entrepreneurship wasn’t one of them

looking back i now realize i had no

place or no one to turn to to mirror

myself i still had hope though

i wanted to lead a happy life on my own


experiencing lots of different things

meeting lots of different

people and being an inspiration

i just had no idea what kind of job

that could be i only saw pop idols doing

many different things

but that wasn’t on my to-do list for

career creation for years

i thought i only had two options

either i had to choose one of these

boxes that school presented to me

lawyer doctor etc or i had to be

discovered that someone was going to


and discover my amazing talent and just

give me knock on my door and give me the


that i wanted but

both of these options seemed rather


and not only that there was a catch 22.

i was even scared of my own ambitions

and i was scared of my capabilities and


why couldn’t i just want a regular job

like it seemed like everybody else

wanted and was there even room for me

in this world

i was also so scared of failing

myself that i even didn’t want to try to


a solution because what if i try to go

after what i wanted in life

and didn’t succeed what a huge

burden that would be to carry for the


of my life no thanks

why couldn’t just someone come knocking

at my door and discover

my amazing talent well not gonna happen

but during studies some friends of mine

created their own

venture and they asked me to join and as

i was

in university which made me still feel


a misfit i decided to join at that time

i hadn’t heard

of the word startup it was back in 2012.

i dove in to the startup community and


like-minded people and i had lots of fun

at work i found hope

but still something was

missing where were the people who wanted

to take over the world

in the startup community there was some

rumors about san francisco or silicon

valley being

the place where the future were invented

perhaps that’s the place where i

could belong people called me brave

for quitting my job packing my bag and

just head over to san francisco without


anyone or any got anything there to do

but to me it felt like i didn’t have a


either i could just end up feeling like

a misfit or

i could just at least try to see if this


maybe where i could belong

coming to san francisco i was quickly


i was met with people who chased and


their dream jobs and not only that but


actually believed that they had what it


to change and make the world a better


and meeting them they also saw

my potential

san francisco was a game changer to me

because all my life i had believed that

someone was going to

come and give me opportunities

give me permission to do what i really

wanted to do

but these people weren’t sitting around

waiting for someone to

give them permission or give them the


i realized that i had to give

myself permission i had to

try to believe in myself enough

and allow myself to feel worthy so i

could do the same coming back

i had to take action but

where to start and with what

i felt very overwhelmed but at least i

knew i had to do everything myself

what would make me happy what was i good


how can i have the biggest impact and

how could i earn

money on it i realized that

role models had been a very very

important factor in my life

so i wanted to create a platform

every women woman with a dream could


herself i heard something about


that’s more than two years ago and i

thought i’d jump

on the wagon before it became too

popular and power ladies

was born two years later

i now realized that if you set out with

clear goals

and intention and will to achieve

and some patience and continuity

nothing can stop you when i started

power ladies

i had one goal which was to quit my day

job within a year

which i managed but the thing that gives

me the most joy with what i do

is the weekly messages i get from women

who started their own company

or started investing or

asked for a leader position

not i’d not only do this for the women

i still do it for myself

because i need to keep my confidence


hi i also learned along the way

that luck is just a myth

the people that are called lucky are the

people who actually

go out create opportunities and seize


when they come that are being called


so luck is a matter of hard work meeting

opportunity and what do all these

hundred plus

successful women have in common that i

have interviewed in my podcast

they don’t sit around and wait

i was being realistic as a child

and there was room for me in this world

i just had to break the barriers that i

and the people around me had set as a


in our brain and i had to make

myself space so my biggest lesson

in life is my message to you today

power is not given to you

you have to take it
