Remember Your Why Live in Your Purpose

remember your why

and living your purpose when i was 17

years old

i got my very first job where i knew


what i did mattered jobs before that

were jobs where i would just get a


pay some bills meet some people but this

job was

different this job when i was 17 i got

i was a certified nursing assistant a


and in that job i remember working at a

nursing home

and every day we would send our

residents down to lunch

this particular day i was sending my

residents down to lunch

and mrs g had been sitting at the front


all day long i said i’m going to grab

miss g and i’m going to take her down to

lunch next

came to get miss g miss she it’s time to

go eat lunch

and she said baby i’m not going to lunch


i’m waiting for my husband to come home

miss g had alzheimer’s

and i knew her husband wasn’t coming

home anytime soon

her husband had died 20 years before

rather than rushing her and herring her

along to lunch i sat down next to her

i said ms g tell me about your husband

tell me what type of man he was

talk to me a little bit about your


and what did she do her face just lit up

and she talked all about her husband how

great of a man he was

all the great things he was doing in the

world how awesome he was to their kids

i walked down memory lane with her for a

full hour and it was the best

hour of my life i had in a very long


and that moment is when i realized

my why why i came to work every day why

my work did not even feel like work

and why my work was helping me live in

my purpose

your purpose i have a purpose you have a


it’s for the good of the village if we

do not live in our purpose

we will not be living in our why and

that’s the question your why

what is your why remember your why

your why is going to drive your purpose

so i’ve graduated since then right so

i’ve graduated from certified nursing

assistant to registered nurse to

family nurse practitioner and now i’m a

nationally recognized healthcare school


in all of those roles i have had

different purposes

and each time i’ve always had to

remember my why

why because things get hard life gets

rough right

and sometimes you’re doing things that

you’re trying to do it the best that you

can and then things are just crashing

down around you you have

challenges you have things you’re trying

to figure out

but you have to remember and stay


in your why in 1998

my mother was murdered it was because of

the domestic violence

that went too far and i remember being a

teenager and i was

broken my world at that time was

crashing down

around me i didn’t want to move on

i would have unimaginable thoughts as a

teenager i was so fragile

but guess what the village

it was the village

it was a ceo who owned a soul food

restaurant who gave me my

job it was my childhood best friend’s

mother and grandmother mrs folks and mrs

williams who gave me a home

was a girl named amy who let me get an

apartment in her name because i was a

minor and i

i couldn’t sign a lease on my own it was

a nurse who pushed me and said you are

the bomb girl you need to go on and

become a nurse

all of these people they lived in their


and i don’t know where i would be if it

were not for each one of them anymore

i could go on right we all could go on

but the idea is

they lived in their purpose now i don’t

know their why i don’t know your why

it’s up to you to figure that out what

is your why

you need to remember it at all times i

like to think of your why

you might be saying victoria what’s the

difference between why and what’s the

difference between purpose right

sometimes people get these confused well

there’s a y and there’s a purpose i like

to think that the purpose

is the aftermath of your why right

so let’s define it real quick let’s get

techy here your y

is your motive for your action your


is your action or goal to be achieved

because of that why

right so with that being said

that means that you can’t have a purpose

if you don’t know your why

period can we agree people go through

their life

always asking you what is your purpose

what is your purpose do people ever ask

you what is your why

suddenly do we ask people that i’m

asking you to think about that right now

now when we think about our why there’s

three things you need to think about in

regards to your why

number one your why is dynamic that

means it will change over time and that

is okay

it’s supposed to your why comes from a

personal experience within

right now each of you have a why whether

you recognize it or not

and number three your why can take on a

negative or a positive journey

right so i’m gonna break these down real

quick number one your why is dynamic

when we first come into this world we

think about nobody but ourselves period

that’s just the way it is as time

progresses and people come in and out of

your life

you have children you have nieces and

nephews you have grandkids now your why

kind of

it shifts it evolves it becomes about


for me my why was always about me until

my mom passed

she left me a baby sister my wife became

all about her

i’m going to challenge you to think

right now how has your why evolved

personal experiences remember i told you

your y can also come from personal

experiences it’s already inside of you

embrace it

think about it when i took care of mrs g

my job was to be there for her to care

for her when no one else could

i lived in that purpose why because i

wanted someone to care for and take care

of me

right now i help people create health

care schools all around the nation i

help entrepreneurs live out their

wildest dreams why because i wanted

someone to help me do the same

think about your personal experiences

and how they have shaped your why today

next is the journey remember i told you

your wife can take you on a negative or

a positive route but it’s up to you to


see sometimes we can take what we’ve

learned and we can create hell for


because of it right i’ve been through

health so i’ma put y’all through hell


or you can say you know what this


i’m gonna i’m gonna change the world

because of this experience

i’m going to make my mark you have a

choice now when we’re talking about the

village in order for the village to


you have to take the positive journey

if you take the negative one you will

leave the village in a

place of despair solitude and grief

that is not how we thrive we thrive

by touching one another by being there

for one another for remembering our why

and living in

our purpose so i’m going to challenge

each of you

think about your why

think about how you got there think

about how it’s driving your purpose

think about your experiences that have

happened that have shaped your why

over time and think about how you’re

going to march out in your journey

because guess what there is somebody on

the other side waiting for you

to live in your purpose and your why and

if you don’t

the village will fail and the cycle will


it is up to you i challenge you do not


your why