Every Problem is an Opportunity

hello everyone

i am dt biswas i am ceo and co-founder

of ponto

so i am an entrepreneur beside this

identity i am also an engineer

i have completed my graduation from iit


in 2016. after that i had done two

startups first one was in solar power


i have installed seven and a half

megawatt one gate power plant

after that i have completed 92 schools

on rooftop solar now i am working

with this pointo for last smell and fast

mild connectivity by

electric three-wheelers and two-wheelers

so today

i am here to talk about our journey

uh how we have developed our idea and

from where

we have started so why did i get into


since childhood i have taken every

problem as an opportunity

i come from a very small town where most

people who had daily wages labor my dad

was a driver in the army and when he

left army he was suffering from tv

we had a joint family at that time but

but after his retirement

few members of the family dubed him of

all his life savings

and separated us from the joint family i

was very young at that time

and our family had no money we didn’t

have a house to stay

and there are rumors too that my dad

had aids instead of tv since my dad was


my mother started working hard to run

the family

those were the toughest days we have


now my dad runs a real estate company

from having no house

to building homes for more than 100

families we have come

long away and in this journey one thing

that i have learned from my parents who

are also my inspiration

is to take every problem as an


so when i got into iit understood

how solving problems can also create a

business so the first problem

that i could find

so this problem need to be solved then

we launched

loader to solve this problem which was

an e-buy cycle for campus transportation

and with this model we got offer from

different iits and united’s also

then we started planning to launch this

service in cities and we found out

in our survey that more than 70 percent

of daily commuters

are under seven kilometer we knew that

to make any significant change we needed

to work

with this very segment but we are unable

to deploy

this e-bikes in cities due to security

issue and a number of

other factors also there are a lot of

three-wheeler rickshaws

that are trying to solve this the same

problem but they were very unorganized

leading to customers dissatisfaction so

just like we solved the commute problem

with e-bikes we decided to solve the

commute problem in cities

by aggregating and organizing available

three wheelers

through technology but again we


a new problem most of this vehicle were

fuel powered a data by main

suggested that more than 40 percent of

the total pollution

is caused by vehicles we are very clear

on that

one thing that will not choose a path to


more to existing pollution because this

climate change is real

i hope everyone should be concerned

about that

i will just share a small observation


shows how real this problem is when we

used to visit beaches

during our childhood the shops located

at the beaches

very far from the show and now when we

visit those the same beaches we notice


the shops have come nearer to the show

it is not that shops that have moved it

is the water level that has increased

which makes this look like the shops

have moved closer to the show

this small observation will tell you


the climate change is real and we need

to do something about it

we don’t have much time so we should

focus on that the same concern so at

that time we finally decided

to solve this last mile connectivity

issue by electric three wheelers

which will be affordable for daily

commuters and will be

environment friendly and will create a

large impact in the society

from there oil was born now we are

working with

1100 electric three wheelers which has

helped the localites to transport

emergency items during lockdown also


are getting e-ratios from home in a

single fleet

and last but not the least divers

are getting a predictable earning by

accessing multiple source of income

so one thing is clear for the perfect


or a perfect product we need to face

multiple iterations

multiple failures and multiple

innovation solid innovative solutions

at last i want to share one thing with


entrepreneurs and budding entrepreneurs

that india is a big market

to start a startup since we have more


we have more problems that needs more


if you think big and decided to do big

your location or family background will

never be a restriction

every time and every place is good to


maybe some places have better

accessibility and some don’t have

but if you have a strong wish there have

always suffered

never take a shortcut try to find your


never repeat and everything modified

your solution

according to the demand always remind in

a startup

we should make solution for users not

users for the solution

hope more successful startup will come

i’d like to

end with just one statement don’t be

afraid of problems problems are the big

opportunities thank you so much to


killer for inviting me and giving me

this platform to share my thoughts and

share my

whole journey thank you so much