The Art of Communicating with a Higher Purpose

what sets a human apart from the rest of

the other species on this planet

intelligence imagination while that


true it is cardinal for us to fathom

that without

communication our intelligence and


have no support system language both

verbal and nonverbal

have bridged the gap between our

thoughts feelings

and emotions it is a boat that


sails on according to evram noam chomsky

the father of modern linguistics the

ability to communicate

languages have been genetically encoded

in human beings

communication comes to us naturally


verbal language may be primitive in the

early years of

childhood and so we use specific


sounds and symbols to express our

foundational needs

to communicate is to breathe nobody

demonstrated to us how to do it

we just do so civilizations flourished

nations were built tall and giant towers

constructed philosophies studied

history recorded inventions made

all as a result of human communication

if so then what is the purpose of human


is it merely for survival or for us to


or maybe both or beyond does

our communication have a higher purpose

holding a higher purpose means placing

the world

and other people as equal or much

more important than ourselves no

being is born without a purpose looking

back in hindsight

the major trailblazers change makers

enlightened beings were acutely aware

of their root purpose from swami


to martin luther king from nelson


to mother teresa they were clear on

what and how they wanted to contribute

to the world and without communication

this was next to impossible

as you zoom into their lives you will


that everything that they ever did

not only sufficed their own ambitions

but also

resulted in the greater good of humanity

their speeches initiated movements

inspired minds accelerated change

change which is canary for human


inculcated knowledge and wisdom

their texts embody the trace of their


and hence to this day their legacy

lives on at age 12 i was bilingual

speaking english and tibetan at 14

i could understand and speak in multiple


i believed i could communicate to the


and make more friends cross-culturally

if i spoke a myriad of different


i noticed that having a common language

was not enough to convey what i really


to therefore i studied the gestures

of various cultures closely and surely

the barriers were minimized

i could express well and strike an

emotional chord

and yes this was the first time

i found myself deeply intrigued

by the power of communication with just

little intention and effort i could not

only make new

friends but also could positively

impact influence inspire

persuade and evoke call to action

when my message was well received i

understood the significance of


the salient role it had to play in my


and of others and with that mastering

self-communication was pivotal

as it acted as the laying impetus for

all communications that i had with other

individuals but the core

question within me remained unanswered

have we truly recognized what we could

consciously do with this skill

through the course of years for me in

the communications industry

as a presenter writer social worker

and translation compyer my experiences

have shaped my own frame of reference

on this subject every individual

that i have ever come across in my life

has taught me something with their own


his holiness the 14th dalai lama tends

in gyatso

the spiritual leader of us tibetans once

said in tibetan and i quote

whatever we do must be able to benefit

others even knowledge and wisdom are to

be shared

that is our true reason for being this

has influenced me layers deep

simply put we need to move away from the

bookish context of what

communication has meant to us all

this time we have caged ourselves

to thinking that we need to communicate


only to get that promotion the paycheck

desired social circle and lifestyle

there is nothing unethical in climbing

the ladder

using sound communication skills

as it is an added leverage but


this materialistic approach has become

a way of life for us and has crippled

our souls the purpose of communication

is add infinitum but among them all

being of service to others is primary

every individual may have a unique

higher purpose of communicating what may


my purpose may not necessarily be yours

we all have something distinct to offer

to the world

with our communication

here are a few ways you may want to


higher purpose into your communication

number one stand up for truth

as bitter as it can be if told

for the well-being of others in a polite

constructive manner in the longer run

this will pay off at the end

there is no baggage number two

inspire spark enthusiasm in others

motivate them with your words and action

to help find their purpose and passion

you may not be entirely responsible for

who they are to become but can

definitely play

a part in their route to progress

minimize obsession with self-importance

change your self-talk you can only

inspire others

if you are inspired to do something that


your intra-communication is key it all

starts from you number three

serve as social animals we love

to thrive in groups being part of a

social circle validates our existence

the way we communicate in these groups

are strongly determined

by our independent personalities motives

and intentions

oftentimes we want to make full use

of being in a group like such we take

what we want

but forget to give we are responsible

for the community we live in and we have

to give back even if you look at this

from a larger panorama

the world is our community from global

climate change

natural calamity poverty crime

economic instability everything

consists of us we are not indifferent to

these happenings

as a world family we exchange relevant

information and communicate in order

to confront these challenges but are we

communicating defined solutions

ideas if never expressed remain

an eternal secret so

lay emphasis on how your message can add

value into people’s lives and how

listening to theirs

can coherently add into yours

give voice to the voiceless dig deep

into their stories and yours too

i leave this for you to decide

what is the best that you can do to make


you did justice to this universal human


embark on your own quest to seek

your higher purpose of communicating

we need to speak up our ideas

matter we matter our communication

in the world matters