The Impact Formula Lets Connect to Purpose


remember when we were little kids

playing in the backyard in the grass

hysterically laughing at all the weird

little bugs we’d find back there

maybe we’d scream and cry ew because we

found one that was

super gross well back then

i was fascinated by the world that

existed within the grass

and the multitude of activities that was

occurring in that backyard

the ants for example were


organized efficient and strong

they could create a living bridge with

their own bodies

to carry a morsel of food a hundred

times their size

over that bridge and back to

headquarters by using

teamwork this memory of ant has stuck

with me as i grew older

and sometimes i would find myself

pondering how

remarkable it was that there was never

any discussion

between the ants on how to complete this

task they didn’t have a management


or a list of deliverables to check off

yet they each seem to inherently know

their role in the task and how to

complete it


it’s observations like these in nature

that have always made me feel

that nature is purposeful

just like how each individual ant has a

purpose that contributes to them


impactful things in their own worlds

today as an adult i’ve learned that a

lot of nature operates on the earth’s

electromagnetic fields

this is what tells the birds to fly

south for the winter

it’s also what draws bees towards pollen

filled flowers

it’s almost as if all of nature is

operating on some sort of species

specific wi-fi signal

connecting each of them to their own


well if this is true if all of nature is

hooked up to a signal that’s driving

their purpose

and maximizing their impact

then how can we as human beings

reset our connection to that wi-fi


and get connected to our purpose because

we’re getting a

spotty connection at best

let’s be honest if the human race was

getting a

clear and strong connection to our


we probably wouldn’t see things like the

employee burnout

rates across the globe or the mental

health crisis that’s just

accelerating worldwide and don’t even

get me started on how unsustainable our

food systems are becoming

so before i share with you the impact


that can help us all get connected to


you might be wondering yourself well

what would that be like for me as a

human being to be connected to a purpose


nature intended for me how would that

benefit me

well for one it would give you a sense

of direction

just like the birds that fly south for

the winter

the birds don’t get stuck in analysis


they’re not calculating exactly how many

days they have to stay down in florida

to claim domicile and

avoid new york taxes no

the birds don’t assess all the roots on

google maps to figure out how to save 15

minutes in traffic

of course not the birds just follow

their intuition they get up and they fly

in perfect formation mind you

and they get exactly where they’re meant

to be

imagine if you could have that sense of

direction in your life like an inner


the next time you have a big decision to

make or need to figure out

where to go or what to do next

another thing that connection to purpose

does is

it aligns your own self-serving

interests and actions with that of the

greater good

what does that mean let’s take the bees

for example

the bee’s sole purpose in life

is to gather food for themselves

and take it back to the hive to share

with their community

so the bees spend their entire day

going from flower to flower collecting


and pollen because that’s their food

it’s a completely

self-interested action every single day

but what the bees don’t seem to realize

is that as they’re going from flower to


collecting their food in complete


interests they are also


all of the plant life on this planet so

that vegetation can grow

all over earth so we are

all benefiting from the bees


acts here’s a little hint for you

if you’re playing a zero-sum game

with your business or any other facet in

your life where your actions

are at the detriment or disadvantage to

everyone else around you

well you’re not connected to your

purpose because being connected to


aligns your self-serving interests and


with that of the greater good just like

the bees

and the most exciting thing about

connecting to your purpose

particularly for the leaders the change


the influences of our world is that a


strong connection to your true purpose

maximizes your impact just like those

ants we were watching when we were kids

in the backyard

the ants are always performing at the

top of their game

they are always reaching their highest


so that as an individual or as a team

they’re accomplishing they’re


astounding things in this world it would

be pretty cool to operate like this


but unfortunately because that pesky

wi-fi signal we’re getting as a human


we need a little help getting connected

to our purpose

i’ve created this infographic to help

demonstrate the relationship

between impact and purpose these arrows

pointing outwards are the impact you can

have on the world externally

and at the base of these arrows the core

center point

of this graphic that is the force

the fuel that is the power behind the

punch of your

impact and the thing about identifying

clarifying strengthening your connection

to that true purpose so that you can


utilize that fuel source behind your

impact is that you must

follow this long winding

path inwards it’s the path of


and the deeper you go down that path the

stronger your connection to purpose


and the more fuel you have behind the

power of your impact

because impact and introspection are a

symbiotic relationship

if you want to maximize the impact

you’ll have on the world externally

you must optimize the states that exist


and it’s this introspective path that

the impact formula

is all about and here it is

maximum impact equals mind plus body

plus energy optimization master the mind

balance the body and plug into energy

and this is what puts you on that

introspective path

to identify clarify and strengthen your

connection to your

true purpose and fuels your impact

i’m going to take you through a couple

very quick examples

of uh concepts tips and practices that

you can try out

for each of these three elements in this

impact formula just so you can get

started using the formula

starting with master the mind

fortunately these days there’s a lot of

great resources out there for mindset

mastery so

alongside things like the mindfulness

practices or the breath work techniques


you know maybe the gratitude journaling

that you might be experimenting with

it’s also really important that we

familiarize ourselves with

two very key concepts so that we can


an awareness of what’s occurring within

the mind

while we’re doing these practices the

first key concept is

get to know your unconscious

the states and levels of consciousness

are a very complex topic i’m not going

to give you a psychology lesson right


but what i will summarize for you is

that while the conscious mind

is aware of the teeniest tiniest sliver

of your thoughts feelings and behavioral

patterns it’s actually the unconscious


the part of your mind that you are

completely unaware of

that is the control panel running

all of your automatic responses

reactions decisions and compulsions

according to freudian psychologists it

is the unconscious mind

that is the source of all human behavior

so it’s probably worth getting to know

what’s going on in yours right and the

more that you learn

about how the states of consciousness

and mindset coexist

the better chance you’ll have it

mastering them the second key concept

for mastering the mind is get meta


which is basically thinking about what

you’re thinking about and one of the

best ways to do that is to foster an


of your thoughts particularly the ones

that you would like to change or are not

serving you so for example the next time

you have a negative thought a criticism

a judgment a generalization

whether it’s about other people or about


try to take a step back and think to

yourself well hmm

why did i have that thought and more


get curious about where could it have

originated from

and sparking that curiosity of your

thoughts eventually fosters an awareness

of them

and hopefully a detachment from them

which is essentially the goal

so those are two very key concepts that

you can try out

that are very important to dig into


while doing the gratitude journaling the

breath work and the mindfulness

for a more mastered mind the second

element in

the impact formula is balance the body

and everyone as soon as i said it is

probably thinking diet and exercise


and of course diet and exercise are

extremely important for

a balanced body you want a great

relationship with food and a great

relationship with movement

but equally as important as those things

are is to learn

to process your emotions

and i have two very simple practices

that anyone can try

to help process their emotions for a

more balanced body

the first one is to cry

i know it sounds a little crazy but i

think a lot of us need to cry more

we’re all brought into this world as

babies that are expected

and accepted for crying every time

anything upset us or disturbed us or we

saw that gross bug in the grass

we would scream and we would cry and it

was perfectly fine

but somewhere along the line and i think

this is particularly true for boys


somewhere along the line we start

telling ourselves well it’s no longer

okay to cry anymore

and we need to start suppressing and

repressing those emotions

and that accumulates emotional baggage

and that’s not good for anything so the

next time you’re sitting in a board

meeting and things aren’t going your way

i get it you don’t want to just like

start crying then right

but what i’d like to encourage all of

you to do is the next time something

really upsets you

things aren’t going your way you get

really angry

schedule time and space for yourself put


in your calendar a time and a place

where you can just ugly cry it out

scream into a pillow moan grow and move

your body but do what you need to do

to process that emotion so you don’t


that emotional baggage and as soon as

you’re done ugly crying

it’s really important that we balance

that out with the other side of the


and that we play because our original

nature as children was playful

we used to play in our imaginations or

just in the yard with sticks and bugs

and it was easy and fun and we can get

back there so just as you would schedule

time and space for yourself to cry

schedule time and space

in your calendar to skip jump

sing dance and most importantly to laugh

and laugh in a way that’s deep and

genuine like when we were playing when

we were kids

that did not rely on our favorite

cocktail to get there

i know it’s gonna be a challenge for

some of us so those are two very

simple practices we can all try to help

process our emotions from our balance


the last element in the impact formula

is plug into energy

and energy is really the source of your


it’s the source of your inspiration

these are naturally occurring energies

that are accessible to anyone so one of

the best ways to tap into these

are to immerse yourself in nature so

get out for a walk or hike go jump in

some salt water read some fresh air get

some sun on there on your skin but i


these things might be a challenge for

those of us living in places like

new york city for example so

if you can’t get out to a park every day

if you can’t fill your workspace or your

apartment with potted plants it’s

important to realize

that any respect to nature

can also help you plug into these


so supporting eco-conscious sustainable

and conscious businesses

for example uh are a great way to

connect to these energies some of my


are regenerative farms or one of those

subscription boxes

uh that deliver the organic ugly produce

to your door those are great because


really solving the food waste problem by

plugging it into the food deserts

problem you can

even learn to compost in places like new

york city

a lot of people don’t know this but you

just save your food scraps in a bag in

the freezer

and when it starts getting full you can

drop it off to one of the city’s pickup

locations and they literally take your

food scraps

and turn it into soil to be used

how cool is that so any sort of support

of these sorts of businesses and

organizations that understand in our

respect to nature can also help you plug

into these energies

and the last practice i want to share

with you is a really special one

because it optimizes all three elements

in this impact formula and that is

meditation meditation really is

the most accessible affordable

and effective practice there is to

master the mind

balance the body and plug into energy

and there are so many great styles and


and programs available for meditation

these days it’s just about

trying them out and figuring out which

one works best for you and then making

that a part of your

regular routine because it’s a three in

one deal

for the impact formula it’s basically a


and there you have it that is the impact

formula that connects you to your true


and whether or not this formula is going

to reset a wi-fi signal in your brain or

hook you up to an electromagnetic field

around the earth perhaps one day i’ll be

able to credibly tell you

but what i do know is that this impact


mastering the mind balancing the body

plugging into energy this is what puts

you on the introspective path

to identify clarify and strengthen

your connection to your true purpose the

one that

nature intended for you we are all

forces of nature you are a force of


and when nature acts it acts with


so let’s get connected to it thank you

so much

