How To Find Your Passion and Know Your Purpose

have you ever found yourself confused

when someone asks you

what do you want to be when you grow up

or what job do you want to have when you

grow up

you feel really uncomfortable because

you get thrown on the spot and you don’t

know what to say

what i’ve done in the past is i just

used to make up random things without

thinking through just to impress the

other person

so i just used to say random things the

reason we can’t honestly respond to that

question is because we haven’t found our

passion yet

i found my passion at a young age and

that’s what i’m going to be sharing

so if you want to answer that question

honestly you have to first

find what you love and then you have to

execute on it which is finding your


but how do you actually find your

passion to the max

for that you have to be yourself and you

have to try many new things

even if you think one of the things

you’re trying is not what you like 100

just go for it and try it because you’d

be surprised you still might like it

or you can look in your past and find

something that you enjoyed

there and you can go on from there

but the thing is that you’re going to

have setbacks and the key is to not give


and your setbacks are going to make you

think negatively and they’re going to

tell you to quit but you cannot quit

because you’re going to regret that then

you have to stay consistent

what i mean by staying consistent is to

practice over and over again

and make yourself better and better and

improve more

like you hear athletes saying that to

pray practice hours per day is what you

have to do also

but if you don’t want to make it that

intense you can break it down into small

portions but just make sure you’re

staying consistent and you keep on doing

better and better and you’re making

yourself better and better

and personally in my opinion the reason

for living is to find and master your

purpose in life

what i mean by find is to find what you

love and then masters to get better and

improve yourself

on it and succeed in whatever it is and

living without a passion or a purpose is

pretty much just living a dead life


you don’t really look forward to things


it’s just not as good as after you found

your passion you don’t

feel like you don’t have a goal to

achieve and

your life will be just 10 times better

if you just find your passion

so when i was younger i was actually

very pressured because i didn’t know

what i wanted to do

i didn’t know who people would think of

me as i didn’t know what people would

think of me

and i felt anxious because i just

thought that if i was going through all

this i just had to fit in

please don’t think you have to fit in

don’t change who you are to join

something don’t change who you are

just be yourself whatever your style is

whatever your recipe is

just go in however you want to go in

however you

feel comfortable with and the reason

that i was anxious

was because i had fear and the thing

about fear is fear can be good or fear

can be bad

now the reason i say fear can be good or

fear can be bad

is because a lot of people think fear

is something horrible that they don’t

want in their life and they just want to

totally get rid of it

but that’s not actually how you should

think fear can actually make you a

better more hard-working driven person

but the issue to fear is when fear is

limiting you

and your capabilities it’s not letting

you reach your full potential

so the goal is to make sure to keep it

in control

so the most important part is to

actually overcome it

so you can finally reach your goals in

life and finally do what you’ve always

wanted to do

this is the hardest step for some people

but the first step to overcoming your

fear and anxiety

is to just know what it is and just

learn more about it

you can’t be in denial you have to just

sit down in a calm area wherever you are

and just acknowledge that

i’m because i had this i’m gonna make

myself better rather than making myself

worse through this and then you have to

think and act

positive and for thinking you have to

use your imagination and tell yourself

how good life would be if you just

overcame whatever holding

whatever is holding you back you know

your life will just be so much better

and you’ll enjoy it way more

think about how how amazing it would be

how you can always like

be happy and all that good stuff but

thinking is just thinking you can’t only


anyone can think about being successful

but actually being successful is a whole

different story

so as i said you have to act differently

what do you have to do for doing acting

differently you have to set

realistic goals and seize the day and


so setting realistic goals is very very

very crucial because

setting realistic goals makes it easier

for you because if you

set really really hard goals you have to

take baby steps and then you’ll

eventually get better

and also seizing the day slash


what i mean by that is make however

however your day is going make it the

best you can make it and

do whatever you do that makes you happy

and whenever an opportunity comes to you

just take it if a door opens go for it


opportunities don’t always come so you

don’t want to make sure you reject


just make sure to take them and if you

want to get closer to mastering your


or your passion in life you have to

sleep well move well

eat and drink well and think well and by

doing all those things

you’re keeping a steady balance in life

so what i mean by sleep well is to get

the right amount of sleep

because the right amount of sleep

ensures that you

operate well throughout the day and

you’re just happy throughout the day

a lot of people think that if you’re

very hard working you don’t get enough


but just getting not it’s just just not

getting enough sleep

can make you feel so bad and every

successful person has to get the right

amount of sleep

the next thing is to move well what’ll

be my move well so just

go get an exercise in give yourself a

workout it’ll make you feel so much


sometimes when i feel when i feel

frustrated annoyed or angry or sad

whatever it is

that i don’t want to feel that way just

by like exercising i feel so much better

or just by taking a shower anything like

that just makes me feel so much better

so eat and drink well rather than having

foods that don’t make you feel good and

that keep you tired and that

just like don’t make you like

you know what i mean by that like you

just feel tired you feel crappy because

the foods you eat because all the

processed artificial preservatives and

all that stuff instead of having that

type of stuff

eat healthy foods because the food that

you put inside your body

is actually so important and a lot of

people don’t know this

it matters so much and it can impact

your day so much and how you feel

and for drinking well rather than having

sugary processed unhealthy artificial

drinks like sodas

have something healthy it’ll make you

feel way more better and it’ll keep you

happy throughout your day think well i

think is the most

important one because you can have all

those and you’ll feel good but if you

don’t have a good mental health and

you’re not thinking positively

it’ll be hard for you to succeed so

thinking well so just think positive

suppose okay so

if you make mistakes in your past

instead of worrying so much about those


you should learn from the mistakes in

your past

live in the moment do good things in the

present which will make your future


so don’t worry so much about the past

and just live in the moment and do good

things right

now which will make your future better

so instead of just instead of like

trying to fit in and be like everyone

else i realized that i just had to be


and what i mean by being myself is just


however i was i just had to know that i

don’t have to change

who i am i am who i am and i know i’m

great and you have to have confidence

and believe in yourself

and then i looked back so this was in

middle school and then i looked back to

elementary school

and i realized that i really enjoyed

selling things so i used to just sell


pixie stix fidget spinners and stickers

like those types of things that like

kids my age loved back then and it

wasn’t just a part

for selling and making money and say oh

i made some money here and there

it was truly finding my actual life

passion for marketing and


and that just changed my life so much

and then

after i sold a lot of things at school i

was just fascinated by it and then i

wanted to step it up a little bit

then i just started to then i decided to

start e-commerce and then i was just so

excited about how i can market my items

more you know

sell my things faster make more profit

at such a young age at 13 years old

making money

it’s just super cool and i just enjoy it

so much

and because i was i myself and because i

believed in myself and i was confident

i now i run a very successful online


and e-commerce all by myself at 13 years

old where i sell things to

sell things very frequently to people

all around the world

and it’s just awesome i enjoy it and it

keeps me going and it keeps me motivated

you need that motivation guys so

because of that i’m very well known as a

young entrepreneur

and i get noticed by a lot of people and

a lot of people ask me how i did it and

that’s what i’m sharing today

and the cool the coolest part is i get

to do like collaborations and interviews

with other

very famous and influential

entrepreneurs and it’s just

awesome how all this just happened just

because i stuck to what i liked and i

just believed in myself

and i was myself and i found what i


so i realized once you find your passion

you’re ready to jump into new

opportunities you

you get a confident you get a confidence

boost and you feel really good about


and the reason for that is because you

tell yourself that

i know that i’m good at this and you

feel good about it and then you’re

always excited to do new

new and new things which makes you feel

better in life

so guys just make sure to trust the

process and your life will change

so so much you’ll finally have a real

passion you’ll finally look

forward to things that you do and you’ll

finally be known as the person you’ve

always wanted to be known as

the thing is though is when you start

it’s going to be very frustrating you’re

going to be annoyed and you might be

pissed and

you’re going to have all these setbacks

but just don’t give up and don’t

overthink them

a minor setback shouldn’t let you go all

the way down

just make sure you improve yourself and

make yourself a better person

than letting you go down in a downward

spiral which is unhealthy

if you give up right there it’ll be your

biggest life regret because

in a few times even few mo like months

or years from now you’ll see someone

that took your idea

whatever you thought of or whatever you

want to do making like

big dollars from it and you’re just

going to be like and then you’re going

to confuse why did i give up oh my god

because people bullied me

and then you’re just going to get into

this cycle which is not good for you

and actually the first thing that i sold


i got scammed i i got scammed

and a lot of people told me to quit

there’s like what are you doing you

don’t know what you’re doing just quit

just just don’t do it you’re really

young i don’t think this is for older

people you know

don’t and i’m i just like i’m like look

i found what i loved

and just let me do it and i didn’t quit

instead of quitting

i took that failure and turned it into a


and that’s what changed everything

around if i quit right there

and said you know what you guys are

right i should just quit i don’t know

what the hell i’m doing

then i wouldn’t even i would have i

would have no passion

i would have built up any confidence i

wouldn’t even know who i wanted to be

and i want to be running a successful

business at just 13 years old

and you have to you have to make sure to

ignore the people that doubt on you

and you have to make sure that you don’t

listen to them

and the reason why i didn’t listen to

them is because i had confidence in


and i knew that instead of just instead

of letting that sink in

i can take this and make myself a better

person through it

so you were naturally born with


and we have confidence but if you want

to improve your confidence

just visualize yourself as you want to

be you know

believe in yourself no matter how

talented you are

if you do not believe in yourself you

cannot succeed at anything

if you walk around like you’re nothing

and you let people just bully you

and you let people just talk bad things

about you then they’ll do it but if you

walk around like i know

who i am i’m a good person if you walk

around like don’t be so cocky and


just be proud of yourself and who you

are and don’t it doesn’t matter what

other people think about you

that’s what lets people not achieve

their goals because they worry so much

about what other people think you can’t

let that get to you

and a lot of people think there’s a

thing like perfection there’s no such

thing as

being perfect i know people say practice

makes perfect

what’s actually meant by that is just it

makes you

it makes you better and it makes you

improve yourself but there’s no such

thing as perfection

so right when this video is over i want

you to start now

and don’t waste your precious time you

know i know your parents say time is

money you’re like oh yeah

they’re actually right okay your parents

are actually right

time is money and then once you find

what you like you’re going to want to

help others eventually you’re going to

want to teach people

what you did to succeed and that’s why

i’m doing the speech right now

you know i enjoyed every moment in this

speech i’m gonna

remember that i did this for the rest of

my life hopefully through my story i

finally inspired you guys how to find

and master your purpose in life

and you know what let’s make a deal if

you follow and trust the process and do

all the things i talked about

your life will be so much better you’ll


know what you want to do and you’ll

finally be successful

and you’ll answer that question right

when someone asks you

what do you want to be or just you’ll be

confident you know i did this and you

list out all the things you’ve succeeded


and you’ll just feel so much better

about yourself and i know you’ll take

what you’ve heard today and do something


wonderful with you guys make sure to

find your passion at a young age then

rise high with that

this is important do what you love love

what you do

thank you