Building experiences driven by curiosity

so what will happen in the next episode

will there be a next episode what will

happen to your favorite character

dead or alive what are those people

talking about

how did we get here why when we get here

from why did the apple fall from the


from newton to you and i we all are

driven by curiosity

it’s the warts wires and house

that keeps us going it’s these questions

that add trails to our boring life

apple must have fallen before

to everyone a lot of people sit in the

trail level must have fallen before

but it was the newton who questioned it

it was a see

curiosity that drives him to ask those


to find those answers of those questions

hello everyone i am abhinav graval and

today i am going to talk about

building curiosity-driven experiences

we will be discussing two things today


how did curiosity help me and second

how we can utilize the power of

curiosity to build great user


so how did it started for me what got me

into this point of life

ever since i was young i was always

eager to know everything

now that i think of it it was one of the

reason why my parents called me


but now i know what it is it was


product designing was an alien concept

to me i

took science with computers in my school

and then

went for bachelors in computer science

and engineering

because i wanted to build stuff i wanted

to create stuff

so what started for me what got me at

this point of life

during my bachelor’s i was introduced to

this tool photoshop

and i was fascinated beyond explanation

so many house flooded in my brain

and it took me a total different part to

search for those answers

from one door to another the doors of

curiosity open

and brought me at this stage of life of

being a product designer at atl

everyone has their own definition of


everyone is curious about something in

their life what we need to do is

give that curiosity the right direction

now let’s take this element of curiosity

and see how we can use it in building

digital experiences

all designs need to be accessible

understandable and simple

so users know how to behave and what how

what to do but adding this element of


gives them something more something


it is a small gap between known and


that drives motivates or intrudes them

and makes them more interested in your


and your brand let me give you a very

real and recent example of this app


everyone is talking about it and

everyone wants to talk on it

once you enter into the app the main

goal of the app is fairly direct and


you join in get into the room and start

having conversations

but there are few minute features that

makes this app extremely interesting

like this party hat feature they did not

told you or spoon fit this to you

but if you are new user you will see a

party ad on your profile

this tiny detail is something that makes

new user

curious enough them to explore more

within the app

it is the joy of exploring something on

your own

super creates the joy of being told


and this is what curiosity is all about

now for a moment think about

all the video games that you have played

well think about most of

them my earliest memory is that of gta

vice city

and we all have that endless knights of


let me ask you something how many times

in gta why city

you just roam around and try all those

crazy stuff

cars riding bike riding and do all kind

of stunt

the game didn’t told you to do so it was

your own curiosity

that drives you to keep trying and

whenever you do

any kind of these stunts or anything

that is new

the game gives you a variable reward and

that is something

motivates you to try even more

curiosity is what nudges user to

discover more and explore

more there’s a reason the movie was

named the curious case of benjamin


not the thrilling or shocking case let

me give you another interesting example

mystery seats curiosity and this is well

done by hot wheels what we came up with

the interesting concept of mystery cars

what they did was they diverted their


packs of cars that are encased with

clear plastic

to black opaque plastic and

named it as a mystic now customer has no

idea what they are buying for

they just going for the car they think

maybe it come up with their favorite car

imagine the curiosity and excitement of

the kid

who bought this mystery car with two to

three dozens cars available

everyone wants this mystery car it took

one mystery car

to take all the attention and all the

allowance of the kids

it’s the curiosity to find unknown beats

the comfort of

known so how curiosity actually works

let me explain it to you

in a very simple manner let’s say

you have a general information

right you know something and then there

is a hurdle

and there is more information

next to the header now you know


and this is what you know and this is

what you don’t know

but will you pass this hurdle will you

put effort to pass this huddle to access

that more information

maybe maybe not but in most other cases

you will not

but what if

in your general information that you


that you know and

there is a hurdle

and the more information that is known

the more information that is unknown now

what if i give you a little bit

about the more information

something that interests you something

that is of your interest

now you are in the zone of curiosity

because this info the little bit of

information that i gave you

is something of your own interest you

wanted to know more

you are in this zone now you have the

motivation to

pass this hurdle to access the unknown


initially you know something

and what you don’t know you’re not aware

of it so

if a user if you are not aware of what

you don’t know

there is no motivation to know that it

sounds a little bit complicated but be

with me

but if you know something if you have a

general information

and if i give you a little bit a little

bit information about

what you don’t know or maybe the

information that you’re not aware of

then it motivates you it generates


and maybe it it motivates you to pass

that huddle

and that’s how the curiosity actually

works and that’s how we as a designer

use the curiosity to drive user

in the direction of where we as a

designer want them to and obviously in a

good way or in a good direction let’s

address the big question now

why do we need curiosity driven


there are two ways to get user do what

you wanted tend to do

in this case a designer wanted 10 to 2.

one is the simple characteristic


we which we are all all are aware of the

second is

adding an element of curiosity and make


user and designer win with this element

of curiosity

the user intrudes and discovers


and the designer gets the user to

accomplish something

that they want to wanted them to do

curiosity can drive experiences

in direction the designer chooses

what’s better in this case the user feel

or think that

he’s taking those action or moving in

that direction according to his

own will but designer has

placed a element of curiosity that

holds and drives user attention into

that direction

you open one screen you get curious

about something and now

a designer know what is the next element

he or she wanted you to get curious


we as a user think okay yeah this seems

interesting this q

this makes me curious i should click on


but what has what designer has done

inside is

place the element of curiosity and pace

to drive your interest or attention to


so yeah that’s how it works the art of

harnessing the unknown rather than

explicitly stating the specific


generates curiosity and sparks interest

in your product or the website but

before we take user to the quest

of unknowns we need to understand

as a designer it’s our responsibility to

use this curiosity

with care to use this factor of unknown

with care a lot of products uses


to mislead their users one of the

biggest example is clickbait’s


and i’m pretty sure once in a while we

all get those

where the notification says something

and when we click on it

the story is totally different when you

generate curiosity make sure

you are not misleading users for your

own benefit

as spiderman’s uncle ben said with great

power comes great responsibility

use their curiosity to create something

that benefits them

don’t force with curiosity else it will

fall flat

and they’ll see it coming with that stay

creative stay curious

thank you for watching thank you for

your time bye