Tackling AI Bias is a human problem




i’m excited to have the opportunity to

speak with you i want to provide my

unbiased perspective on the critical

role of managing bias and ai

does that sound ridiculous well that’s

because it should

since there is no conversation without


as humans we perceive our environments

our experiences and that affects our

perspective this lens

this perspective is bias similarly

an ai perceives its environment its


and this is in the form of data and this

affects its perspective

this perspective that the ai has learned

from the data influences and creates

bias in the resulting ai

but we want to know we can trust the ai

and be able to understand

how and why it came to a recommendation

but what does ai look like in action a

good example

is an algorithm that predicts credit

risk from your credit history and assets

this is based on how people similar to

you have behaved in the past

in other words the algorithm is scoring


based on the behavior of other similar


and algorithms are really good at this

in 2019

apple and goldman sachs released a

credit card aptly named the apple card

but when janet hill pulled out her

iphone and applied for the apple card

instantaneously an algorithm issued her

a card

but she was given a credit limit that

was 10 times lower than her husband

they share all the same assets and they

share all the same accounts

yet her husband who happened to be steve


got 10 times the credit that she did now

the algorithm

doesn’t even use gender as a factor

they didn’t want by this bias to exist

in fact

they made sure gender wasn’t even a

consideration in the algorithm

but before we address how this likely

happened i want to use a story to

explain some of the different types of

biases that exist

in late 2017 i started a team

to help companies climb the ladder to ai

when we set out on this mission we

established a cognitive bias

by having a goal to create a team that

was as diverse as possible

we created a framing bias by centering

the entire hiring process

to support our cognitive bias after that

we did something quite simple

we worked to minimize a selection bias

by using a set of job postings that were

designed to be more inclusive

we took this approach as there’s a

difference in the types of job


that different groups will and will not

apply to

because of an implicit bias in addition

to these simple

adjustments to the job postings we set a


before anyone could start interviewing

we needed to make sure we had a pool of

qualified candidates that’s at least

50 percent diverse this decision

of consciously establishing a selection


proved to be one of the most important

parts of bringing this team together

it was so simple but it was so impactful

and i want to be clear we had no

requirement on the mix of candidates

that we would

or would not offer jobs to in fact we

had a very rigorous process

and only the most qualified candidates

got hired with no exceptions

when we finished the team of a hundred

data scientists was nearly twice as

diverse as the industry average

with nearly an equal number of men and

women who spoke more than 26 different


and were from a wide variety of cultural


and geopolitical backgrounds underneath

all this was a confirmation bias

in the form of a set of academic and

real world research

that was hand selected but why is this

so important when we start to think

about the development of ai

the same types of biases that are

expressed in the story about the data

science team

apply directly to ai that’s because

humans build ai

and we come to the table with a set of

biases and data is used to teach

or train the ai and data has bias that’s

based on the historical decisions

and actions of humans these factors

impact the level of bias an ai will have

so if we go back to the apple card


while they explicitly removed gender

there were

other factors associated with gender

that the ai algorithm

identified in order to classify

individuals based on a perceived risk

these features of the data are based on

a historical bias

but we’re not explicitly are you a man

or are you a woman

however they were still associated with

being a man or being a woman

and led to the unintended bias that


as we look at the pandemic we’re facing

it’s only increasing the rate

and pace of adoption of ai i know

sometimes ai can see him abstract

but you are already impacted by ai every


it’s in every industry from media and


when you think about netflix

recommending a movie to you

to automotive with the autonomous and

semi-autonomous cars driving around

even telecommunications with the need to

automatically allocate

and prioritize network capacity based on


and finally to the response to the


as we are forecasting the impact that

rates of infection have on economies

being able to reopen or not

and bias in any of these interactions

can have a direct impact on our lives

from the simply annoying when netflix

tells you to watch bridget jones and you

really just want to watch fifth element

to predicting what happens to the

availability of critical supplies

if the pandemic shuts down an entire


as ai becomes more pervasive we need to


mitigate and remediate bias and ai

and the development of an ai algorithm

can be thought of as similar to our own

human development

as we are born mostly without biases ai

algorithms are not inherently biased

and environments introduce bias to us

both positive and negative

and data is the algorithmic equivalent

to an environment for ai

external pressure causes us to adjust

our biases over time just as data

changes over time

and as we mature we’re introduced into

new environments

just as ai algorithms learn from new

data over time

ai is very good at picking up on small

details in their environment

and classifying groups or individuals

based on the data which is sometimes


so we think back again to the apple card

gender was

absolutely not a feature of the

algorithm and if ai has no inherent bias

then where did this bias come from

while data sets may seem like the most

obvious source of bias in ai

bias can also be introduced by teams

that don’t have proper training

and if teams are not sufficiently

diverse they’re more

likely to introduce a cognitive bias

when they’re setting up the problem

or framing bias is they lay out the

experimental design

or a selection bias when they start

picking algorithms

and this is in addition to whatever

biases may already exist in the data

from the historical actions of humans

so let’s go through another story

several years ago

a bank started using ai to decide if

mortgages should be given to applicants

or not

since this decision can have serious

long-term impact

on the lives of families the bank was

very careful

to ensure that the algorithms didn’t


any gender racial religious or ethnic


however even when everything else was

the same the algorithm started to deny

people of color mortgages at a higher


now remember race gender religion and

ethnicity were specifically excluded

from the algorithm

so what could have happened here it

turns out that address was collected

and in the united states and other parts

of the world

people of similar backgrounds tend to

live together in communities

and it also turns out that people of

color have been has

been historically denied credit at much

higher rates

and have historically lived in certain

zip codes

so if you happen to live in one of these

zip codes

you are more likely to be denied credit

this example demonstrates a few things

first that two or more pieces of data or


are likely to be very tightly connected

or correlated

in this case race address and zip code

are tightly correlated

and even though race was excluded the

algorithm found the result of historical


in brace correlated to a separate set of


address and zip code second

it highlights the effect of biased data

and how biases introduced into the data

because the model was tainted by a

historical bias in the data

they were making a bunch of bad

decisions really fast

so what does it look like to truly

understand bias

it takes highly talented and diverse


building the ai it is a set of separate

ai algorithms that are used to identify

outliers that represent both known and

unknown biases

it’s making sure we frame projects in a

way that’s as unbiased as possible

and it’s being transparent with the ai

in order to create a trusted foundation

for the ai

now the process of mitigating a

remediating bias

can still be challenging and to

understand why let’s go back to the

example of the bank

they were trying to look they took this

very seriously and their intent was not

to be biased against people of color

or anyone else for that matter in fact

the whole point of implementing the ai

was to remove the potential of implicit


affecting the decisions of their

underwriters and mortgage brokers

now it was not easy for them to

understand what happened

remember they went to great lanes to try

to prevent this from happening in the

first place

it was such a challenge primarily

because their teams had to manually go

back through the algorithms and untangle

what happened

and this isn’t an easy process but we’re

at an amazing point in time

technologically we are at the point

where the bias mitigation process

can be automatic and can be integral to

the entire development life cycle of ai

the right people with the right tools

and the right technology

can start creating a fantastic future of

less biased

and more ethical ai in the form of a

fully automated end-to-end process that

accounts for bias at every step of the


and is overseen by talented and diverse


thinking about the new reality we live

in today thanks to the pandemic

entire economies are shutting down and

this is resulting in a world that was

once physically connected via air travel

becoming completely remote where

millions of people are without work

and many others are working remotely

these fundamental changes in the world

are exponentially accelerating the rate

and pace

of the implementation and adoption of ai

whatever trajectory we were on has been


because we’re relying on data and ai

more than ever

but as we interact with ai in our daily


we need to be cognizant of the fact that


can be and often are impacting us

directly and indirectly

we need to keep in mind that even

ethical ai is biased

even if it’s consciously biased in a way

that’s aligned to societal norms

now we’ve all heard about the possible

benefits of ai

everything from better customer service

to more efficient and resilient supply


to faster and smarter drug discovery

process and so on

and many of us look forward to the

innovations and impact that ai can offer

organizations and individuals want to

know that they can trust their data

and their ai and explain how it came to

a recommendation

think about how many more organizations

would be ready to use ai

if they could rely on a trusted and

transparent process

now when i think about the task at hand

i know we have a lot of work to do

but i am very hopeful humans created the

bias that’s out there in the world today

and together we have a shared


to make sure that ai reflects the best

in human thinking

not the worst done right

done ethically ai will help us emerge

for the pandemic

by us towards a better more equitable
